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Posts posted by Day

  1. 6 minutes ago, McRamFan said:


    Or anti Apple conspiracy theories.

    You don't like Apple, that's great, enjoy your environmentally friendly phone that's made out of recycled wood and squirrel poo with all profits going to the Orangutan rebreeding programmes. 

    I buy Apple products not only because I enjoy using them, customer service is great and when you work online, creating websites you need to know exactly how a site looks, and fix any issues.

    Took a Samsung S7 out once to see why Android was redirecting us to other pages, knowing I could return it within 30 days. It's a ball ache but part of why this site works, just like iPhones.

    *Stats say iOS is the most mobile used operating system to access this site.

  2. 6 minutes ago, LesterRam said:

    I don't own an IPhone, Samsung or any other, would I pay £1000 for a IPhone 8 that costs £25 to produce and pay no tax, no I wouldn't but that's my choice, you clearly like Apple products and I respect that.

    If they start selling them for £50, I'll be the first inline outside an Apple Store camping out. 

    Flagship phones are pretty similar in price now to be fair, I don't enjoy paying that amount, nobody does.

    Samsung S8 £689, S8+ £779

    iPhone 7 start at £599, 7+ £719

    (Direct from Samsung and Apple)

    So far it's only rumours of the £1000 price tag for the iPhone 8. I'm on a sim free contract so works out cheaper to buy the phone, sell it on eBay and upgrade each year. Pay around £150 difference which over 12 months is £12.50pm, contract £20 for unlimited texts, calls, 20gb data.

    You get a contract like that and a phone, looking at £60pm and tied in for 2 years. 

    As for tax I have stopped listening to Gary Barlow so I feel like I have played my part.

  3. 4 minutes ago, McRamFan said:

    Apple has issued a recall of its product wall plug adaptors sold over a 12-year period, amid fears the device could cause electric shock.

    Key points:
    •Australia included in mass Apple adaptor recall
    •Adaptors with four or five characters or no characters on inside slot should not be used
    •Adaptor can break and may cause electric shock
    •Customers can take faulty AC wall adaptors to Apple store or authorised supplier

    The tech giant has released a statement on its website that said the two-prong AC wall plug adaptor would be voluntarily recalled, after concerns the product could break and create a risk of electrical shock if touched.


    12 years worth of mistakes....

    Apple has determined that, in very rare cases, the two prong Apple AC wall plug adapters designed for use in Continental Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Korea, Argentina and Brazil may break and create a risk of electrical shock if touched.


    Again, only effecting a small amount of serial numbers. Exchange programme, not full on product recall.

    But I thought we was talking about phones, I can find Samsung tumble driers and washing machines if we're going crazy here?

  4. 4 minutes ago, David said:

    All faulty electronics are covered under warranty, Apple has identified issues with a small number of devices which they have said if you own this phone with X serial number we will exchange, regardless of a fault on your phone now. 

    I'm actually wrong for once. Apple have said they would repair, although any device within serial numbers even without fault they will replace the part with new. 

    You can however continue to use the phone without issue, it's not guaranteed you will ever see the fault.

    Where as the Note 7's were a genuine fire hazard due to battery issues.

    Very rare for a phone to get a full on product recall, but Samsung managed it!

  5. Just now, LesterRam said:

    so your argument is about T&C's, if it is replaced its faulty isn't it?

    All faulty electronics are covered under warranty, Apple has identified issues with a small number of devices which they have said if you own this phone with X serial number we will exchange, regardless of a fault on your phone now. 

    You think Apple are alone? you think no other electrical company has faulty products which they run exchange programmes for?

    You're completely misunderstanding the difference through your anti Apple eyes of what a full on product recall is. Samsung urgently request ALL Note 7's to be returned, airline companies refused them entry on to planes because there was a full on product recall.

    If you can't see the difference, no point continuing. I would say it's pretty obvious.

    Product recalls happen across all retail sectors, kids toys that are found to have sharp objects that can become dangerous, food that may contain horse. 

  6. 1 minute ago, LesterRam said:

    haha, that reminds me of the trigger sketch about broom handles...

    Trigger And that's what I've done. Maintained it for 20 years. This old brooms had 17 new heads and 14 new handles in its time.
    Sid How the hell can it be the same bloody broom then?
    Trigger Theres the picture. What more proof do you need?

    Screen Shot 2017-06-05 at 11.26.25.png

    As in exploding phones on planes. Not one where a small issue has been identified on a very small amount of devices, some which are triggered when the phone has been dropped on hard surfaces.

    Yet to see any iPhone recalls, keep trying tho :) 

  7. 12 minutes ago, LesterRam said:

    We have the official recall notices shown below

    You're getting recall and return/exchange programme confused.

    Recall is when a company like Samsung is publicly recalling all phones as they are a safety risk, airline companies are banning them on board.

    Apple have had exchange programmes where they have identified faults in a small amount of phones, usually by serial number you are eligible for a exchange.

    I have never suggested Apple products are flawless and have never had any issues, but they have never had any product recalls like Samsung have. They have also not been fined for posting negative reviews on other companies products, damaging their reputation.

    I know you're obsessed with your anti Apple hatred, I won't lose any sleep over it, or fail to see your replies as my battery will last all day :) 

  8. Underwater? Sounds like poor signal, not an iPhone issue, I have no problems at all iPhone to iPhone.

    To say they are rubbish and so far behind the competition is nonsense, truth is all phones now are pretty much the same. Other than customise the phone to look god damn awful with comic sans font and daft icons, what can the Pixel do that the iPhone can't?

    If you're in the Apple Ecosystem everything is flawless, iPhone to iPad to Mac, handoff what I'm reading on my phone to the Mac, sync pictures, files, documents, answer calls on any device. 

    Not everybody wants to customise their computer, they prefer it to just work. When you turn it on, ready to use in seconds, not downloading update of 1 of 2000.

    Why do so many professionals use Macs? 

    Not interesting in upgrading graphic cards, switching out Ram and all that, they want something that works.

    Windows is so far behind Mac OS now it's unbelievable. The only complaint you can make is the performance with games, but it's not designed for games, still think they are missing a trick tho.

    No doubting PC's have the best power to pound, but Mac's don't need the same power as the operating system is optimised for their computers. They don't have Dell, HP, and all theses manufacturers to worry about. 


  9. 3 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

    I suppose I'm the opposite I've not bothered buying a watch because my phone does everything I want from a watch. Now people are buying this for exactly the reason I've not bought one.

    Pulling your phone out your pocket to tell the time is so 2015

  10. 1 minute ago, GboroRam said:

    I couldn't find a good reason either.

    I've given you plenty! You have to embrace the technology, plenty time for bingo later in life

  11. 5 minutes ago, TigerTedd said:

    It's alright David, I'll throw myself in front of that bullet. 

    In my house hold we have:

    1x Apple iPad 2,

    1x Apple iPad Air 2

    1x Apple iPad Mini 3

    1x Apple iPod nano

    2x Apple MacBook air

    1x Apple 21" thunderbolt screen

    1x Apple time capsule

    2x Apple iPhone 6s

    2x Apple Watch series 2

    1x Apple MacBook Pro with touchbar 

    I think I single handedly put Mr. Applewhite's kids through college.

    Take my money Apple, I am yours  

    Just the...

    1x MacBook Pro 2016 (touch bar)

    1x iPad Pro 9.7inch

    1x iPad Mini 2

    1x iPhone 7 Plus

    1x iPhone 6

    2x Apple TV 64gb

    2x Apple Watch Series 2

    1x Apple Airport Express

    In our house

  12. Just now, GboroRam said:

    Can someone explain to me the point? Other than to roll your sleeves up and show everyone you bought an overpriced device to tell you the time that your phone already gives you?

    Suppose you could go into the watch thread on here and ask what makes those watches worth X thousands just to tell the time?

    Least with this it allows to not attached to your phone all day, flick of a wrist see the emails, texts come through, hands free calling whilst driving (not that I drive but still).

    Handy when you've set the house up for Philips Hue, how many times have you been walking up the stairs and thought I'd like to turn the light red? I can do that now at a flick of the wrist. 

  13. 1 minute ago, Boycie said:

    They're bringing a new one out hopefully ?

    i won't mention your new Apple TV that you were posing with via text the other day.

    watch him deny it.

    Must have been someone else that, I'm a technophobe, I use environmentally friendly recycled paper cups and string to communicate

  14. Just now, reveldevil said:

    I hope they unveil a great new phone, and @David rushes out and buys it.

    PM me details of your old one, seeing as my Samsung has the BLOD.

    Sent using iPad mini,it's great!

    @Boycie gets all my hand downs as I know I can get more out of him than eBay

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