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    Spanish got a reaction from BarrowRam in Rams Memorabilia.   
    as signed by cloughy
  2. Clap
    Spanish reacted to StarterForTen in Frank Lampard   
    If, as you say, Frank knew how Chelsea and their owner operate, how can he have also have been naive?
    I suspect he knew exactly what the likely outcome would be when he took the job, and a few more years of experience with Derby (or anywhere else) would not alter that outcome one jot - look at the calibre of managers they have hired and fired over the last decade.
    When its your dream job you take it when it's offered. It might never have come round again.
    He could have turned it down, stayed with Derby and seen his playing resources dry up (as has happened since the summer of 2019), in which case I doubt he'd have been in line for the job now.
  3. Haha
    Spanish reacted to RoyMac5 in Keogh   
    Yep. If you need any brain surgery drop us a line I'm a landscape gardener, but I've seen pictures. ?
  4. Haha
    Spanish got a reaction from Gee SCREAMER !! in Kaide Gordon - signed for Liverpool   
    This was what Mac was telling in the stands at QPR.  You’re not Steve are you?
  5. Like
    Spanish reacted to ilkleyram in Keogh   
    No, he wasn't treated differently and he was not screwed over.  Lawrence and Bennett's behaviour was subject to internal investigation, so was Keogh.  There was an internal disciplinary procedure for all of them individually and punishments meted out.  Keogh refused to accept his punishment and the other two accepted theirs and that's why we ended up dismissing him.
    There's more than enough on the face of it, to conclude that Keogh was guilty of gross misconduct and so too the others - you do not have to sack someone for GM but you can do.  Keogh was a senior player and club captain, in a position of responsibility; a younger player was in one of the cars; the two drivers had drunk during the evening (that much must have been obvious even to another drunk); he got into a drunk drivers' car and failed to put his seatbelt on; the lack of seatbelt contributed to his injury or the severity of it.
    What else was the disciplinary panel supposed to do - their punishment (reduced wages, no dismissal) was on the face of it, within the range of reasonable options for a gross misconduct decision.  It was turned down.  Should the panel at that stage have said 'oh well, that's OK then, we'll just forget it'? Keogh deliberately forced them into a position whereby sacking him was their only option.  The other two did not.
    I suspect (not ITK) that Keogh refused the punishment because he felt he was not guilty of gross misconduct, that his role as captain meant he had no extra responsibility, that drinking beyond a curfew on a night out was nothing to do with the club, nor the fact that he didn't wear a seatbelt or endangered himself by climbing into a car being driven by someone likely to be over the limit, never mind anything else not in the public domain.  
    If I'm right he's an idiot, whatever a tribunal may or may not say.
  6. Like
    Spanish reacted to Mr Tibbs in Keogh   
    I agree or can relate with most of this bar the captain bit.
    I think being club captain is a lot more than just pulling rank in this instance. There's a huge amount of responsibility to be the leader of the playing staff, not just flipping a coin twice a week. The title could be; Captain, Team Leader, Manager, CEO... whatever - all these titles should be filled by people who lead by example and adhere to the values expected of their positions. Can Richard say he did on that night? Couldn't have been further from what was expected of him. He was the most senior ambassador for Derby County at that time, accountable for his squad and their actions. To say he shouldn't be treated any different is wrong in my opinion. 
    I'm a huge fan, wish him all the best with his career. He's been one of our better players for years, despite the denial from a chunk of the fanbase and we'll miss him (currently are IMO) so theres no bad blood from me. I just feel like he let himself and the club down by letting events spiral into what they did. This compounded with sending his agent onto national radio despite not releasing any form of statement? Is he even sorry? Has he taken any sort of responsibility for it? Its just ended messy. 
    Maybe the biggest factor behind sacking him was financial but the accountability and responsibilities he had as captain would have also played a part. Doesn't matter what profession you are in, if poo happens on your watch you'll be held accountable and rightly so. 
  7. Clap
    Spanish reacted to May Contain Nuts in Keogh   
    You're just being ridiculous now. The whataboutery doesn't wash.
    Most 'professional' jobs are completely different to that of a sportsperson who has a contractual obligation to avoid situations where they're putting their physical health in danger. Keogh didn't act responsibly in any way, shape or form so reneged on that obligation.
    He was offered above and beyond what the club were obliged to offer him. The boo hoo poor Keogh routine is a joke. The club didn't want to sack Keogh, he forced their hand.
    You'd also be a massive hypocrite talking about "kicking people when they're down" if you'd happily have seen Lawrence sacked despite being at his lowest point following the death of his mum and receiving a conviction for drink driving (to be fair I can't remember if you have said you'd sack Lawrence or not).
    The more I think about it the more this looks like profiteering by his agent.
    He wants his cut, but if Keogh's wages are reduced so is the the amount of money he'll get.  Essentially they're taking the club's naivety in trying to offer everyone a suitable individual solution knowing that they can claim inconsistencies in the club's handling of the matter, snubbing the offer made to Keogh, never having Keogh apologise for any part he played in the events that unfolded and manipulating the situation to give themselves a big ol' pay day down the line.
  8. Clap
    Spanish got a reaction from angieram in Keogh   
    I hold a completely different view.  He was the captain and the leader of men.  He carries  lot of the blame for that night.  He has shown not a tiny bit of remorse over his involvement.  Turns up the next day for free rehab and expects to earn his full salary despite being unfit for work due to his own behavior.  I expect Mel couldn't stand seeing him 
  9. Clap
    Spanish got a reaction from AGR in Keogh   
    I hold a completely different view.  He was the captain and the leader of men.  He carries  lot of the blame for that night.  He has shown not a tiny bit of remorse over his involvement.  Turns up the next day for free rehab and expects to earn his full salary despite being unfit for work due to his own behavior.  I expect Mel couldn't stand seeing him 
  10. Like
    Spanish got a reaction from rynny in Keogh   
    I hold a completely different view.  He was the captain and the leader of men.  He carries  lot of the blame for that night.  He has shown not a tiny bit of remorse over his involvement.  Turns up the next day for free rehab and expects to earn his full salary despite being unfit for work due to his own behavior.  I expect Mel couldn't stand seeing him 
  11. Like
    Spanish got a reaction from Premier ram in Keogh   
    I hold a completely different view.  He was the captain and the leader of men.  He carries  lot of the blame for that night.  He has shown not a tiny bit of remorse over his involvement.  Turns up the next day for free rehab and expects to earn his full salary despite being unfit for work due to his own behavior.  I expect Mel couldn't stand seeing him 
  12. Clap
    Spanish got a reaction from May Contain Nuts in Keogh   
    I hold a completely different view.  He was the captain and the leader of men.  He carries  lot of the blame for that night.  He has shown not a tiny bit of remorse over his involvement.  Turns up the next day for free rehab and expects to earn his full salary despite being unfit for work due to his own behavior.  I expect Mel couldn't stand seeing him 
  13. Clap
    Spanish got a reaction from Mucker1884 in Keogh   
    I hold a completely different view.  He was the captain and the leader of men.  He carries  lot of the blame for that night.  He has shown not a tiny bit of remorse over his involvement.  Turns up the next day for free rehab and expects to earn his full salary despite being unfit for work due to his own behavior.  I expect Mel couldn't stand seeing him 
  14. Clap
    Spanish reacted to Mucker1884 in Keogh   
    Can't argue with that, as I know next to nothing about employment law.
    Legally, yes, I'd fully agree that the other two acted worse than Keogh, but from an employers perspective... in how it affects their ability to do their job... I'm not so sure!
    I'd also like to think that "he was sacked" because he couldn't do the job, not because he was "disabled".  A typist in a wheelchair is not the same as a typist without hands!  A footballer with "broken legs"?  Hmmm!
    Either way, I'd like to think that morals alone would have played a bigger part in Keogh's reaction, under the circumstances.  Sadly, it appears not to be the case.
  15. Haha
    Spanish got a reaction from TimRam in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    absolute genius, not sure how he finds these songs with rock n roll in the lyrics then cleverly inserts sausage roll in its place?  Perhaps we should get him advising Boris as all the other experts are
  16. Clap
    Spanish reacted to Chester40 in Rate the last film you saw partie deux   
    The Matrix 
    I remember thinking it was great in its day but not quite as amazing as all the hype. Matrix 2 I recall was just a bit underwhelming and 3 was one of the most annoying and confusing films ever. 
    Really really greatly impressed 20 years on. Just a much better film all-round than I expected. I think originally it was all about the twist but its actually a great well-paced film. 9/10
    It was so good, I started on Matrix 2 but after half 30mins of not a lot happening and clunky dialogue I switched off. 
  17. Haha
    Spanish got a reaction from Chester40 in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    absolute genius, not sure how he finds these songs with rock n roll in the lyrics then cleverly inserts sausage roll in its place?  Perhaps we should get him advising Boris as all the other experts are
  18. Clap
    Spanish reacted to Chester40 in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    GMTV calling the writer of 'We built this city on sausage rolls' an absolute genius. 
    Really? Notwithstanding his Forest allegiance, it is such an annoying song. My 8 year old comes up with more genius ideas for a song every day. 
    The fact he has turned into an annual, rehashing event of genius-ness is grating as hell. 
  19. Clap
    Spanish got a reaction from Comrade 86 in What are you eating tonight   
    8kg of joy and loveliness

  20. Like
    Spanish got a reaction from Angry Ram in What are you eating tonight   
    8kg of joy and loveliness

  21. Like
    Spanish got a reaction from Steve How Hard? in What are you eating tonight   
    8kg of joy and loveliness

  22. Like
    Spanish got a reaction from richinspain in What are you eating tonight   
    8kg of joy and loveliness

  23. Like
    Spanish reacted to Mucker1884 in What are you eating tonight   
    Muy agradable.
    Feliz navidad mi amigo.
  24. Cheers
    Spanish got a reaction from Mucker1884 in What are you eating tonight   
    Gracias egualmente
  25. Like
    Spanish got a reaction from sheeponacid in What are you eating tonight   
    8kg of joy and loveliness

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