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Johnny Russell


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We've denied wanting Jon Taylor :o .. Seriously hope he signs today! I have such optimism for this lad & that does not happen often. Can't remember the last time I woke up checking Sky Sports News & BBC every morning with that "Has he Signed" feeling.

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I've never seen so many articles on the net of a player we're about to sign. They've bought into the will he, won't he shizzle.


Derby have one bid, two bids rejected, third bid accepted, no bid accepted, yes third bid definitely accepted, celtic are interested, Derby still interested, Dundee have accepted the bid, have Derby made the bid? Yes, Derby made the bid and the bid has been accepted. Dundee praise striker, celtic are interested, Russell agrees terms, Russell agrees terms, celtic are interested, Russell in Derby Monday, Russell in Derby Monday...


Russell in Derby, Monday, Russell arrives in Derby.................

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tbh I think it would be too late for them to bid now


It wouldn't - if someone rang his agent and said Celtic were desperate to speak to him, would he please hold off finalising any deal for 24 hours until they've had chance...


...is the Devil's advocate response. I have every faith that this will be completed very soon and that Celtic have at no stage in this whole media saga even seriously considered making a bid.

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