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My Statement regarding Proposed South Stand move 2013/2014


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Fans absolutely affect performance over the course of a season. St James' Park / Sports direct whatever is a good example. Loads of away teams find it intmidating because their fans are stuck up in the top tier and are barely audible. Add this to the immediate roar demanding an instant reply that they give whenever an away team scores first, and its easy to see why they have only lost 43 times at home since the start of the 2001/2 season. Less than 5 times per season on average, they only lost 7 times at home when they were relegated in 2009.

PP will never be the BBG, but we need to do everything we can to make it a place where teams are grateful to avoid a thrashing

That didn't stop Newcastle going down did it..

It's no good trying to use a big club with lots of supporters with the away fans tucked up in the clouds as evidence that moving fans from one corner to behind the goal is going to make a difference to results on the pitch.. It's ludicrous to put it down as a 100% fact.. If it was true, everyteam in world football would do it..

Are you honestly trying to tell me that had our 'singing fans' been behind the goal instead of the corner then we'd be any closer to the playoffs? Do Boro think they've missed out on the playoffs becuase they don't fill the stadium or they're not vocal enough?

I'd say we'd stand more chance with decisions if we had 80,000 people roaring at the referee instead of your normal 25,000.. I'd say that can affect results.. But moving the same set of fans from one place in the ground to the next and then saying this will definately help the team is abit far-fetched IMO..

Would Liverpool have done any worse this season had they not had a KOP? I doubt it..

Appologies if this seems like a negative stance, it really isn't, I'm just not sure where people get the idea that having a KOP is going to win us more points at home a season.. I'd rather put it down to team performances, tactics, style, personnel and substitutions (everything on the pitch related) rather than the decisive factor was the decimil level of a few hundred people singing behind the goal.

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Another point added is that Leeds have been known for having loud and passionate support..

Niel Warnock said that these players don't 'thrive' on the atmosphere and they won't be there next season.. It's proof that the results and performances come from players ability and the man management of the manager, not how loud the fans were..

Lech Poznan have one of the loudest, passionate and cultured fan groups in world football.. They didn't affect their results on the pitch when they were soundly beaten and limped out of Europe..

I'm not saying that you shouldn't want to feel involved, but the reality is, we as fans have very little if not any affect on the results of games.. The only time the fans might have made an impact is on penalty decisons when the ref is perhaps persuaded by 60,000+ fans shouting penalty but even big clubs get favourable decisions regardless of the fans anyway IMO

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Bris I don't think anyone is claiming there's a direct relationship, but come off it, you must be playing devil's advocate. A good atmosphere is a factor in the home advantage.

I'd love to see Pride Park rocking, to intimidate other teams and to stop these slow, lazy games we get every now and then.

While everyone sits nice and cosy in their little groups like statues that ain't gonna happen.

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One important point to bear in mind is that its not just the SE corner that is the target here. Many fans round the ground may consider relocating to the South Stand. The East Stand from the SE corner towards the half way line is virtually all ST holders......its impossible for newcomers to get near the corner.

I don't believe it will win us many games but it would be nice to have an End!

Even at the BBG we never really had an end as such. The Ossie terrace had two tiers of seats above it. We had lads in the Popside, Ossie and C stand but we never had a big end (ooer missus).

Huckers, whereabouts is your seat mate? Mine is half way up the upper tier of the East Stand in line with the 6 yard box. Its a great view but I would happily move to the South Stand and give it a shot.

I'd love to see a few thousand Derby fans gathered in one area with scarves, flags, banners etc. Sometimes, for big away games its fantastic, i'd love to recreate that at home.

Ok, the Danny Dyer wannabe thugs might not see it as cool but those days have gone. Football hooliganism is a complete mugs game unless you really want the dawn knock! By the same token we don't want the cheesy cheerleader type atmosphere of choreographed singing so beloved of our european and american friends.

We want a typical English mentality of old fashioned support with a hint of cynicism garnished with a slightly rebellious chip on the old shoulder.

Lets have the debate. Get the DET, Radio Derby and the Official site involved in a full and open discussion with a cut off date for fans to declare their interest (or not, as the case may be) in whether they would relocate to the South Stand.

The actual logistics of the away fans is just that, logistics, it can be sorted out.

Might even ask who's got the old Uttoxeter Rams Union Jack................ 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />

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Good points. Sometimes when the fat bloke whips off his shirt and starts swinging it round his head is the most entertainment you get in a match. Someone knows a song, starts it off, then suddenly we've got 4/5000 people pointing and singing at him.

If we aren't enjoying the game, we can sing about Barkers gammy leg. Bit of humour in a depressing situation. Someone somewhere always knows a song, they start it off, it spreads like wildfire. It's all part of the fun, bit of humour here, support the team there. It's all part of the theatre.

Without a doubt, the whole ground will hear it. We've all heard the away fans dominating the vocal support time and time again, most of us probably look over and wish we could out sing them but there aren't enough people around us to get it going. The SE corner sing, and fair play to them, but if you're in the North stand you can barely hear them.

Another thing it's a good idea is for the radio listeners. Most of the time we're subjected to a barrage of away fans songs, on out local radio station. That hurts, man, you always want to hear your own fans.

Think it was at Leeds when the commentary team were sat with our fans, t'was amazing atmosphere. You'd prefer to be at the game but the noise coming from the radio painted a decent picture of it.

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I sit in south east upper, in line with tarmac behind the advertising boards. IMO I can't see moving fans is going to make them start singing.

I dont think anyone is suggesting it will, but the potential would be there, maybe more flags and colours,

a show of strength,hub hub,etc.

One moment in the match..be it a goal, or a controversial decision, could create the atmosphere that we need

to go that 'extra' yard.

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Not for nothing is strong fan support referred to as an extra man. Try it for a season. I recall the first time a single fan sang the classic "We all hate Leeds etc." right the way through on the Pop side, the crowd took up the plaintiff refrain, I don't think we were even playing the cheats but it lifted the game to a new level. Wake the crowd, wake the team!

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I love all the opinions of people who don't even go to the games.

Here's my opinion, ******!

And to support that,

I sat in the NW upper last game of the season, directly diagonal from the SE corner.

The Posh did there best and were noisy, but when the SE corner mustered up a chant or song, it was much louder.

My opinion? If you want to sit behind the goal in the south stand, fine, but it will not improve the atmosphere. The existing sound will just be the same, basically quiet for the majority of the season.

In fact,

The away support will sound louder to the main West stand, and come across like this on the radio for our ex pat and at home listeners.

Safe sanding in the SE corner is the answer, if you want to get the same atmosphere as an away game.

But, like I say, if you want to sit behind the goal for the view and to Eliminate the away fans encouraging their team towards them, then it's a good idea. Better atmosphere? In my worthless opinion, No.

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We all did a season in the north stand last year and on most games even teams with a following of 500 made more noise than 1800 rams fans, I believe it will improve the atmosphere .. But what do I know

Because you were opposite them, they weren't as loud to us in the SE.

You lot said you were loud in the NS. But we couldn't hear you, or you us.

People at home arnt bothered, I think you'll find the people who are trying to improve the atmosphere are mainly die hard home and away fans.

The vote will be very interesting.

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Well, for what it's worth. I'm all for it.

There's too many games when it's all been too quiet from us rams. We sit in NE corner and all too often the away fans are heard too clearly. We do our bit to start chants and stuff and sometimes it filters down the length of NS, but to hear the away fans the most - well, there's summat wrong with that - and it happens on a regular basis, it's never a one off.

Plus, if the players are for it, aswell as the fans who signed up in the first place, I think at the very least DCFC should give it a try.

An earlier poster suggested a trial run sometime this season. I think this is a good idea, not only to see if it's actually going to work in practice but to see if fans like Huckers (and your view has to be taken into account here Huckers) might have a change of mind and want to sit in SS. For me, if I wasn't sure, I'd want to at least give it a try first before I actually made a definate decision.

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Good to see the gaffer come out publically and support the motion. He has been very much involved. Top man.


Just to pick up on Cloughie saying it's the home fans who should be shown the consideration and not the away fans. Absolutley spot on. We listened yesterday Nick when you were on RD for your interview. Just before you came on (and you probably heard it) was one text from a derby fan who wanted the away fans to be considered first!

Some fans are bonkers. PP is about the home fans, no bugger else.

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I admire Nigel for valuing fan's views. Lots of managers don't even pay lip service to what fans say.

NIGEL Clough is backing plans to move away supporters from the South Stand to the South East corner of Derby County's Pride Park Stadium.

Derby revealed yesterday that they were considering the switch after being presented with an online petition set up by Rams supporters earlier this year.

Those fans who currently occupy the South East corner of the ground will be consulted to see how they feel about the potential change, which could be made for the start of the 2013-14 season.

Clough believes the switch would improve the atmosphere and provide an advantage.

"When you go to other grounds, the home team have a concentration of their own supporters behind both goals," said Clough.

"At Pride Park, the away fans are more behind the goal in the South Stand than our fans but the away fans should not be the consideration, our fans should be.

"That is why we are going to consult them and why we are certainly pushing for the switch from the football side of things.

"We want a dedicated section for our fans behind the South Stand goal to help the atmosphere.

"When Pride Park is full, it is rocking but supporters do come up to us and say the atmosphere at the ground at times in the last few years has not been very good.

"I think we have got a team that thrives on a good atmosphere."


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Would be better if they put the away fans in the west stand, wouldn't it? Don't see why it's ignored. Surely it'd be easier?

That way those who want to stay in the SE corner, can. The vocal support just spreads out and takes more in.

Ianm would be very upset.

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