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Is it time to start protesting against the board ?


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Protesting against the board would be a joke. What are you going to protest about? The fact they won't spunk £10 million quid on transfers and wages. They had their hands burnt with Jewell. They won't go back there, have said this on numerous occasions. They want DCFC to live within its means, so we don't end up like 30% of other clubs in the Championship who spend over 100% of turnover on wages. Football is a business, GSE are a group of businessmen. Until a benefactor like Pickering comes in and is happy to throw some money on transfers then who else is going to come in? Who? LOG had their chance.

The other issue of Nigel and his transfer dealings, team selection, man management and tactics has some mileage. Like some other fans I got a tad sentimental when a Clough took over. Undoubtedly it has bought him some extra time. But he has made mistakes and is still learning his trade. I can't and won't defend some of the decisions Clough has made, the question is how much time has he got left to prove he is the right man? I do believe we are in a better position than when he took over but progress has been painfully slow. No point getting rid right this minute, much depends on where we finish this season.

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I'm all for the regulations actually.

Football clubs are more than businesses. They are an integral part of local communities and help create a sense of local identity. They may be owned by individuals but they are really custodians of the hopes and dreams of 10's of 1000's of supporters (not customers)

So unlike in the corporate world where it is fine for poorly run firms to go bust (survival of the fittest), it is not fine for football clubs to go out of business. And it is only a matter of time before a club does not just go into administration (which incidentally means loads of local businesses can be left unpaid and suffer) but goes into actual liquidation. The Rules and Regulations that prevent that should be welcomed with open arms.

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When i see people crying out for investment from the board, my mind switches straight to UEFA's financial fair play scheme.

For the people who would protest against the board; Would you rather that the club was injected with millions of pounds, with high wages? This would maybe improve performances, but would mean that the club would be running at a loss. In the future i can see there being tighter and tighter regulations regarding the way in which clubs are run. I believe that in the premier league over 60% of clubs are "in the red". So would be protesters - would you rather be in debt, or run as a business?

As i said, i don't know what to think about the club as a whole at the moment, but every time i read something about financial regulations I don't find myself being very worried!! Maybe this will make a few people seeing the glass as half full?!

We'll go on a run in a few weeks, and it'll be "Premier league here we come" being whispered by the same people.

No-one is asking for the club to be 'injected with millions of pounds', but some decent investment would go a long way. How can a club like Southampton sign players like Billy Sharp for £1.5 million yet we can't? Does anybody really think a fee like that should be out of our reach?

The board are strangling the life of the club and the hope out of the fans. Its all very well cutting the wage budget to the bone but by the time FFP comes in we'll be playing in front of 15,000 fans and looking over our shoulders at the drop zone every season. If its a choice between spending a few quid to progress or being content with being Coventry City for the next 10 years I think I'd rather take a chance on the former thanks.

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Is there any point in protesting at this moment in time? What will it achieve? The board can't go and spend anything at this moment at time, they aren't going to sell to anyone anytime soon, so it will just be a waste of time, at the moment.

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Is there any point in protesting at this moment in time? What will it achieve? The board can't go and spend anything at this moment at time, they aren't going to sell to anyone anytime soon, so it will just be a waste of time, at the moment.

You're only saying that so people will spend more money in the 'fall instead of protesting outside the ground..... 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ph34r' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':ph34r:' /> 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />

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You're only saying that so people will spend more money in the 'fall instead of protesting outside the ground..... 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ph34r' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':ph34r:' /> 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />

I still get paid the same, so I'm not that bothered. Plus I won't be working on Thursdsay so it probably be better if it is quiet otherwise I won't have a job to go back to!!! 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' /> 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ph34r' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':ph34r:' />
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No-one is asking for the club to be 'injected with millions of pounds', but some decent investment would go a long way. How can a club like Southampton sign players like Billy Sharp for £1.5 million yet we can't?

9 million for walcott, 15 million for Chamberlain?

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I'm all for the regulations actually.

Football clubs are more than businesses. They are an integral part of local communities and help create a sense of local identity. They may be owned by individuals but they are really custodians of the hopes and dreams of 10's of 1000's of supporters (not customers)

So unlike in the corporate world where it is fine for poorly run firms to go bust (survival of the fittest), it is not fine for football clubs to go out of business. And it is only a matter of time before a club does not just go into administration (which incidentally means loads of local businesses can be left unpaid and suffer) but goes into actual liquidation. The Rules and Regulations that prevent that should be welcomed with open arms.

So do shops and libraries, libraries are being closed in cost cutting measures and shops are being closed due to administration and liquidation. Simple really, football clubs are business's regardless of anybody on here's opinion.

I disagree with your first point but agree with most of your other comments

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No-one is asking for the club to be 'injected with millions of pounds', but some decent investment would go a long way. How can a club like Southampton sign players like Billy Sharp for £1.5 million yet we can't? Does anybody really think a fee like that should be out of our reach?

Surely, any investment has to be in the region of "millions of pounds" - hence you are referring to a 1.5m pound player. How many of those do you think we need? Cos if it's more than one then the club needs an investment of millions of pounds!!! And the question is, can we do this whilst not losing money? IF the answer is no, then do you propose a gamble investment?

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I agree with networker

  • I am pleased with the Board we have and the fact they are trying to run us on a sustainable basis
  • I think Clough has done well to maintain a performance level that keeps us in the Championship while cutting wages in half (I couldn't maintain performance on half my staff wage bill at work)
  • I do, however, wish he would encourage a bit more attacking play rather than the dour stuff served up recently. That isn't different players, just giving the existing ones more license

Just about "Bang On" for me. Some of the other stuff beggars belief...

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to protest against the board would be ridiculous. the board arent to blame for our position and lack of creative football.The only thing i blame them for is the continuous support of clough and his dimwit staff.

What is this support you speak of? It sure as fook isn't the 6 proven championship calibre signings that they promised in the last season ticket window. "Judge us by our actions" said Glick, you obviously don't blame them for that abject failure to deliver, but blame the manager who has been left to pick up the pieces with half the funds that o Paul had at his disposal! So I disagree with you, the board are massively to blame for lying to all of us and not backing the manager as they said they would.

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Not interested in all this board out **** but I've got to say I've not seen much of this "beautiful football" that's being spouted about in this thread!

Personally I think the good results we've had this year have been down to good team performances, working hard and fighting as a team. We had some very impressive results over Xmas but I can't agree we played beautiful football. The wins against Leeds and WHU were pretty lucky in the end, a big thanks to Frank and our defenders.

The football that's been played for the majority of the season has been pretty poor, but we've been grinding results out now and again. It's drab and clueless at times but weve nicked a goal here and there and hung on.

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