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Preseason training

Poynton ram

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25 minutes ago, RodleyRam said:

Totally agree, why they even need a holiday at all is beyond me. Lazy barstewards.


Our season finished like 5 weeks ago, I was just wondering why we always seem late back??? Especially when others are back after having a shorter break think it’s a valid point 

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The players are back on Monday 1st July - the first 2 days are a mixture of Fitness Testing & Group Sessions.

A fixture is waiting to be confirmed on Saturday 3rd August. 

Unsure if it’s been confirmed yet (apologies if it has) but an away fixture against Barnsley on Wed 31st July has been booked in too.

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4 hours ago, MadAmster said:

I might be wrong, it does happen, but I think they report tomorrow for their pre season medicals and tests. Weight, fat %s, various body measurements will be taken, blood tests, other medical tests as well as fitness tests. Pre season proper starts on Monday...

Don't shoot the messenger 🙂

Is that how they found out NML has a massive Wang?

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8 hours ago, Poynton ram said:

Are they back yet? Normally see a load of pics/vids on social media but seems very quiet.

Am assuming won’t release any pics until any new signings are announced assuming there are any. 

Tommo’s still tasting promotion. He’ll be 99% aperol spritz by the time he’s back for training 🍹

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I’ve just remembered I used to regularly see a Derby player on the morning commute. He would be turning onto my road I as turned out of it. Probably 3-4 years ago now. He had dark hair and drove a white Lexus. He used to give me a smile or wave as we passed each other so often. No idea who it was. This description is probably too vague for anyone know who it might have been. 

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2 hours ago, MadAmster said:

Quite feasibly. They certainly measure chest, waist, biceps, quads and calves and I see nowt wong in measuring the wang 🙂

Most Rams fans would be very interested, as it has become an Obsession in recent years . Then songs could have more accurate measurements in them.

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