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Jack Vale

Caerphilly Ram

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23 minutes ago, MACKWORTHRAM said:

Could have been worse. We could have signed him and then he did it 🤣.

But hasn't that Darren Witcoop said we were in for players that we categorically have not been in for?


I've found he's been calling plenty correct, was first to say Reading had gazumped QPR for Wing as the latest example.

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1 hour ago, RoyMac5 said:

Or if we were interested are we now not to give Brown a chance instead?

Even if we sign another centre Brown will still get a chance throughout the season if we often play with two up top.

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5 minutes ago, Ram1988 said:

That doesn't look likely now. Whoever we sign we will still need a fourth choice CF.

Yes, I wasn't implying otherwise. Just it would be Collins, Washington, A.N.Other and youngster, now to be Brown.

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3 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

Yes, I wasn't implying otherwise. Just it would be Collins, Washington, A.N.Other and youngster, now to be Brown.

I think we could certainly make if to January at least (then reassess) with three "established" centre fowards and Brown as the 4th. 

I agree though having two more would impact Brown's progress.

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