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Derbyshire CCC - Mickey Arthur Appointed


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Godleman really needs a score soon, after a terrible season last year it’s not got much better this year.

Glamorgan bowling well, possibly the best seam attack in division 2. should get better for batting but overcast conditions should give the bowlers something. 

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55 minutes ago, JoetheRam said:

Well I went and walked the dog and camr back to find we'd lost 3 for 32 to end the day 282-5. Second new ball doing a bit I'm guessing.

Still a decent position.

There’s enough to keep the bowlers interested and Glamorgan have bowled well.

Not sure why they sent Sam Conners out to be night watchman with 6 overs left. Didn't fancy him to last 6 balls never mind 6 overs...he lasted 2 balls.

So, only 4 proper batsman down so should still be looking for well over 400.

Edited by jimbo jones
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