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Academy Thread 21/22


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44 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

I think a career in youth football coaching beckons. I'm sure your boundless positivity would prove truly inspirational.


Something severely missing on most football forums which are often driven on emotion.

Edited by Ravabeerbelly
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1 hour ago, Ravabeerbelly said:

No idea what you’re on about. I made a football observation about a player and was then mocked for it being negative. I was simply saying that I prefer to just be realistic based on what I see. 

See here's the problem. Objectivity is a door that swing both ways, except of course in your posts. I've had a quick catch up on the last 15 or so pages of this thread as I've not visited it much recently. Even before that, my overriding impression of you is that you struggle to find anything positive to say about anyone. Damning with feint praise seems to be as close as you ever get. Suffice to say, this quick review merely confirms what I thought in the first place and also that I'm far from alone in thinking as much.

Since a far greater level of sensitivity is clearly needed when addressing yourself than is evident in your observations on the many younger players you have so casually dismissed, I'll resist the urge to quote said comments and instead invite you to review them yourself. I'm sure if you do, you'll find your claims to objectivity and realism as risible as I do. You might also wish to consider how your comments might affect the mindset of the kids (and they are kids) when supposed supporters write them off before they've even got started in their careers, though I shan't be holding my breath on that score.

Suffice to say that an academy you clearly hold in such low regard is the sole reason the senior team has a hope in hell of remaining in the Championship, which one might be forgiven for thinking is a clear and unequivocal illustration of a total lack of... what's the word... oh yes, OBJECTIVITY. 

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12 hours ago, Ravabeerbelly said:

Can’t say I’m convinced by that. When I’ve seen him if he isn’t playing a 10 yard pass backwards he’s normally kicking it off!!

@86 Hair Islands if you won’t quote it, I’m happy to. 

This is the post that is claimed to show realism and objectivity.

if you’re going for realism and objectivity, then you’re expecting me to believe that this guy has never once played a forward pass. Or possibly that you’ve only ever actually seen him touch the ball twice.

This is hyperbole and opinion, not realism or fact, exaggerated to make him sound worse than he is, which is absolutely the right way to encourage kids. 

Or, to put it another way, every single time I’ve seen a post from you if you’re not slagging off a youth team player, you’re normally kicking it off.

Edited by TigerTedd
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8 hours ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

See here's the problem. Objectivity is a door that swing both ways, except of course in your posts. I've had a quick catch up on the last 15 or so pages of this thread as I've not visited it much recently. Even before that, my overriding impression of you is that you struggle to find anything positive to say about anyone. Damning with feint praise seems to be as close as you ever get. Suffice to say, this quick review merely confirms what I thought in the first place and also that I'm far from alone in thinking as much.

You’ve looked through my last 15 posts on one thread? Well that’s balanced.

Because I choose to make informed, balanced comments based on my own opinion from watching the games, instead of using over inflated, over excited hyperbole to describe someone I’ve read about on Twitter or seen as a sub for 3 mins when we were 3-0 down?

Funnily enough I checked out your posts from the previous twenty pages of just your posts…..and it seems you have an opinion on everything from Covid, to admin, to TV to the weather. Granted you’ve contributed articulately and thoughtfully on all those, but the one topic I’ve barely seen you post an opinion on the actual football match or the footballer other than post match ratings where it’s acceptable to mark a player out of 10 without understanding or commenting  on any of the nuances that contribute to it.

You may not agree with my comments or indeed like them but all I’m doing is posting an opinion and while it’s sometimes harsh it’s never scathing, abusive or vindictive. But it is after all a football forum and honest opinions, even if unpopular, are what it is for. However none of my comments on young players are even close to some of what I’ve read on matchday threads when things are going badly including some aimed at one or two of the younger players.

You may not like them but my comments are anything but ignorant or ill informed. I’ve been inside pro football as a player and a coach. I’ve coached several current pros inc premier league players and been in youth development at a Category 1 academy. I could discuss the finer points all day long but in a forum it often comes across differently in short one line observations.

But fwiw, our predicament at the moment is in danger of harming as many players as it aids. Players fast tracked into 23s or 1st team football too soon often on the back of some promising performances at U18s level isn’t always good. Robinson for example may well end up a decent player but trust me when I say he’s finding U23s football hard and keeping his head above water by keeping the game simple and trying not to make mistakes isn’t good for him on the long run and in 2/3 years time when someone is criticising him for not having more tools on his toolbox of game skills and asking why he doesn’t play forwards more often, or break lines with his passing it’ll be because he was being asked to play at a level too high too soon and wasn’t able to take risks, try things out, spend time on the ball and make mistakes. He’s not the only one either.

This is the very reason why someone like Louie Watson isn’t being rushed into the first team where the pressure to retain possession and not ‘cost the team’ by taking a risk is much greater and as much as he may not like it right now, he’ll be a better player for being given a little more time where he is. I’ve seen the criticism of Max Bird…and it won’t be long before the same people say the same things about Liam Thompson. 

I’m happy to talk football all day. But don’t expect to like or agree with me, which is fine, but likewise don’t criticise me for how I express an opinion. 

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1 hour ago, Ravabeerbelly said:

You may not like them but my comments are anything but ignorant or ill informed. I’ve been inside pro football as a player and a coach. I’ve coached several current pros inc premier league players and been in youth development at a Category 1 academy. I could discuss the finer points all day long but in a forum it often comes across differently in short one line observations.

But fwiw, our predicament at the moment is in danger of harming as many players as it aids. Players fast tracked into 23s or 1st team football too soon often on the back of some promising performances at U18s level isn’t always good. Robinson for example may well end up a decent player but trust me when I say he’s finding U23s football hard and keeping his head above water by keeping the game simple and trying not to make mistakes isn’t good for him on the long run and in 2/3 years time when someone is criticising him for not having more tools on his toolbox of game skills and asking why he doesn’t play forwards more often, or break lines with his passing it’ll be because he was being asked to play at a level too high too soon and wasn’t able to take risks, try things out, spend time on the ball and make mistakes. He’s not the only one either.

This is the very reason why someone like Louie Watson isn’t being rushed into the first team where the pressure to retain possession and not ‘cost the team’ by taking a risk is much greater and as much as he may not like it right now, he’ll be a better player for being given a little more time where he is. I’ve seen the criticism of Max Bird…and it won’t be long before the same people say the same things about Liam Thompson. 

I’m happy to talk football all day. But don’t expect to like or agree with me, which is fine, but likewise don’t criticise me for how I express an opinion. 

When you explain your 'negative sounding' posts about certain players in the manner you have above, it becomes much easier to see where you're coming from and even, agree with your point of view. #COYR

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1 hour ago, Ravabeerbelly said:

You may not like them but my comments are anything but ignorant or ill informed. I’ve been inside pro football as a player and a coach. I’ve coached several current pros inc premier league players and been in youth development at a Category 1 academy. I could discuss the finer points all day long but in a forum it often comes across differently in short one line observations.

Curiosity piqued now. I have to say that as obvious to some (not to me, duh), as your point seemed about young players being stunted in their development by being pushed through 'too soon' it was a very interesting comment.

Without resorting to one-liners ? what do you think of our current crop of youngsters?

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I’ll try and be brief without using one liners or being too controversial….don’t want to upset the apple cart further ?

My biggest bug bear is immediate and over the top reactions to players on their first few appearances and the subsequent questions / criticisms that arise a few games later about what they can’t do. It’s so typically ‘English’ and it’s so dated and archaic.

The easiest games a young player will ever play as a pro, are his first 2/3. He’s driven on adrenalin, enthusiasm, no fear and a complete lack of any kind of expectation from those watching. Everything he does is a bonus and his focus and eagerness to do the right thing and follow instructions overrides everything.

After that it only gets harder until you have played 60/70 games! Those next 30/40 are riddled with ups and downs and more and more public criticism than they’ve ever had in their lives and more than most slip away and never have a career. 

Im critical and I’ve seen the process many times, which is why I try not to fall into the ‘sweeping statements’ camp early on. 

My other bug bear is when there is no understanding of the players capabilities or their limitations and after the initial few appearances of doing the simple things….or the things they are capable of…people then criticise them for not doing things they’ve never done in the first place. A prime example being when people started to question if Thompson could score goals or if he had a shot on him…..

I think we have to be realistic and say that not one of them would have in normal circumstances have had their chance this early had it not been for the circumstances and probably realistic to say they wouldn’t have commanded a regular place at any other Championship side. However it’s probably also fair to say that in the short term none of them have looked out of place or been anything other than a credit to themselves or the club.

I include the lads early season that played Carabao Cup games in that too and in many of those cases they out performed some of their counterparts but were never given other opportunity's.

Realistically, Festy is the only one I’d consider a serious contender for selection each week with a fully fit squad. I have my reservations on Festy however and much depends on where he wants to end up playing. If he wants to be a full back, the skys the limit. He reminds me a lot of Reece James with a more devastating turn of pace. Defensively that’ll put him on the Ashley Cole category and I think he’ll play in the Prem. As a winger though I’m not so sure. I don’t think he has the technical ability to mix up his game and he doesn’t have the touch and awareness to play inside the wide areas like many wide attackers are asked to do. 

Plange is a player I highlighted as someone I liked early on this season. Before he scored regular goals in the 23s and long before he was anywhere near a 1st team picture. However I don’t see him as a no 9. He doesn’t have either the pace to really trouble top defenders in behind and he’s not proficient enough in the air to provide an alternative to that. He does have great technical ability though and I see him as an inside forward….a 7/10/11 playing in pockets.

My other observations may not be popular….

Cashin I’m not convinced is a Championship player. Saturday as I said will be the easiest game of his football life and Peterborough the kindest of opposition for any debut making Centre back. I think he’ll have a pro career but maybe not in the Championship. 
Liam Thompson did brilliantly for several games but if I’m honest the reaction was way over the top and we’re largely driven by the occasion - Bournemouth on live TV - and the result - a cracking win! Another example of the first few games being the easiest. When questions were asked of him and other teams put more pressure on him in possession he’s found it difficult. He still has lots of developing to do but there are lots of players that play his role and and I’m not sure what will set him apart from others….funnily enough it’s done him a favour being at Derby and how they play and in the championship. League 1 or 2 will have seen him swallowed whole.

Another factor largely driving fans perception of player performance, particularly on young players is the result! A 3-0 drubbing gives nowhere near the same perception of an individual performance as a hard earn 1-0 win….regardless of individual player input…as players like Brown, McDonald, Watson, Hutchinson found after the Carabao Cup loss to Sheff Utd.

Edited by Ravabeerbelly
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8 hours ago, Ravabeerbelly said:

You’ve looked through my last 15 posts on one thread? Well that’s balanced.

Because I choose to make informed, balanced comments based on my own opinion from watching the games, instead of using over inflated, over excited hyperbole to describe someone I’ve read about on Twitter or seen as a sub for 3 mins when we were 3-0 down?

Funnily enough I checked out your posts from the previous twenty pages of just your posts…..and it seems you have an opinion on everything from Covid, to admin, to TV to the weather. Granted you’ve contributed articulately and thoughtfully on all those, but the one topic I’ve barely seen you post an opinion on the actual football match or the footballer other than post match ratings where it’s acceptable to mark a player out of 10 without understanding or commenting  on any of the nuances that contribute to it.

You may not agree with my comments or indeed like them but all I’m doing is posting an opinion and while it’s sometimes harsh it’s never scathing, abusive or vindictive. But it is after all a football forum and honest opinions, even if unpopular, are what it is for. However none of my comments on young players are even close to some of what I’ve read on matchday threads when things are going badly including some aimed at one or two of the younger players.

You may not like them but my comments are anything but ignorant or ill informed. I’ve been inside pro football as a player and a coach. I’ve coached several current pros inc premier league players and been in youth development at a Category 1 academy. I could discuss the finer points all day long but in a forum it often comes across differently in short one line observations.

But fwiw, our predicament at the moment is in danger of harming as many players as it aids. Players fast tracked into 23s or 1st team football too soon often on the back of some promising performances at U18s level isn’t always good. Robinson for example may well end up a decent player but trust me when I say he’s finding U23s football hard and keeping his head above water by keeping the game simple and trying not to make mistakes isn’t good for him on the long run and in 2/3 years time when someone is criticising him for not having more tools on his toolbox of game skills and asking why he doesn’t play forwards more often, or break lines with his passing it’ll be because he was being asked to play at a level too high too soon and wasn’t able to take risks, try things out, spend time on the ball and make mistakes. He’s not the only one either.

This is the very reason why someone like Louie Watson isn’t being rushed into the first team where the pressure to retain possession and not ‘cost the team’ by taking a risk is much greater and as much as he may not like it right now, he’ll be a better player for being given a little more time where he is. I’ve seen the criticism of Max Bird…and it won’t be long before the same people say the same things about Liam Thompson. 

I’m happy to talk football all day. But don’t expect to like or agree with me, which is fine, but likewise don’t criticise me for how I express an opinion. 

See. There you go. Wasn't so hard was it? I agree with a deal of what you say about the path to the first team but I'd counter that there are more successes than failures. When players have not cut it, they're quietly returned to regather confidence and typically not been pushed again until their performances on the pitch demand as much. The proof is in the pudding, I'd say, as for every Watson there's a Bird, Knight, Buchanan, Lowe, Bogle, Cashin, Thomson, Festy, Plange and so on. I'd say the ratio is pretty damn  good to be honest and I need no badges to make that evaluation.

As for negative comments about Bird and Thompson, I don't dispute some have piled on but far fewer than have praised them and  two wrongs don't make a right anyway. Perhaps you won't grasp or agree with my thinking, but I just think the youth teams need a 'safe space' to allow the coaches to nurture their talents and for the kids themselves to build the confidence to step up to U23 or senior football. Simply dismissing a player saying. 'they'll never be this' or 'who thought (insert the name) was ever going to be 1st team material' adds literally nothing to the debate. It actually detracts from it. Furthermore, I don't see terse one-line dismissals on social media, especially fans forums, as being remotely helpful. In so much, we'll just have to agree to differ.

As for your 'without understanding or commenting on any of the nuances' comment well that's where you fall flat on your face again, I'm afraid. You clearly imply that a lack of such posts correlates to a lack of knowledge. There are plenty of knowledgeable folk on here, it's just many choose not to make a song and dance of it. Perhaps their reasons for being on the forum then are more about the emotional side, the spirit of unity, a sense of community etc.  All the notions, in fact, you feel you need to offset with your healthy doses of 'objectivity'. And tellingly, it seems to me you've just written them all off as swiftly as you do many of our youth players, but with, by your own admission, even less evidence. You say don't criticise your posts, well again, that's a door that swings both ways.

As for myself, I have written hundreds, if not thousands of strictly football related posts. If you can't find them then I'd venture you've not looked terribly hard. Whether they indicate knowledge or not I don't know, but then I do know that I'm not trying to impress anyone with my knowledge, merely sharing my thoughts and observations. What I very rarely do is rubbish players. Not because I don't note poor performances, but rather because typically there are dozens of folk like yourself already doing it. Why should I pile on too? It's just not my thing, nor what I seek from being a regular on this forum. On the odd occasions I have laid into players, I just end up feeling crap about it 30 minutes later as I've sufficient self-awareness to know that other than allowing to me to vent my spleen, it serves literally no useful purpose. 

As it is, I think we understand one another's views, even if there's no accord, so I'll politely recuse myself at this point rather than hijack what has always been one of my favourite threads. Enjoy your evening.

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43 minutes ago, Ravabeerbelly said:

I’ll try and be brief without using one liners or being too controversial….don’t want to upset the apple cart further ?

My biggest bug bear is immediate and over the top reactions to players on their first few appearances and the subsequent questions / criticisms that arise a few games later about what they can’t do. It’s so typically ‘English’ and it’s so dated and archaic.

The easiest games a young player will ever play as a pro, are his first 2/3. He’s driven on adrenalin, enthusiasm, no fear and a complete lack of any kind of expectation from those watching. Everything he does is a bonus and his focus and eagerness to do the right thing and follow instructions overrides everything.

After that it only gets harder until you have played 60/70 games! Those next 30/40 are riddled with ups and downs and more and more public criticism than they’ve ever had in their lives and more than most slip away and never have a career. 

Im critical and I’ve seen the process many times, which is why I try not to fall into the ‘sweeping statements’ camp early on. 

My other bug bear is when there is no understanding of the players capabilities or their limitations and after the initial few appearances of doing the simple things….or the things they are capable of…people then criticise them for not doing things they’ve never done in the first place. A prime example being when people started to question if Thompson could score goals or if he had a shot on him…..

I think we have to be realistic and say that not one of them would have in normal circumstances have had their chance this early had it not been for the circumstances and probably realistic to say they wouldn’t have commanded a regular place at any other Championship side. However it’s probably also fair to say that in the short term none of them have looked out of place or been anything other than a credit to themselves or the club.

I include the lads early season that played Carabao Cup games in that too and in many of those cases they out performed some of their counterparts but were never given other opportunity's.

Realistically, Festy is the only one I’d consider a serious contender for selection each week with a fully fit squad. I have my reservations on Festy however and much depends on where he wants to end up playing. If he wants to be a full back, the skys the limit. He reminds me a lot of Reece James with a more devastating turn of pace. Defensively that’ll put him on the Ashley Cole category and I think he’ll play in the Prem. As a winger though I’m not so sure. I don’t think he has the technical ability to mix up his game and he doesn’t have the touch and awareness to play inside the wide areas like many wide attackers are asked to do. 

Plange is a player I highlighted as someone I liked early on this season. Before he scored regular goals in the 23s and long before he was anywhere near a 1st team picture. However I don’t see him as a no 9. He doesn’t have either the pace to really trouble top defenders in behind and he’s not proficient enough in the air to provide an alternative to that. He does have great technical ability though and I see him as an inside forward….a 7/10/11 playing in pockets.

My other observations may not be popular….

Cashin I’m not convinced is a Championship player. Saturday as I said will be the easiest game of his football life and Peterborough the kindest of opposition for any debut making Centre back. I think he’ll have a pro career but maybe not in the Championship. 
Liam Thompson did brilliantly for several games but if I’m honest the reaction was way over the top and we’re largely driven by the occasion - Bournemouth on live TV - and the result - a cracking win! Another example of the first few games being the easiest. When questions were asked of him and other teams put more pressure on him in possession he’s found it difficult. He still has lots of developing to do but there are lots of players that play his role and and I’m not sure what will set him apart from others….funnily enough it’s done him a favour being at Derby and how they play and in the championship. League 1 or 2 will have seen him swallowed whole.

Another factor largely driving fans perception of player performance, particularly on young players is the result! A 3-0 drubbing gives nowhere near the same perception of an individual performance as a hard earn 1-0 win….regardless of individual player input…as players like Brown, McDonald, Watson, Hutchinson found after the Carabao Cup loss to Sheff Utd.

A fantastic and very insightful post. I'd posted something similar based on my observations but you clearly have more knowledge than I do. Criticism of young players is difficult but it is important to be honest and, more importantly, be happy to be proved wrong by them. 

For what it's worth, I rate Plange and think he will make a good Championship player in the future. As for Festy, he looks equal measures of world-beating dribbler/terrible passer of the ball and I've given up predicting what level he will get to and just enjoy the entertainment that he brings. 

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32 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

See. There you go. Wasn't so hard was it?

What wasn’t? Explaining in more detail the previous comments made in game in shortened form? Of course it’s not hard. Anyone can explain in detail, a topic they understand to help someone who doesn’t understand so well! What’s hard is writing it in short form well enough for them to understand!

33 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

The proof is in the pudding, I'd say, as for every Watson there's a Bird, Knight, Buchanan, Lowe, Bogle, Cashin, Thomson, Festy, Plange and so on

You’re including Cashin Thompson and Plange in the same success category as the others after a handful of combined games? There’s my point from above right there! 

34 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

I need no badges to make that evaluation.

There we go. The line only someone who, has never coached and never understood the nuances and difficulty involved in stepping onto the grass and helping someone become a better player, makes ?

Its a little more skilled than watching a games and saying he’s good and he isn’t.

35 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

Perhaps you won't grasp or agree with my thinking, but I just think the youth teams need a 'safe space' to allow the coaches to nurture their talents and for the kids themselves to build the confidence to step up to U23 or senior football

They’re in a safe place. They play and train every day in that safe space that no fans have access to. That’s where they do their learning. Are you fool enough to think any of them read a fans forum ??

35 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

Simply dismissing a player saying. 'they'll never be this' or 'who thought (insert the name) was ever going to be 1st team material' adds literally nothing to the debate. It actually detracts from it

It may not add anything to a debate you want any part of but that doesn’t mean I have no right to observe it and post it. That’s a football forum and as I said before it’s not particularly scathing and it’s definitely not insulting. If I’m paying to watch a 23s game in my own home I’m perfectly at liberty to post my observations on the game or the players providing it’s not, as I said earlier insulting or abusive. 

37 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

Furthermore, I don't see terse one-line dismissals on social media, especially fans forums, as being remotely helpful. In so much, we'll just have to agree to differ.

No let’s all just tell them they’re mini gods and made it already. Let’s let everyone not watching, read how wonderful things are when they aren’t. 

37 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

As for your 'without understanding or commenting on any of the nuances' comment well that's where you fall flat on your face again, I'm afraid.

There’s a terribly condescending and patronising tone to your posts. Ironic really given your comments to me.

38 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

You clearly imply that a lack of such posts correlates to a lack of knowledge. There are plenty of knowledgeable folk on here, it's just many choose not to make a song and dance of it. Perhaps their reasons for being on the forum then are more about the emotional side, the spirit of unity, a sense of community etc.  All the notions, in fact, you feel you need to offset with your healthy doses of 'objectivity'.

Not at all. I’ve never suggested there was a lack of knowledge in any posters. Quite the contrary in fact. This forum demonstrates there are many many posters who display excellent knowledge of the game and of players and most definitely the club. I enjoy reading many of the posters work on here, before during and after games. I don’t always agree with them but you’ll be hard pressed to dig up a post where I’ve dismissed someone else’s opinion as not being credible or worthy of posting it. 

My point may have implied that I feel you don’t have that understanding or it could also imply that you don’t / can’t or won’t spend the time analyzing games or performances objectively or not. Either way I’m not fussed, you could be Jose Mourinho for all I care, I just don’t like the fact you clearly feel I shouldn’t unless it’s to say something or someone was good.

If their reasons for being on here are more emotional reasons then it makes no sense for you to get upset when I said exactly that, and that it was perfectly normal, only for you to accuse me of being patronising. Make your mind up.

38 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

And tellingly, it seems to me you've just written them all off as swiftly as you do many of our youth players, but with, by your own admission, even less evidence. You say don't criticise your posts, well again, that's a door that swings both ways.

I haven’t written anyone off. Not the posters or the players. I feel many of them are being asked to play at a level they aren’t capable of yet but I’ve posted my reasoning behind that. Feel free to challenge that. 

39 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

As for myself, I have written hundreds, if not thousands of strictly football related posts. If you can't find them then I'd venture you've not looked terribly hard. Whether they indicate knowledge or not I don't know, but then I do know that I'm not trying to impress anyone with my knowledge, merely sharing my thoughts and observations

I wasn’t trying to impress anyone with my posts or my knowledge. Which is precisely why I kept them short and sweet and lacking any real detail. Again feel free to discuss in more depth if you wish. I can talk development and coaching all day. But let’s do it via DMs shall we as I have no more inclination to bore people or ruin a thread than you do.

39 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

What I very rarely do is rubbish players. Not because I don't note poor performances, but rather because typically there are dozens of folk like yourself already doing it. Why should I pile on too? It's just not my thing, nor what I seek from being a regular on this forum. On the odd occasions I have laid into players, I just end up feeling crap about it 30 minutes later as I've sufficient self-awareness to know that other than allowing to me to vent my spleen, it serves literally no useful purpose.

Good luck to you. That’s your prerogative and fair play to you for being so nice, trust me I know for a fact there aren’t enough people like you around pro football. But maybe if there were it wouldn’t be so exhilarating and divisive and not so many people would enjoy it. 

39 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

As it is, I think we understand one another's views, even if there's no accord, so I'll politely recuse myself at this point rather than hijack what has always been one of my favourite threads. Enjoy your evening.

Enjoying my evening just fine. Watching a selection of League 1/2 football tonight. Just to keep my horizons and understanding as broad as I can.


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1 hour ago, Ravabeerbelly said:

What wasn’t? Explaining in more detail the previous comments made in game in shortened form? Of course it’s not hard. Anyone can explain in detail, a topic they understand to help someone who doesn’t understand so well! What’s hard is writing it in short form well enough for them to understand!

You’re including Cashin Thompson and Plange in the same success category as the others after a handful of combined games? There’s my point from above right there! 

There we go. The line only someone who, has never coached and never understood the nuances and difficulty involved in stepping onto the grass and helping someone become a better player, makes ?

Its a little more skilled than watching a games and saying he’s good and he isn’t.

They’re in a safe place. They play and train every day in that safe space that no fans have access to. That’s where they do their learning. Are you fool enough to think any of them read a fans forum ??

It may not add anything to a debate you want any part of but that doesn’t mean I have no right to observe it and post it. That’s a football forum and as I said before it’s not particularly scathing and it’s definitely not insulting. If I’m paying to watch a 23s game in my own home I’m perfectly at liberty to post my observations on the game or the players providing it’s not, as I said earlier insulting or abusive. 

No let’s all just tell them they’re mini gods and made it already. Let’s let everyone not watching, read how wonderful things are when they aren’t. 

There’s a terribly condescending and patronising tone to your posts. Ironic really given your comments to me.

Not at all. I’ve never suggested there was a lack of knowledge in any posters. Quite the contrary in fact. This forum demonstrates there are many many posters who display excellent knowledge of the game and of players and most definitely the club. I enjoy reading many of the posters work on here, before during and after games. I don’t always agree with them but you’ll be hard pressed to dig up a post where I’ve dismissed someone else’s opinion as not being credible or worthy of posting it. 

My point may have implied that I feel you don’t have that understanding or it could also imply that you don’t / can’t or won’t spend the time analyzing games or performances objectively or not. Either way I’m not fussed, you could be Jose Mourinho for all I care, I just don’t like the fact you clearly feel I shouldn’t unless it’s to say something or someone was good.

If their reasons for being on here are more emotional reasons then it makes no sense for you to get upset when I said exactly that, and that it was perfectly normal, only for you to accuse me of being patronising. Make your mind up.

I haven’t written anyone off. Not the posters or the players. I feel many of them are being asked to play at a level they aren’t capable of yet but I’ve posted my reasoning behind that. Feel free to challenge that. 

I wasn’t trying to impress anyone with my posts or my knowledge. Which is precisely why I kept them short and sweet and lacking any real detail. Again feel free to discuss in more depth if you wish. I can talk development and coaching all day. But let’s do it via DMs shall we as I have no more inclination to bore people or ruin a thread than you do.

Good luck to you. That’s your prerogative and fair play to you for being so nice, trust me I know for a fact there aren’t enough people like you around pro football. But maybe if there were it wouldn’t be so exhilarating and divisive and not so many people would enjoy it. 

Enjoying my evening just fine. Watching a selection of League 1/2 football tonight. Just to keep my horizons and understanding as broad as I can.


What’s your role in coaching? I’m curious now 

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