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Our Recruitment Is To Blame

DCFC Kicks

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I've been comparing Derby to Brentford over the last 8 seasons since the 13/14 season as we've almost completely swapped league positions in that time. In 13/14 Brentford won promotion from League 1 and Derby were in the Champ play-off final.

Total spend on transfers from 13/14 - 20/21:

      Derby: £84.9 mil

Brentford: £73.6 mil

Total income from transfer sales from 13/14 - 20/21:

      Derby: £57.8 mil

Brentford: £176.8 mil


Both clubs had a season where they had a push for promotion and spent 30m but the difference is when Derby did it we sold £0 worth of players the same season and had a -2 mil from the previous season, when Brentford did it they sold £36m worth of players the same season and had profit of £26m from the previous season. This is how you make a push for promotion. Brentford also didn't get promoted in there 30m spend season, but they had the cushion of previous profits and high value in there squad to cope. While Derby are still suffering from the effects of our 30m spend season now.

Our general recruitment has been poor, with players with little sell on value. We've also sold players at the wrong time.

Derby clearly gambled everything on the 15/16 season, hence why Clement was sacked despite being 4th. Why did we feel the need to do this? I know owning a Championship club is very unsustainable, but this was reckless. This terrible transfer policy added with our poor recent managerial appointments is why we're in the mess we're in now.


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Now do every other club v Brentford.

Our recruitment isn't good, by any means, but Brentford's the best in the business imo - for the purposes of turning profit.

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2 minutes ago, DCFClks said:

I've been comparing Derby to Brentford over the last 8 seasons since the 13/14 season as we've almost completely swapped league positions in that time. In 13/14 Brentford won promotion from League 1 and Derby were in the Champ play-off final.

Total spend on transfers from 13/14 - 20/21:

      Derby: £84.9 mil

Brentford: £73.6 mil

Total income from transfer sales from 13/14 - 20/21:

      Derby: £57.8 mil

Brentford: £176.8 mil


Both clubs had a season where they had a push for promotion and spent 30m but the difference is when Derby did it we sold £0 worth of players the same season and had a -2 mil from the previous season, when Brentford did it they sold £36m worth of players the same season and had profit of £26m from the previous season. This is how you make a push for promotion. Brentford also didn't get promoted in there 30m spend season, but they had the cushion of previous profits and high value in there squad to cope. While Derby are still suffering from the effects of our 30m spend season now.

Our general recruitment has been poor, with players with little sell on value. We've also sold players at the wrong time.

Derby clearly gambled everything on the 15/16 season, hence why Clement was sacked despite being 4th. Why did we feel the need to do this? I know owning a Championship club is very unsustainable, but this was reckless. This terrible transfer policy added with our poor recent managerial appointments is why we're in the mess we're in now.


Brentford operate on a totally different model to us, well publicised statistical policy on recruitment. Whilst this has proved financially successful it hasn’t got them promotion ( yet ) but I’ve no doubt it will. 
The policy also means they will always sell one major asset each season, we haven’t always done that and have tended to hold on to players running down their value.

Your analysis is pretty hard to argue with, Brentford are run so much better than ourselves in many ways.


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2 minutes ago, Coconut said:

Oh goodie, more Brentford worship. My favourite.

To clarify - they're imo the best in the (Championship) business from the perspective of turning a profit. But that isn't necessarily what every team should, or does, strive for.

Got a chance to make it happen this year but for all their flipping players for £££ it hasn't actually gotten them out of the division yet, probably just been lining pockets.

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5 minutes ago, SaintRam said:

To clarify - they're imo the best in the (Championship) business from the perspective of turning a profit. But that isn't necessarily what every team should, or does, strive for.

Got a chance to make it happen this year but for all their flipping players for £££ it hasn't actually gotten them out of the division yet, probably just been lining pockets.

I know mate (if I can call you that without sounding like a rick), just being a little flippant ? 

They've done what they do very well tbf

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19 minutes ago, DCFClks said:

Derby clearly gambled everything on the 15/16 season, hence why Clement was sacked despite being 4th. Why did we feel the need to do this? I know owning a Championship club is very unsustainable, but this was reckless. This terrible transfer policy added with our poor recent managerial appointments is why we're in the mess we're in now.

Because Mel could - remember Brad Johnson's last minute transfer? 

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Our recruitment is definitely a major reason for our decline. We have spent stupid money on average players whose value was always going to fall without the benefit of a major contribution to the team. 
that doesn’t all fall on the managers head, the market square flogging should also be dealt out to the recruitment team and whoever authorised the spend. 

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I don't think it is all down to recruitment. We have signed some duds obviously and spent quite a bit but management & coaching still plays a big part.

For example, Nick Blackman came here in a hot run of form mainly playing through the middle at Reading but never got a look in there for us.

You look at the Sheff Utd team that Wilder got promoted from League 1 up to the Prem, whilst in League 1 they weren't Prem quality, as fans you would probably look at their players and think we had better but then once they go above us in the league and promoted to the Prem the players are better than ours. Same with Bielsa and Leeds, he has turned the likes of Dallas, Ayling, Cooper etc into decent Prem players when they are probably average Champ players performing above any level they expected, probably fit Bamford in there too who has struggled at a couple of clubs in the Prem. You could probably include McClaren in this who turned Clough's average Champ team into a free flowing top quality Champ team, after he left most of those players reverted to being average Champ players again.

So yes, recruitment has been poor but so has the coaching. 

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7 minutes ago, DCFC1388 said:

For example, Nick Blackman came here in a hot run of form mainly playing through the middle at Reading but never got a look in there for us.

And has gone on to greater things? We never could seem to add value, Vydra is mostly it?

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16 minutes ago, hintonsboots said:

Well we both bought a striker from Peterborough, Toney\ Marriott.

If Brentford don’t go up Toney will be their next big outgoing and what about JM ? Similar records at Peterborough? Are we cursed ?

Marriott did well in his first season, especially when he had a run in the team in October/November.

Got us through the playoffs, scoring in the final even though he was on the losing side.

We destroyed him after that.

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I know Brentford beat everyone in the league at this, but I picked them to compare because of some of the parallels, e.g. almost swapping league positions in 8 seasons, and both of us having a 30m spend season.

I might compare us to another club but I'm not sure as I'd probably just be repeating the same points.

My main point was that you can spend a 30m in a season and it not be a complete gamble. The way we did it has almost destroyed us.

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11 minutes ago, Rammy03 said:

Marriott did well in his first season, especially when he had a run in the team in October/November.

Got us through the playoffs, scoring in the final even though he was on the losing side.

We destroyed him after that.

But a player who scores 3 in 3 against top half premier opposition- two in the champions league and 3 in 75 minutes of the playoffs - including the most pressured late finish from the tightest of margins against Leeds must be crap.  Nothing to do with the fact he scored goals whenever Mount was playing with him and the goals to games ratio has nothing to do with 5 mins as a sub and spending every game under Cocu running out wide trying to actually touch the ball. 

Glad Wayne sent him back to Wednesday, with our attacking talent the goals he might have got would have made no difference. Even 1or 2 might have been enough.

Rant over

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34 minutes ago, bcnram said:

Our recruitment is definitely a major reason for our decline. We have spent stupid money on average players whose value was always going to fall without the benefit of a major contribution to the team. 
that doesn’t all fall on the managers head, the market square flogging should also be dealt out to the recruitment team and whoever authorised the spend. 

I'm not even sure who some of our recruitment team are, is Joe McClaren still the head? Why does the club never seem to change things around in recruitment?

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31 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

And has gone on to greater things? We never could seem to add value, Vydra is mostly it?

But that is again down to coaching too. Vydra value increased because he actually got played in his natural position. If we had signed Watkins, Toney etc we would have ended up using them the wrong way and they wouldnt have had their value increase like they had. Brentford signed PBoro top scorer Toney, we did the same with Marriott & look how different they have both gone on to do.

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59 minutes ago, SaintRam said:

To clarify - they're imo the best in the (Championship) business from the perspective of turning a profit. But that isn't necessarily what every team should, or does, strive for.

Got a chance to make it happen this year but for all their flipping players for £££ it hasn't actually gotten them out of the division yet, probably just been lining pockets.

But with Brentford there in such a sustainable position they can keep going each season for the foreseeable future. With us it was either one or two seasons or never.


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