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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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47 minutes ago, maxjam said:

Ah so we didn't need to vaccinate our young (and kids) after all ?

Wild guess, but perhaps the emphasis there was to protect their elders? Equally, I'm not sure why you've used the word 'we' given you made it clear that your offspring would not be vaccinated. Perhaps 'others' might have been a more appropriate term?

47 minutes ago, maxjam said:

TBH I guess its wise to be cautious, but if the impending doom doesn't come to fruition, the Govt and Sage will have no credibility left.

So if caution is advised and we thereby avoid 'impending doom', you will then chastise those who advised us to be cautious in the first place?

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34 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

Is it perhaps more benign because of the high level of vaccinations and now boosters? If so, this highly contagious variant could be a worry for unvaccinated adults.

I hope we don't end up in the volatile situation where we have to lockdown again to mainly protect the unvaccinated. 

More observation needed at this time.

Fatal progression of Covid-19 through infection, symptoms, illness, hospitalisation, oxygenation, intensive care, sheet over head, body bag typically takes around 3 weeks.

The first report of Omicron was 3 weeks ago. The first death with Omicron was reported in the UK 2 days ago.

I don't want to think about your final point.

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5 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

Wild guess, but perhaps the emphasis there was to protect their elders? Equally, I'm not sure why you've used the word 'we' given you made it clear that your offspring would not be vaccinated. Perhaps 'others' might have been a more appropriate term?

The vaccines don't prevent tranmission of delta, only lower it by a small margin temporarily.  Omicron doesn't appear to be hindered by your vaccination status what-so-ever.

Or are you just arguing over my generic use of the word 'our' in a statement I ended with a laughing emoji?


8 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

So if caution is advised and we thereby avoid 'impending doom', you will then chastise those who advised us to be cautious in the first place?

Well approx 100 Tories thought the new restrictions were worth rebelling over. 

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45 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

I think the mask wearing statement is probably a red herring. I suspect the rigorously enforced mask wearing only applies whilst the students are on campus during the day. Something tells me that, unless they’re unlike your stereotypical students, there will be plenty of “socialising” without masks going on.

Yeah I'm not so fussed about that tbh, personally I have no strong feeling re. masks either way.

I am more interested in the fact that omicron seems to infect whoever it wants regardless of vaccination status, making any continued use of covid passports seem more for political use than medical use. 

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2 hours ago, Bob The Badger said:

There were riots in the Netherlands and they still imposed the lockdown.

I doubt there will be one, however.

We're being told that Omicron is doubling every 2/3 days, Yesterday 78k, Saturday 156k, Tuesday 312k, Friday 624k, Monday 1,248,000.

If this is right...every citizen in the UK will have Omicron by mid January, The NHS will implode, Riots on the streets, Looting, Robberys, Turning your TVs up full blast to kiss the next door neighbour off, Who by the way passed from Covid but nobody cared as he was an arse.

As Private Frazier said...We're Doomed!Champions League Reaction GIF by UEFA

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1 hour ago, maxjam said:

TBH I guess its wise to be cautious, but if the impending doom doesn't come to fruition, the Govt and Sage will have no credibility left. 

That is a ridiculous statement.

From 1997 to 1999, myself and thousands of others spent millions of hours going line by line through billions of lines of code, checking and changing (where applicable) to expand date fields to take centuries into account where dates were applicable.

We were, for the most part, successful - equipment and systems, by and large, did not fail, aeroplanes did not fall out of the sky, nuclear power stations did not spontaneously melt down and microwave ovens still went 'ping' when you heated up last night's leftover slice of pizza.

Because the world did not grind to a halt (apart from me - I had 8 months off work after the rollover because companies had spent next year's IT budget and I was totally burned out), it was widely reported as 'pie in the sky'.

If the impending doom doesn't come to fruition, it will be largely because of the precautions taken.

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2 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

If this is right...every citizen in the UK will have Omicron by mid January, The NHS will implode, Riots on the streets, Looting, Robberys, Turning your TVs up full blast to kiss the next door neighbour off, Who by the way passed from Covid but nobody cared as he was an unvaccinated arse.


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58 minutes ago, Eddie said:

<idle speculation>

Perhaps Omicron is a 'more benign but more contagious mutation' and this pandemic is following the pattern of the 1918-1920 Influenza one. Not banking on it because it's too early to say, but it's possible.

</idle speculation>

Lets hope so. 

TBH I am less concerned with covid than I am Govt overreach that we have seen around the world.  We have known for a while now that delta is being spread by the vaccinated, the latest Govt figures show far more infected vaccinated people than unvaccinated (caveat, yes there are more vaccinated people than unvaccinted).  Govts around the world know this, we are using their figures after all - yet they still want to introduce passports.

Omicron now seems to be equally infectious regardless of vaccination status, continuing with covid passports seems illogical as it won't prevent spread - infact it will prolong it, it will but the NHS under increased pressure (sacking unvaccinated) and it will further damage the economy and society through segregation.  

Rather than spending millions or billions on something divisive that won't even achieve what its meant to achieve, we would be far better spending the money on cheap, fast, testing to ensure that entry into [wherever] is limited to people free of covid regardless of vaccination status.

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4 minutes ago, Eddie said:

That is a ridiculous statement.

From 1997 to 1999, myself and thousands of others spent millions of hours going line by line through billions of lines of code, checking and changing (where applicable) to expand date fields to take centuries into account where dates were applicable.

We were, for the most part, successful - equipment and systems, by and large, did not fail, aeroplanes did not fall out of the sky, nuclear power stations did not spontaneously melt down and microwave ovens still went 'ping' when you heated up last night's leftover slice of pizza.

Because the world did not grind to a halt (apart from me - I had 8 months off work after the rollover because companies had spent next year's IT budget and I was totally burned out), it was widely reported as 'pie in the sky'.

If the impending doom doesn't come to fruition, it will be largely because of the precautions taken.

I refer back to my 100 Tory rebels and growing discontent amongst the general public.

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10 minutes ago, maxjam said:

Yeah I'm not so fussed about that tbh, personally I have no strong feeling re. masks either way.

I am more interested in the fact that omicron seems to infect whoever it wants regardless of vaccination status, making any continued use of covid passports seem more for political use than medical use. 

I guess it depends. If being vaccinated reduces the risk of serious illness and hospitalisation from the Omicron variant then I suppose the theory is Covid passports reduces the risk of unvaccinated people catching the virus and thus helping to protect the NHS.

Personally, I don’t buy into this thin end of the wedge/state control theory and don’t really see what there is to be gained politically from introduction of the passports.

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33 minutes ago, Eddie said:

More observation needed at this time.

Fatal progression of Covid-19 through infection, symptoms, illness, hospitalisation, oxygenation, intensive care, sheet over head, body bag typically takes around 3 weeks.

The first report of Omicron was 3 weeks ago. The first death with Omicron was reported in the UK 2 days ago.

I don't want to think about your final point.

And just remind me how many are in hospital. Is it 250 or 9, I can't remember. 

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2 minutes ago, maxjam said:

Lets hope so. 

TBH I am less concerned with covid than I am Govt overreach that we have seen around the world.  We have known for a while now that delta is being spread by the vaccinated, the latest Govt figures show far more infected vaccinated people than unvaccinated (caveat, yes there are more vaccinated people than unvaccinted).  Govts around the world know this, we are using their figures after all - yet they still want to introduce passports.

Omicron now seems to be equally infectious regardless of vaccination status, continuing with covid passports seems illogical as it won't prevent spread - infact it will prolong it, it will but the NHS under increased pressure (sacking unvaccinated) and it will further damage the economy and society through segregation.  

Rather than spending millions or billions on something divisive that won't even achieve what its meant to achieve, we would be far better spending the money on cheap, fast, testing to ensure that entry into [wherever] is limited to people free of covid regardless of vaccination status.

It was suggested quite recently that the surge in Delta infection was being spread through schools - pupils who were not vaccinated returning home and infecting their families.

The deadline for NHS staff to be vaccinated is April, I believe. If the current exponential growth continues, we will have reached the point of breakdown 2 or 3 months ahead of the deadline so that point might be moot. I suppose it depends on which NHS staff are refusing to be vaccinated as to how much of a problem it would be.

Incidentally, I think that the idea of sacking someone over their vaccine status is abhorrent. Would either making them wear full Andy Pandy suits and respirators instead if they are medical staff working on the front line or re-opening the Nightingale hospitals for unvaccinated patients only and have them staffed solely by unvaccinated staff be an alternative? It's medical apartheid, but it's one way out of that dilemma. I'm also totally opposed to the idea of vaccine 'passports' and won't defend them.



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1 minute ago, QuitYourJibbaJivin said:

@Eddie didn’t you do a list recently of conspiracies that get thrown about at the minute and are ridiculously untrue? I’m sure this was number 1.


The laboratory leak has always been a possibility - the 'deliberately engineered' bit is pure speculation, based not upon evidence but the absence of evidence. If we accept that as true at this stage, then that is a decision made 'on faith alone'.

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5 minutes ago, Eddie said:

That does not address my point. Perhaps you just want the last word. If so, go ahead. 

Its not about having the last word, its about giving my opinion and backing it up.

So the Y2K thing didn't amount to anything, great ?  It doesn't detract the essence of my argument however in that many people are becoming increasingly frustrated with continued restriction to the point that we now have around 100 Tory rebels.  

I am not saying its right or wrong - just saying that if omicron turns out to be a storm in a teacup, especially after all the data coming out of South Africa and elsewhere in the world a lot of people are gonna be less than impressed with the Govt and Sage.

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