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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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2 hours ago, angieram said:

 I can't believe the number of people who think basic hygiene is an optional extra and have had to be re-educated during the pandemic.

To answer your question, I will continue to wash my hands as often as I've always done and will keep a mask with me for particularly crowded situations where I have to remain for a while.

Most importantly,  I will stay at home when under the weather. If this virus has changed any behaviour it should be that where people feel they should still work or even go out having fun when they have a cold. It's not very sociable, really, is it?

Sorry but people have lost the plot ,,, or rather scared out of and bribed out of the plot,

we get colds , we get bugs , we get viruses,it’s a massive part of what keeps us healthy and robust and if we go down the route of this madness being pushed we are going to evolve into a species that is vulnerable to and really endangered by the slightest every other thing that touches us ,

but hey let’s just destroy the way we build and keep resistance to illness and let’s make it legal for everybody to not work at the slightest sign of a cold and grind the country to a halt ??‍♂️

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5 minutes ago, Eddie said:

Yes. I like to remind people that Covid-19 is a killer. I have another one which is also skull-themed, and I alternate when one's in the wash.

Oops ,, I thought they were self portrait ?

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9 minutes ago, Archied said:

Sorry but people have lost the plot ,,, or rather scared out of and bribed out of the plot,

we get colds , we get bugs , we get viruses,it’s a massive part of what keeps us healthy and robust and if we go down the route of this madness being pushed we are going to evolve into a species that is vulnerable to and really endangered by the slightest every other thing that touches us ,

but hey let’s just destroy the way we build and keep resistance to illness and let’s make it legal for everybody to not work at the slightest sign of a cold and grind the country to a halt ??‍♂️

I can't recall ever having time off through illness tbh, you just get on with things - and lets be honest, if people started taking days off through coughs and colds adding to your workload you'd think they were taking the p1$$.

The only times I occasionally phoned in sick was when I was perfectly well and had something else planned.  But thats another story... ?

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13 minutes ago, Archied said:

Sorry but people have lost the plot ,,, or rather scared out of and bribed out of the plot,

we get colds , we get bugs , we get viruses,it’s a massive part of what keeps us healthy and robust and if we go down the route of this madness being pushed we are going to evolve into a species that is vulnerable to and really endangered by the slightest every other thing that touches us ,

but hey let’s just destroy the way we build and keep resistance to illness and let’s make it legal for everybody to not work at the slightest sign of a cold and grind the country to a halt ??‍♂️

But covid isn't like other colds and bugs so we have to create a culture that makes us collectively responsible for all aspects of our health. 

I know you're going to disagree, but I would like to think you are in a minority.

If more people stopped off work for a couple of days when ill, the rest of the workplace would be much more productive, in my experience. 

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19 minutes ago, Archied said:

Sorry but people have lost the plot ,,, or rather scared out of and bribed out of the plot,

we get colds , we get bugs , we get viruses,it’s a massive part of what keeps us healthy and robust and if we go down the route of this madness being pushed we are going to evolve into a species that is vulnerable to and really endangered by the slightest every other thing that touches us ,

But the point also being made is that perhaps people can be encouraged to wear masks in places like work/public transport if they are ill? I'm not too keen on the thought of being within breathing in distance of someone with 'the sniffles' tbh.

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6 minutes ago, angieram said:

But covid isn't like other colds and bugs so we have to create a culture that makes us collectively responsible for all aspects of our health. 

I know you're going to disagree, but I would like to think you are in a minority.

If more people stopped off work for a couple of days when ill, the rest of the workplace would be much more productive, in my experience. 

People will just take the piss though, for me you should only be off work if you’re not fit to attend. Sorry but feeling under the weather or a cold doesn’t warrant it in my opinion. I guess like everything else now a days we’ve just gone soft !!! 

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3 minutes ago, maxjam said:

I can't recall ever having time off through illness tbh, you just get on with things - and lets be honest, if people started taking days off through coughs and colds adding to your workload you'd think they were taking the p1$$.

The only times I occasionally phoned in sick was when I was perfectly well and had something else planned.  But thats another story... ?

?,,, don’t think people realise there’s a school of scientific thought that exposure to the corona virus s that cause the common cold may well play a part in many many people not dieing from or developing serious I illness from covid ??‍♂️
Colds and stuff are a little unpleasant but we are not debilitated by them and we work and live our lives , it’s bad enough now with the work shy ( yes there are plenty) who use any and every excuse for avoiding work , imagine we make it not only easier but positively promote it ??‍♂️??‍♂️??‍♂️??‍♂️

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19 minutes ago, angieram said:

But covid isn't like other colds and bugs so we have to create a culture that makes us collectively responsible for all aspects of our health. 

I know you're going to disagree, but I would like to think you are in a minority.

If more people stopped off work for a couple of days when ill, the rest of the workplace would be much more productive, in my experience. 

Covid is very very much like colds and bugs ,in fact it’s from the same family as the common cold,

we are robust creatures who build our immunity s to illness through catching stuff ,, if we go down the route you propose we will become very very fragile and many many things ( not just covid ) will become dangerous and killers , but hey just ignore everything that science and medicine has learnt over hundreds of years , the immune system of humans is a fantastic piece of kit ,your kind of thinking will ultimately destroy it and us

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7 minutes ago, Archied said:

?,,, don’t think people realise there’s a school of scientific thought that exposure to the corona virus s that cause the common cold may well play a part in many many people not dieing from or developing serious I illness from covid ??‍♂️
Colds and stuff are a little unpleasant but we are not debilitated by them and we work and live our lives , it’s bad enough now with the work shy ( yes there are plenty) who use any and every excuse for avoiding work , imagine we make it not only easier but positively promote it ??‍♂️??‍♂️??‍♂️??‍♂️

You mean like this?

Picking up sniffs and sniffles etc is part and parcel of life and makes us healthier as a species in the long run. 

Living behind a mask, avoiding coughs and colds, constantly sanitizing will eventually lead to more people struggling with illnesses in the future.

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2 minutes ago, maxjam said:

You mean like this?

Picking up sniffs and sniffles etc is part and parcel of life and makes us healthier as a species in the long run. 

Living behind a mask, avoiding coughs and colds, constantly sanitizing will eventually lead to more people struggling with illnesses in the future.

Yep , this is where people have lost the plot or never had it , our immune systems are probably the most important thing we have for survival 

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3 hours ago, angieram said:

Most importantly,  I will stay at home when under the weather. If this virus has changed any behaviour it should be that where people feel they should still work or even go out having fun when they have a cold. It's not very sociable, really, is it?

Well I agreed with this at first, but now realise that @angieramactually wants to destroy the human race. I'm going back to the office tomorrow and gonna spit in everyones face. To save them.

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11 minutes ago, Archied said:

Covid is very very much like colds and bugs ,in fact it’s from the same family as the common cold,

we are robust creatures who build our immunity s to illness through catching stuff ,, if we go down the route you propose we will become very very fragile and many many things ( not just covid ) will become dangerous and killers , but hey just ignore everything that science and medicine has learnt over hundreds of years , the immune system of humans is a fantastic piece of kit ,your kind of thinking will ultimately destroy it and us

I agree. Our immune systems need to be strengthened by exposure to all sorts of bugs & viruses.

I never had hayfever and mould allergies until I moved off my parents' livestock farm in my 20's and lived in a centrally heated & "clean" house. We have to give our immune system something to do, or it turns on us.

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5 minutes ago, Archied said:

Yep , this is where people have lost the plot or never had it , our immune systems are probably the most important thing we have for survival 

Although weirdly, life expectancy has more the doubled over the last 300 years in the UK. I blame that meddling "science", with their evil vaccines, medicines and nanny state hygiene rules. We want our freedom back.

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2 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

Although weirdly, life expectancy has more the doubled over the last 300 years in the UK. I blame that meddling "science", with their evil vaccines, medicines and nanny state hygiene rules. We want our freedom back.

Not like you to avoid balance ??????

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3 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

Although weirdly, life expectancy has more the doubled over the last 300 years in the UK. I blame that meddling "science", with their evil vaccines, medicines and nanny state hygiene rules. We want our freedom back.

Basic hygiene’s a given or at least should be. locking yourself up and or wearing a mask when you have a sniffle, get a grip. 

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Just now, TexasRam said:

Basic hygiene’s a given or at least should be. locking yourself up and or wearing a mask when you have a sniffle, get a grip. 

Don’t try to be sensible when there’s wagon circling going on??????

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To be honest though…is everything that bad at the minute from a consumer point of view? I can get a beer when I want, have a chat at the local coffee shop, go to shops no fuss, have a bite to eat…and all we need to do is put a bit of sanitiser on and wear a mask where needed to. I mean, I can happily do these things for quite a bit longer.

Maybe I’m not getting unnecessarily annoyed at stuff enough, but what’s the problem? I mean we’ve got to leave to live with it as we all like to keep saying. 

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5 minutes ago, TuffLuff said:

To be honest though…is everything that bad at the minute from a consumer point of view? I can get a beer when I want, have a chat at the local coffee shop, go to shops no fuss, have a bite to eat…and all we need to do is put a bit of sanitiser on and wear a mask where needed to. I mean, I can happily do these things for quite a bit longer.

Maybe I’m not getting unnecessarily annoyed at stuff enough, but what’s the problem? I mean we’ve got to leave to live with it as we all like to keep saying. 

You can still do all that ?? But now it looks like we have a choice not to. I’ll choose not to. 
Also It looks like I will have the choice to attend football matches next season restriction free, so it’s all sunny and good imo 

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8 minutes ago, TuffLuff said:

To be honest though…is everything that bad at the minute from a consumer point of view? I can get a beer when I want, have a chat at the local coffee shop, go to shops no fuss, have a bite to eat…and all we need to do is put a bit of sanitiser on and wear a mask where needed to. I mean, I can happily do these things for quite a bit longer.

Maybe I’m not getting unnecessarily annoyed at stuff enough, but what’s the problem? I mean we’ve got to leave to live with it as we all like to keep saying. 

It works for you ??‍♂️Your happy to carry on as you think it negates risk ,, that all good but others don’t 

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