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Abu Derby County


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40 minutes ago, WilkoRam said:

Tired Over It GIF by Desus & Mero
still nothing. The lack of information has me refreshing timelines like some teenager. Obviously it’s a lack of information due to nothing happening but it’s torture at the moment. 

 1. Is Cocu being sacked?

2. If he is, Then his representatives will be involved as will others who are under contract and their Reps i'd have thought.

3. As there is no sale as of yet, Then i'd have thought the Bill will be on MMs door step if sacking under his tenure.

4. If this sale doesn't materialise, Then MM is going to be in one hell of a hole.

5. This 2 week break gives everyone TIME, A new Manager may have already been sourced, If Cocu is put on Gardening leave then a new appointment will be in ASAP.

6. We all need to Chill, But guessing and hoping what's going to happen makes for good reading ☺️

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1 minute ago, Rab a dab doo said:

The Sheikh might be thinking if he leaves it long enough and were really in dire straits that he might get a discount and pick us up at an even cheaper price. 

I've thought the same.

When Mel purchased the club he struck a deal with GSE around the result of the QPR at Wembley game.

Perhaps the new owner has seen just how dire our position is, just how desperate Mel is to sell and the 'finer points of the deal' are actually just how much Sheikh Khaled is willing to pay.

The EFL gave clearance on Thursday, you would assume negotiations have taken place long before then, so assuming all is well you would expect an announcement very shortly (as in today).

The longer it rumbles on the more chance I think there is of this ending up the same as the Newcastle bid.

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22 minutes ago, Rab a dab doo said:

You don't rich by giving money way or paying over odds for things you don't have to for.

No, you get rich by being born into the upper echelons of the feudal hierarchy of a resource rich petro-state.

Or persuading 100 millions bored housewives to give you a fiver each for some phone based fun. Oooerrr, fnarr.

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