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4 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

Still don't know what relevance it is. Fact or not it's not relevant. 

I am British and I have British morals. I would like my club to also have British morals, or at least vaguely compatible ones. I may be in a minority of one, but it would appear not looking at some of the people posting here. 

Ultimately it won't be decided on my objections, or likely on the majority of fans objections. But I don't have to like it. 

Isn't what goes on in UAE completely irrelevant though when it comes to owning a football club in England though?

In my family, I won't agree with every member on various issues, is it not a tad unfair to assume the mans views when it's clear he's not personally not at the head of the family that has control. 

Feels like the guy has been judged and placed in this box before we have ever heard a word leave his mouth.

I do fear a little that if this takeover goes through, any issues in the UAE which may go against our morals will be brought up and looking for a response. 


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49 minutes ago, Half Fan Half Biscuit said:

Apologies - haven't read all 63 pages of this thread so may have missed something but . . . 


. . . this guy is worth £500 million and has zero connection with Derby County.

Mel is a fan who is according to the Sunday Times worth £515 million.

Why would anyone get excited by this takeover unless the Sheikh has a lot of rich friends who are prepared to take a punt?

He’s worth more than 500 mil

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6 hours ago, sage said:

Am I one of the ignorant ones? I certainly don't consider myself Islamaphobic. I certainly do not think that the UAE are the same as Saudi re human rights and atrocities.

My issue is the lack of democracy and the human rights violations. You are right in that you cannot blame everyone in a country based on the policies of their leaders, however in this case there is some evidence, somewhat hazy like the true nature of his identity and position, that he is part of that leadership. If he is, then I think people are entitled to have concerns. I would feel the same way if someone of any nationality tried to buy our club, if they had links to human rights abuses.

Sorry Sage (and @ShoreRam) - I am up for a couple of days in a Herefordshire outpost so had no internet for most of today. Just arrived at a mates house and want you to know that I don’t think you are ignorant ?

I understand your concerns, but I don’t entirely share them. I think we, the Derby fanbase generally, should be more respectful that the UAE has their own set of laws and culture, and be less ignorant of the fact that they are a very progressive State within the Middle East. 

Now I could type more, probably lots more, but my mate wants me to have a few beers (and I don’t want to disappoint him), but let me leave this with you. When Maxwell stripped all the Mirrormen of their pensions, did you, I , indeed anyone in the supporter base, say we will stop following The Rams now because we are sullied by that shyster.  We need to find out more about this Sheikh before we come to rash and Ill informed judgment (again not aimed at you or anyone in particular).

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18 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

Still don't know what relevance it is. Fact or not it's not relevant. 

I am British and I have British morals. I would like my club to also have British morals, or at least vaguely compatible ones. I may be in a minority of one, but it would appear not looking at some of the people posting here. 

Ultimately it won't be decided on my objections, or likely on the majority of fans objections. But I don't have to like it. 

Are you happy to apply your morals and support club who has been funded by a person who had multiple children from multiple partners all living under one roof, who claimed £100,000's of benefits paid for by the tax payer, who refused to get a job and then burned his children to death? 

Is there any evidence that the person looking to potentially invest has actually done anything that would deem to be unacceptable human rights in Britain? But we are willing to act as judge, jury and executioner and discriminate against this person by applying British morals to a person from another country who may or may not have done anything wring

China has questionable human rights. But everybody buys products from there. 

My point is it correct to apply British morals and judge to a person who we do not know if has actually done anything wrong when there are questionable morals elsewhere which we do not show / have issue with? 

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Folks are quite happy to slate the UAE and their human rights record, whilst we're typing on our Chinese manufactured electronics made by people who earn peanuts and work in awful conditions.

Hypocrisy at its finest.

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7 minutes ago, SouthStandDan said:

Folks are quite happy to slate the UAE and their human rights record, whilst we're typing on our Chinese manufactured electronics made by people who earn peanuts and work in awful conditions.

Hypocrisy at its finest.

I don't buy my electronics from China anymore, the last one had a virus. 

ok...I'll get my coat.

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9 hours ago, ShoreRam said:


"If he turns out to be one of the senior people who has helped shape the way their society operates then the there is a case for objecting" Brilliant, we'll deal with it at that point right? Until then we'll all be happy clappers, as long as he shells out £10m on a new striker, who cares eh!! 

Exactly !

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31 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

Sorry Sage (and @ShoreRam) - I am up for a couple of days in a Herefordshire outpost so had no internet for most of today. Just arrived at a mates house and want you to know that I don’t think you are ignorant ?

I understand your concerns, but I don’t entirely share them. I think we, the Derby fanbase generally, should be more respectful that the UAE has their own set of laws and culture, and be less ignorant of the fact that they are a very progressive State within the Middle East. 

Now I could type more, probably lots more, but my mate wants me to have a few beers (and I don’t want to disappoint him), but let me leave this with you. When Maxwell stripped all the Mirrormen of their pensions, did you, I , indeed anyone in the supporter base, say we will stop following The Rams now because we are sullied by that shyster.  We need to find out more about this Sheikh before we come to rash and Ill informed judgment (again not aimed at you or anyone in particular).

Will PM you as the mods want this to stop.

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39 minutes ago, David said:

Isn't what goes on in UAE completely irrelevant though when it comes to owning a football club in England though?

In my family, I won't agree with every member on various issues, is it not a tad unfair to assume the mans views when it's clear he's not personally not at the head of the family that has control. 

Feels like the guy has been judged and placed in this box before we have ever heard a word leave his mouth.

I do fear a little that if this takeover goes through, any issues in the UAE which may go against our morals will be brought up and looking for a response. 


I think the main issue is how little we know about this person and his background. Or how UAE runs its state. 

I'm thinking how to pitch it in terms that we can relate to in this country. Let's imagine that the country is still run by the Royal family. Let's also imagine that they have a poor record on rights, because they rule absolutely. 

If someone like Princess Eugenie decided to buy the club, how would you feel? She presumably doesn't have much say in things but she definitely will be a part of the machine. 

I'd not be a big fan in that situation. I'd hardly be marching to Pride Park, but I might mutter a bit. 

Because we've never been in anything like that situation before it's hard to weigh it up, I think. 

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2 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

I think the main issue is how little we know about this person and his background. Or how UAE runs its state. 

I'm thinking how to pitch it in terms that we can relate to in this country. Let's imagine that the country is still run by the Royal family. Let's also imagine that they have a poor record on rights, because they rule absolutely. 

If someone like Princess Eugenie decided to buy the club, how would you feel? She presumably doesn't have much say in things but she definitely will be a part of the machine. 

I'd not be a big fan in that situation. I'd hardly be marching to Pride Park, but I might mutter a bit. 

Because we've never been in anything like that situation before it's hard to weigh it up, I think. 

I heard she's a F*rest fan. Duck her..

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33 minutes ago, Big Bad Bob said:

Are you happy to apply your morals and support club who has been funded by a person who had multiple children from multiple partners all living under one roof, who claimed £100,000's of benefits paid for by the tax payer, who refused to get a job and then burned his children to death? 

Is there any evidence that the person looking to potentially invest has actually done anything that would deem to be unacceptable human rights in Britain? But we are willing to act as judge, jury and executioner and discriminate against this person by applying British morals to a person from another country who may or may not have done anything wring

China has questionable human rights. But everybody buys products from there. 

My point is it correct to apply British morals and judge to a person who we do not know if has actually done anything wrong when there are questionable morals elsewhere which we do not show / have issue with? 

Is Mick Philpott buying the club? Yes, I think I might stop going if that happened. 

That's a good comparison. How would you feel if he were buying? 

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7 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

I think the main issue is how little we know about this person and his background. Or how UAE runs its state. 

Nailed it there haven't you? We know very little so how can we be in a position to judge him

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