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5 minutes ago, sage said:

Whilst I agree Boris is an idiot of the highest order, this is a moving feast and the Tiers (not drawn up my ministers) take in a range of factors. The weighting of which may change as we know more.

Most of the data is in the public sphere. Cases and deaths on a daily basis are published by country, county, district and if you look closely enough by parish.

As you can see these figures, I don't really see why you expect the government to start publishing its calculations. Arent we already drowning in data?

In business, science,  sport, logistics, medicine, you name it, data (the moving feast/beast) drive decisions and strategies along with a modicum of common sense. I am not asking to see the excel formulae they use from the CSV (FFS!) data feed but an outline of the basis for their drastic and radical decisions. 

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14 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

In which case you'd think that they would not have cancelled cancer screening for so many people also?

I didnt vote for the party who ran down the NHS.

When I had the flu jab. We were processed at 1 jab per minute. Given by a nurse in a GP surgery.

Not really comparable. However I would say less cancer screenings would have been cancelled if people followed the rules.


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5 minutes ago, sage said:

I didnt vote for the party who ran down the NHS.

When I had the flu jab. We were processed at 1 jab per minute. Given by a nurse in a GP surgery.

Not really comparable. However I would say less cancer screenings would have been cancelled if people followed the rules.

I didnt vote for the party that raffled off our gold reserves, rather than selling it at a good price and funding the NHS (if we want to play silly games like that).

Every flu jab being administered, could be a Covid jab being administered. If what we are being told is correct, which of the 2 viruses is most likely to lead to ICUs filling up quicker? I thought that is what all of the measures are for?

I have no way of proving or disproving your last paragraph.

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54 minutes ago, BIllyD said:

I had pneumonia around 7 years ago, got diagnosed with the big C beginning of last year and had a 6 hour op to remove the tumour and a lot of my internal organs to go with it.

Blimey. That post stopped me in my tracks.

i just want to wish you well and I hope you make a full recovery. 
Hope you have a very happy and healthy 2021. ??????

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One of the good things about Covid.

It's helped accelerate the discussion of mental health issues into the open, which can only be a good thing.

One unseen killer has helped another find its way into everyday discourse.


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Jesus - I’ve just read in different sources that not only is the Oxford vaccine being spaced by three months but so is the second jab for the Pfizer one.

Pfizer didn’t even test there vaccine 12 weeks apart.

If true, this government is getting things wrong before the vaccine roll out has even started. How the hell can they change the way a vaccine is applied which has not had any testing done to check its validation?

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20 minutes ago, rammieib said:

Jesus - I’ve just read in different sources that not only is the Oxford vaccine being spaced by three months but so is the second jab for the Pfizer one.

Pfizer didn’t even test there vaccine 12 weeks apart.

If true, this government is getting things wrong before the vaccine roll out has even started. How the hell can they change the way a vaccine is applied which has not had any testing done to check its validation?

I'm sure they're following the science, why don't you try looking for it before calling the decision one way or the other?

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21 minutes ago, rammieib said:

Jesus - I’ve just read in different sources that not only is the Oxford vaccine being spaced by three months but so is the second jab for the Pfizer one.

Pfizer didn’t even test there vaccine 12 weeks apart.

If true, this government is getting things wrong before the vaccine roll out has even started. How the hell can they change the way a vaccine is applied which has not had any testing done to check its validation?

Jesus here.

Don't worry. I can cure anyone who believes in me. 

Apart from Cliff Richard. 

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20 minutes ago, Rev said:

I'm sure they're following the science, why don't you try looking for it before calling the decision one way or the other?

Well if they follow the science we wouldn’t bother with lockdowns for a starter lol.

But yeah, early reports I’ve read also suggest Pfizer are saying it shouldn’t be applied like that.

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4 minutes ago, rammieib said:

Well if they follow the science we wouldn’t bother with lockdowns for a starter lol.

But yeah, early reports I’ve read also suggest Pfizer are saying it shouldn’t be applied like that.

Back it up with links then, so we can all get on board.

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1 minute ago, Rev said:

Back it up with links then, so we can all get on board.






This suggests only 52% protection from one dose.

I just don’t see how you can make it up as you go along. This is going to get really serious in the next few days. I can see Pfizer refusing to sell vaccines to the UK if it’s not applied according to the instructions.


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If we split the pandemic in two, with 1 September 2020 as the dividing line, then the state of deaths now sits as:

First Half: 41,501

Second half: 31,047

The 7 day average is hovering around 450-475 per day at the moment, so on the low end of that scale we're looking at a bit over 3 weeks under the second wave eclipses the first wave, assuming things don't get any worse. 

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1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

Every flu jab being administered, could be a Covid jab being administered. If what we are being told is correct, which of the 2 viruses is most likely to lead to ICUs filling up quicker? I thought that is what all of the measures are for?

This is a ridiculous statement, even for you when you have your trolling people hat on.

The first Covid vaccine is only now available and has been for just 3 weeks, but in very few numbers (the second doses have begun to be administered just today). The second vaccine will not even begin to be rolled out until next week, again in limited numbers at first, and you are quibbling about flu vaccines that were given out largely between October and December, when we didn't even have a bloody Covid-19 vaccine?

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1 hour ago, rammieib said:

Jesus - I’ve just read in different sources that not only is the Oxford vaccine being spaced by three months but so is the second jab for the Pfizer one.

Pfizer didn’t even test there vaccine 12 weeks apart.

If true, this government is getting things wrong before the vaccine roll out has even started. How the hell can they change the way a vaccine is applied which has not had any testing done to check its validation?

I thought that the people who received their first Pfizer jab 3 weeks ago started getting their second one today?

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6 hours ago, Rev said:

One of the good things about Covid.

It's helped accelerate the discussion of mental health issues into the open, which can only be a good thing.

One unseen killer has helped another find its way into everyday discourse.


I actually don’t agree with you , mental health issues very rightly were being brought into the open well before COVID arrived with campaign s to highlight the problems and their importance and if anything that importance has been downgraded in the face of COVID becoming the only killer that matters ,, just my humble opinion ??‍♂️

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15 minutes ago, Archied said:

I actually don’t agree with you , mental health issues very rightly were being brought into the open well before COVID arrived with campaign s to highlight the problems and their importance and if anything that importance has been downgraded in the face of COVID becoming the only killer that matters ,, just my humble opinion ??‍♂️

I think there's increasing awareness of the situation but, a little like the Black Lives Matter campaign, not enough being done from a practical perspective. 

There is still a tendency to prescribe medication to see how that goes and to manage NHS waiting lists. 

Mental health is one of many areas in which the NHS struggles to meet demand. 

Too few who have the assets to pay actually take the step to seek private help. 

So, for me it's a case of we know there's a problem, so what are we going to do about it? 

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9 hours ago, rammieib said:

No I think if there was an election tomorrow their decisions would be more in line with what their constituents are feeling and thinking.

My guess, and I don’t have facts to back this up except Polls on twitter (which are always biased based on who the person is submitting the poll) is that more people now do not want a lockdown but to continue with Tiers and allow people slightly more freedom and Employment.

Maybe in EU terms it’s like saying that given the choice between voting for the Agreed Deal or a No deal, most people would go with the deal. However a number of MP’s are rejecting to play politics.

Yes but that is my point really. I can’t think of a better system but democracy can be a hostage to popular opinion, especially as elections approach, and politicians can be tempted to say and do things just because they think it will get them elected. Constituents don’t always know best (I’m not saying MP’s do by the way) and it’s not easy to make unpopular (but hopefully right) decisions when you need people to vote for you.

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9 hours ago, Eddie said:

Yes, I'm only guessing, as we all are.

I have no idea what the rules are any more. My son, who lives alone, has been staying with us for a week (he's in our 'support bubble') and I was planning on driving him back to his home on Friday - a nice little 300 mile round trip with a cup of coffee at half time. I don't think I'm breaking any laws or rules, but there is a 'D' in a day of more than 23 hours, so I wouldn't put money on it.

Yes you are breaking the rules, just some examples below.

People should not leave tier four areas or travel abroad, except for limited reasons (including work and education)

Residents should stay at home, unless they have a "reasonable excuse" such as work or education

Across all tiers, people should now "stay local".

I wouldn’t say anything other than your just misguided, Sorry couldn’t resist.

However, I don’t see anything wrong with it as long as on your half time coffee break you wear your mask and socially distance. 

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6 hours ago, Eddie said:

This is a ridiculous statement, even for you when you have your trolling people hat on.

The first Covid vaccine is only now available and has been for just 3 weeks, but in very few numbers (the second doses have begun to be administered just today). The second vaccine will not even begin to be rolled out until next week, again in limited numbers at first, and you are quibbling about flu vaccines that were given out largely between October and December, when we didn't even have a bloody Covid-19 

If you actually read what was being discussed, @Archied was questioning why he is now receiving messages inviting him to get the flu jab.

Like him, I would think that the overwhelmed NHS, on the brink of collapse, would be putting every effort into vaccinating people against the virus with an R rate of 3, that allegedly kills 3% of people that catch it, ahead of a virus that has an R rate of 1, that has virtually disappeared this year. 

As someone that tried to pull me up on my maths quite recently, I am very surprised that you could not work this one out and I am frankly quite disappointed.

2 days ago you had blemish free record on this subject, now all of a sudden you can't get anything right. Think we will just put it down to too many Belgian beers over Xmas. Hopefully you can get back on track in 2021.

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