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19 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

The feeling is that it will flare up once those countries return to normal.

Yes, that’s one theory I’d heard. In which case, the people of China might be in for one hell of a shock. You’d think, given the size of their population, the poverty/living conditions/pollution in some areas and the fact that’s where the virus originated, that their figures will be far worse.

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After having a little rant the other night I’ve had a lie down, a rich tea biscuit and a cup of decaffeinated tea which has soothed me somewhat. Apologies if I accidentally brought in the political slant, for what it’s worth I do think this situation is political unfortunately and the lack of action and communication from the government has had a knock on effect with the panic and lack of preparation for small businesses and the general public. Fortunately that’s now being addressed and actually can see a lot of sense in the steady approach of closing society (for example, more and more people are being told to stay at home this week in preperation for the kids being off school rather than schools closing and everything making botched plans). Hopefully by the end of this week/start of next we will be in a position where we can all cope and shops are back stocked and we can adapt quickly.

Also please note, in Sheffield I’ve noticed A LOT of pubs, restaurants, beer shops and brewerys are looking to do click and collect or even delivery on food and drink. As and when everywhere does begin to shut down please keep a lookout and consider these options as I think it’s a grand idea in terms of looking to keep local business afloat.

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15 hours ago, reverendo de duivel said:

I think it's a character trait of our nation to be sceptical, and make light of things, so that's nothing needing apologising for.

Stay safe, I hope your sisters business gets the help it needs, and you and yours emerge relatively unscathed.


Thankyou pal 

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2 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

I would be amazed if anyone listened to this

I listened to the first 40 minutes ariot and @smiths_tavrnand will try and get to the rest later, but here a few questions. Questions that Richie Allen (who by the way I'd never heard of) - and at least to the 40-minute mark) hadn't ask because he ither sucks as an interviewer or is a total sycophant.

1. (I feel sure he MUST get to ask this one because without that context everything else is moot). Who stands to make from this and is running the show? It seems weird that Trump has pushed back and back and back with even his most ardent supporters aghast as his inaction.

Clearly Allen couldn't have asked this because it hadn't happened, but only as recently as February 28th Trump told a rally of his supporters that it was a hoax perpetrated by the Democrats 

2) Do you approach every new scare Jon with a view that this one could be true. Do you look as hard for evidence where you could be wrong as you do for evidence to support your pre-help belief? You know, what proper investigative journalists do. 

3. Are you saying that every single Government in the world, many with wildly differing ideologies, is in on this hoax? That they are all colluding together?

4. Will the money they (whomever they are) make from the vaccine that you seem to be suggesting is almost ready (this was an interview in January - so where is it) make up for a potential world depression and tens of trillions of dollars lost?

5. You say that if a scientist in China came out to tell the truth they would be dragged off and shot. But what about scientists in other countries? And how come you have been taken out by either your own Government or the Chinese Government. Do you really think they couldn't get to you if they wanted to shut you up for exposing them?

For the time being I'm going to paraphrase the 18th Century philosopher David Hume, by taking out his 'miracle' and replacing it with 'story'.

'No testimony is sufficient to establish a miracle, unless the testimony be of such a kind that its falsehood would be more miraculous than the fact which it endeavors to establish'

Could Rapporport be right?

I guess, but it would be bigger than every other news story broken by every other journalist in the history of journalism combined.

So he probably isn't.

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1 hour ago, Tamworthram said:

one thing, no doubt pretty obvious, that I haven’t yet got head around is why the chief scientific adviser is saying 20,000 or fewer deaths would be a “good” outcome for the UK when current lives lost in China is “only” 3,237 and in S. Korea is “only” 84. In both cases the trend seems to be declining.

Does it mean: 1) They’re not being entirely truthful about their numbers (seems unlikely especially in S. Korea), 2) They aren’t anywhere near out the woods yet 3) Our advisors are being extra cautious 4) we’re going to get it a lot worse than them 5) places like Italy and Spain, who are already suffering, probably have a lot worse still to come.

Am I missing something? I’m ready for a “duh” moment.

Laying a slightly cynical eye on it but I took it that you release a number that’s beatable, beat it and call the UK response a success. Nothing wrong in principal with that but I can’t see the point of putting a figure out if you don’t intend to beat it comfortably.

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On the news now they are showing the makeshift hospitals that are being prepared here in Spain. Today we have 2538 new cases and a total of 131716, with 558 deaths and 774 seriously ill in intensive care. Hopefully the measures being taken will help reduce the total number of deaths, even if the total number of infected can't be reduced.


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9 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:

Oh I missed the idea that the carers would be recovered cases. Stupid me. Begins to make much more sense. Like it! 

It's still not conclusive that you can't be reinfrcted, but I'd imagine that it's that low, it's not even worth mentioning so the media don't cause a panic. 

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2 minutes ago, Uptherams said:

It's still not conclusive that you can't be reinfrcted, but I'd imagine that it's that low, it's not even worth mentioning so the media don't cause a panic. 

That's the one that concerns me and maybe a reason fro the Eyam style lock downs.  

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53 minutes ago, richinspain said:

On the news now they are showing the makeshift hospitals that are being prepared here in Spain. Today we have 2538 new cases and a total of 131716, with 558 deaths and 774 seriously ill in intensive care. Hopefully the measures being taken will help reduce the total number of deaths, even if the total number of infected can't be reduced.


I'm still allowed to travel to Gib and back for work subject to multiple checks.  Some won't realise that the Spanish way to deal with deaths is to dispose within at the most 48 hours.  They don't have the facilities for this level of death.

Keep well and hopefully we get the chance to meet at some stage

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Japanese flu drug deemed 'effective' in the treatment of Covid-19

Patients who were given the medicine in Shenzhen turned negative for the virus after a median of four days after becoming positive, compared with a median of 11 days for those who were not treated with the drug, public broadcaster NHK said.

More here...


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18 minutes ago, Spanish said:

I'm still allowed to travel to Gib and back for work subject to multiple checks.  Some won't realise that the Spanish way to deal with deaths is to dispose within at the most 48 hours.  They don't have the facilities for this level of death.

Keep well and hopefully we get the chance to meet at some stage

The Portuguese border is also open for transportation and people working cross-border.

It's a fair whack from Valencia to Gib, but if ever either of us are on the other's patch we'll have to advise. Look after yourself 

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It's going to be strange going to work at Toyota tonight knowing that all of their staff are off and I can't imagine imagine we will be many days behind them. The biggest difference between our 2 companies is that Toyota are paying their staff the full wage including shift allowance and ours are telling us that we can either use our holidays, have unpaid leave or get paid and do overtime when we return to pay back the hours we owe.

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16 minutes ago, ossieram said:

It's going to be strange going to work at Toyota tonight knowing that all of their staff are off and I can't imagine imagine we will be many days behind them. The biggest difference between our 2 companies is that Toyota are paying their staff the full wage including shift allowance and ours are telling us that we can either use our holidays, have unpaid leave or get paid and do overtime when we return to pay back the hours we owe.

Who will be next to follow Toyota's announcement, that they are ceasing production.

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35 minutes ago, ossieram said:

It's going to be strange going to work at Toyota tonight knowing that all of their staff are off and I can't imagine imagine we will be many days behind them. The biggest difference between our 2 companies is that Toyota are paying their staff the full wage including shift allowance and ours are telling us that we can either use our holidays, have unpaid leave or get paid and do overtime when we return to pay back the hours we owe.

If you all agree to take unpaid leave, once you go back to work the overtime you will have may well pay what you lose if it's at time and a half. Obviously it will depend on your economic position and the amount of time you're off work. Four weeks for example at 40 hours per week are 160 hours you will have to do unpaid, or just over 100 hours at time and a half.

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2 hours ago, richinspain said:

On the news now they are showing the makeshift hospitals that are being prepared here in Spain. Today we have 2538 new cases and a total of 131716, with 558 deaths and 774 seriously ill in intensive care. Hopefully the measures being taken will help reduce the total number of deaths, even if the total number of infected can't be reduced.


Just realised my piggy fingers had put 131716 infected, there are in fact 13716. Sorry.

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1 hour ago, Spanish said:

I'm still allowed to travel to Gib and back for work subject to multiple checks.  Some won't realise that the Spanish way to deal with deaths is to dispose within at the most 48 hours.  They don't have the facilities for this level of death.

Keep well and hopefully we get the chance to meet at some stage

cc @richinspain on average and using official figures from 2018, 1,300 people die every day in Spain, so the total over the last 3 or 4 weeks is about the average of 9-hours on a normal day. 

I'd imagine they are not even close to the not being able to manage....yet.

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