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55 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

"Alternative motivations" give me strength.

Then please please enlighten me on why you would shut down and reduce opening times of an industry that is proven through data is not passing on infections? Come on, please give me your opinion, I can’t wait 

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19 minutes ago, Albert said:

So you don't contest any of the criticism of your argument. Fair enough.


Not going through it all again because its boring for everyone on this forum, including myself.  I'll give you your previous post as the last word, you seem to need it.  I will however pull this paragraph out though as its something we both agree on;


20 minutes ago, Albert said:

Again though, getting past all that, at the very least you can surely agree that the UK's response hasn't been great overall, and managed to find this weird middle ground of both damaging the economy, and not protecting lives effectively. This would imply that a change in strategy is needed, whichever way that happens to go.

I have never said the UKs response has been anything, let alone 'great' - in fact, as mentioned several times on this forum that I agreed with the first lockdown due to the coronavirus unknowns, it has now become farcical however.  As time has gone on and reading up on alternative approaches, improved data and thinking about how to apply it to the UK, I have now come to the conclusion that future lockdowns will severely damage the UK both socially and economically and we'd be better of switching to more of a Swedish approach.  Is that right or wrong?  We'll find out in a few years time.

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22 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

Then please please enlighten me on why you would shut down and reduce opening times of an industry that is proven through data is not passing on infections? Come on, please give me your opinion, I can’t wait 

I guess Scotland's hospitality lockdown isn't based on any evidence then ?‍♂️

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3 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

I guess Scotland's hospitality lockdown isn't based on any evidence then ?‍♂️

Apparently not based on the data of infections from people visiting the hospitality industry. I’ll wait for your reply Nicola 

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9 hours ago, SchtivePesley said:

I normally go and see my elderly mum on a Sunday, but I'm mindful that I could be asymptomatic and contagious for 3 days, so I've started going on a Thursday instead. So far so good. Hardly rocket science is it?

Am i missing something here? Was your comment a joke? It's just that I don't get it. You're saying that you used to go to your mum's on a Sunday, but because you could be asymptomatic that you now go on a Thursday? So you can only catch it on a Friday? Do you stay at home all week but go out on a Friday?

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1 hour ago, TexasRam said:

Then please please enlighten me on why you would shut down and reduce opening times of an industry that is proven through data is not passing on infections? Come on, please give me your opinion, I can’t wait 

@ariotofmyown didn’t think so

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28 minutes ago, richinspain said:

Am i missing something here? Was your comment a joke? It's just that I don't get it. You're saying that you used to go to your mum's on a Sunday, but because you could be asymptomatic that you now go on a Thursday? So you can only catch it on a Friday? Do you stay at home all week but go out on a Friday?

I thought that it was a clever joke, but equally the joke could be on me. However, I did start drinking several hours ago.

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30 minutes ago, Chester40 said:

Work...as in, slow the infection rate of the virus. Until people start mixing more again. Is that 'working' long term as it doesn't seem a viable option for long. 

Yes they'll work. If people had followed the rules when pubs first reopened, they may still be open passed 10 o'clock. We may have seen people already attaining sporting events We may have seen a return to some semblance of normality.

Yes it may be a slower process, than many would like but I think it would be better than what we are experiencing at the moment. More local lockdowns with restrictions changing from one week to the next.

Or we could just say sod it, all join together for one giant piss up and whoever is left standing in a few weeks time, can get on with the rest of their lives.

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1 hour ago, TexasRam said:

It’s just been in BBC east midland cases are rising and the City officials do not understand why, I guess it depends on which MSM you believe the gutter press or the left wing mindless BBC

To quote bbc East Midlands 

“Leicester infections dropped after the rules banning social contact were introduced, but as they have been eased and things have reopened cases increased”

Easing of Leicester lockdown

29 June: Local lockdown announced

(cases massively drop)

24 July: Schools and nurseries allowed to reopen

3 August: Pubs and restaurants reopen

(notable increase in cases in this time period)

19 August: Beauty salons, spas and tattoo parlours allowed to reopen

8 September: Swimming pools, gyms and sports facilities allowed to reopen

15 September: Casinos, bowling alleys and soft play areas allowed to reopen

After a fall in cases last week as the Leicester Mercury reported cases are now at similar levels to June. 

The mayor even explained why cases have risen since restrictions have been eased, and that this clearly proves why local authorities need to be able to choose when and what types of restrictions to apply in order to control the cases. He was probably the most positive I have ever seen him. 

How does this prove lockdowns don’t work?


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1 hour ago, TexasRam said:

Then please please enlighten me on why you would shut down and reduce opening times of an industry that is proven through data is not passing on infections? Come on, please give me your opinion, I can’t wait 

Have you listened to Sturgeons in Holyrood today and her reasoning why she has done it? The Evidence paper on the Scot Gov website will also give the details.

The test and protect app in Scotland has been in use for 2 months now and the data gathered seems to be helping them make decisions like this. 

Trust me, when Nationalism is reaching levels where the SNP are getting excited about Independence again, the last thing they would want to do is close or restrict pubs. Talk about a vote loser. 



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14 minutes ago, jimmyp said:

To quote bbc East Midlands 

“Leicester infections dropped after the rules banning social contact were introduced, but as they have been eased and things have reopened cases increased”

Easing of Leicester lockdown

29 June: Local lockdown announced

(cases massively drop)

24 July: Schools and nurseries allowed to reopen

3 August: Pubs and restaurants reopen

(notable increase in cases in this time period)

19 August: Beauty salons, spas and tattoo parlours allowed to reopen

8 September: Swimming pools, gyms and sports facilities allowed to reopen

15 September: Casinos, bowling alleys and soft play areas allowed to reopen

After a fall in cases last week as the Leicester Mercury reported cases are now at similar levels to June. 

The mayor even explained why cases have risen since restrictions have been eased, and that this clearly proves why local authorities need to be able to choose when and what types of restrictions to apply in order to control the cases. He was probably the most positive I have ever seen him. 

How does this prove lockdowns don’t work?


It seems to indicate quite the opposite.

Anyway, I just read something hilarious (ok, I thought it was funny), regarding Trump's physician reassuring the world that he is a god amongst men:

The report from Dr Conley said: "His physical exam and vital signs, including oxygen saturation and respiratory rate, all remain stable and in normal range." It added: "The president's labs demonstrated detectable levels of SARS-CoV-2-IgG antibodies on Monday October 5th."

Er, what the hell do you think that he was treated with when he went into hospital?


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2 minutes ago, CWC1983 said:

Have you listened to Sturgeons in Holyrood today and her reasoning why she has done it? The Evidence paper on the Scot Gov website will also give the details.

The test and protect app in Scotland has been in use for 2 months now and the data gathered seems to be helping them make decisions like this. 

Trust me, when Nationalism is reaching levels where the SNP are getting excited about Independence again, the last thing they would want to do is close or restrict pubs. Talk about a vote loser. 



Yes I did, however there is no reasoning behind targeting the hospitality industry. 

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25 minutes ago, jimmyp said:

To quote bbc East Midlands 

“Leicester infections dropped after the rules banning social contact were introduced, but as they have been eased and things have reopened cases increased”

Easing of Leicester lockdown

29 June: Local lockdown announced

(cases massively drop)

24 July: Schools and nurseries allowed to reopen

3 August: Pubs and restaurants reopen

(notable increase in cases in this time period)

19 August: Beauty salons, spas and tattoo parlours allowed to reopen

8 September: Swimming pools, gyms and sports facilities allowed to reopen

15 September: Casinos, bowling alleys and soft play areas allowed to reopen

After a fall in cases last week as the Leicester Mercury reported cases are now at similar levels to June. 

The mayor even explained why cases have risen since restrictions have been eased, and that this clearly proves why local authorities need to be able to choose when and what types of restrictions to apply in order to control the cases. He was probably the most positive I have ever seen him. 

How does this prove lockdowns don’t work?


Cases are rising, the chain hasn’t been broken which lockdown is supposed to do  = lockdowns don’t work (this is repeated globally) 

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Last night I had to got to the local hospital (Warwick, thx!) and the receptionist in A&E is coughing all night (I was there for two hours). After a while someone hands her a bottle of smelling salts and asks if she can smell it (I can and I'm sat ten metres away with a mask on). She can't. Then they ask her if she has a fever, she says only because she's coughing all the time. Then she says 'come to think of it, I am tired but I thought that was because I didn't sleep well last night with this cough'. Someone tells her she probably should go home and she replies 'But I had the 'flu jab last week, it can't be anything serious'. Eventually they just about frog march her out of the building but not before she has touched every door handle going and spending five minutes in the common area telling everyone not to worry, it's probably only a bit of a cough.

How can these people be so stupid, so unaware and - in a medical role - so untrained and poorly briefed? It beggars belief.

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9 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

Cases are rising, the chain hasn’t been broken which lockdown is supposed to do  = lockdowns don’t work (this is repeated globally) 

What exactly do you mean by “the chain hasn’t been broken” ?

The purpose of a lockdown, is to reduce reproduction – in other words, to reduce the number of people each confirmed case infects.



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