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15 hours ago, SchtivePesley said:

Got my youngest's test result back late Friday night (from a Monday test) - negative, so he can go back to school and we can stop isolating

No one mentioned the Bolton super-spreader? Came back from holiday but felt fine  so didn't isolate - instead went on a massive weekend long pub crawl and infected dozens of people.  Didn't get symptoms till a few days later and then tested positive.


Not sure how that fits with the hand-wringers blaming people who don't have symptoms supposedly flooding the test system?

More testing is the answer - and the only back to any kind of normality for a while


Yes, more testing is the answer but (and I'm not an expert on this) it sounds like he wouldn't have been caught by testing at the airport on return.

Instead, he single handedly started a huge spike in infections through his stupidity and selfishness. It has nothing to do with those flooding the system who don't need to.

It's telling that you chose still not to blame the individual but bemoan a lack of testing instead.

Good news about your lad, though?

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1 hour ago, angieram said:

Some graphs that illustrate the increase in hospital admissions on the back of the rise in cases.

Over the last two weeks people being admitted to hospital has increased by 146%. Although relatively small numbers compared to earlier in the year, the pace of increase is very concerning.

Hopefully people will recognise this and try to be considerate of respecting others who may be more vulnerable than themselves. 



Thank you for posting the long run graph as well to add perspective. 

Based on date of specimen the cases have plateaud since Sep 7th. Hopefully the hospital admissions are just a result of a very recent Small spike of cases.

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As Prof Robert Dingwall, a government adviser, put it last week, this virus is here "forever and a day" and the public may just be growing comfortable with the idea that people will die - just as they accept that people die of flu ever year.

From the BBC website yesterday

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Sick of the doctors saying that this isn't 'indefinite' - it is indefinite as there isn't a long term plan and there's no idea if and when these vaccines are gonna be available OR if they're going to be effective. 

Being locked up again for 6 months is going to be torture. 

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14 minutes ago, alexxxxx said:

Sick of the doctors saying that this isn't 'indefinite' - it is indefinite as there isn't a long term plan and there's no idea if and when these vaccines are gonna be available OR if they're going to be effective. 

Being locked up again for 6 months is going to be torture. 

It can't and won't happen. If they try another national lockdown for that long they will lose so much public support. 

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10 minutes ago, neil62uk said:

Can't see another 6 month lockdown  ... but vast restrictions. .. because in the hierarchy,s eyes  the economy  comes first  and not PEOPLE'S  WELLBEING  

Huge recession and mass unemployment isn't great for people's wellbeing either.

It's just a horrible situation all round.

Are you saying we should lock down again?

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Key points from the 11am briefing:

1) Increase in cases is not down to increase in testing

2) Increase in cases seen across all age groups but most noticeably the young

3) Some vaccines are in very late stages of testing. There may be some available later this year but only in small volumes. Expect H1 2021 for any significant volume

4) Increase in cases has led to increase in hospital cases

5) Charts showing that, if we do nothing and fail to follow the rules, we all doomed (well, OK, only the elderly and vulnerable)

6) I think he said about 8% of the population have had the virus but there is no evidence of immunity

7) No evidence that current outbreak is any weaker than the previous one

8 A reminder of how it's spread and if you put yourself at risk you also risk those you come into contact with and so on

9) New drugs and learnings mean treatment in hospitals is no better

10) It is more virulent than flu

SUMMARY: We aint anywhere near through this virus yet so, OBEY THE RULES YOU MOTHER XXXXXXXX (they may not have used those exact words).

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5 minutes ago, Van Wolfie said:

Huge recession and mass unemployment isn't great for people's wellbeing either.

It's just a horrible situation all round.

Are you saying we should lock down again?

No far from it Ref : lockdown ...  what I'm saying is the HIERARCHY  will do as THEY PLEASE  

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15 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

Key points from the 11am briefing:

1) Increase in cases is not down to increase in testing

2) Increase in cases seen across all age groups but most noticeably the young

3) Some vaccines are in very late stages of testing. There may be some available later this year but only in small volumes. Expect H1 2021 for any significant volume

4) Increase in cases has led to increase in hospital cases

5) Charts showing that, if we do nothing and fail to follow the rules, we all doomed (well, OK, only the elderly and vulnerable)

6) I think he said about 8% of the population have had the virus but there is no evidence of immunity

7) No evidence that current outbreak is any weaker than the previous one

8 A reminder of how it's spread and if you put yourself at risk you also risk those you come into contact with and so on

9) New drugs and learnings mean treatment in hospitals is no better

10) It is more virulent than flu

SUMMARY: We aint anywhere near through this virus yet so, OBEY THE RULES YOU MOTHER XXXXXXXX (they may not have used those exact words).

Very much clearing the path with scientific backing for boris to tighten up restrictions. Surprised he wasn't up on the podium immediately after, instead allowing us all to speculate to what they're going to announce tomorrow. 

Are the government being clever enough in their actions and measures chosen to control the virus? 

What also wound me up a bit was some more narrative over NHS being free to carry out other life-saving functions? Seems to me that the service has been completely running in reduced service for months? 

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8 minutes ago, neil62uk said:

Valid point ... but it doesn't mean their always right 

I didn't saay they were - simply that the UK operates as a democracy (however badly or otherwise that may serve the general population) and the people 'in power' are elected to make decisions that they then impose on the rest of us.....general concensus is that it's a better system than the vast majority of the alternatives....

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interesting thing about how we are dealing with facts in this pandemic. The graph that was headlined "if doubling (of infections) occurred every seven days what would it look like?" shows the number of new infections has actually remained flat for the past 9 days..........

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52 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

interesting thing about how we are dealing with facts in this pandemic. The graph that was headlined "if doubling (of infections) occurred every seven days what would it look like?" shows the number of new infections has actually remained flat for the past 9 days..........


I know how desperate you are to continually play this down, but it's following similar weekly distribution curves (which show dips for the weekends) but it's increasing week on week, but you are right that the current trajectory is not doubling every seven days

September 15th 3,105 cases

September 2nd 1,508 cases


So it's maybe every 14 days instead, but then i wouldn't trust the current testing/confimed cases to be accurate day by day anyway as the testing is such a mess and the wait times for results so long. And there is certainly no evidence that we'd get straight exponential growth like that predicts. The previous spike was much more irregular






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Just now, SchtivePesley said:


I know how desperate you are to continually play this down, but it's following similar weekly distribution curves (which show dips for the weekends) but it's increasing week on week, but you are right that the current trajectory is not doubling every seven days

September 15th 3,105 cases

September 2nd 1,508 cases


So it's maybe every 14 days instead, but then i wouldn't trust the current testing/confimed cases to be accurate day by day anyway as the testing is such a mess and the wait times for results so long. And there is certainly no evidence that we'd get straight exponential growth like that predicts. The previous spike was much more irregular


I have done a lot of research into coronavirus and I think that I have come up with an alterative solution .... Make sure you keep updating your antivirus daily,hope it works for you !





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A theory I have just thought of, but will present as unquestionable fact, is that cases risen due to people's non-compliance with the rules after reading and listening to people who don't really know anything?

We've saw a huge number of deaths due to Covid in the Spring, but there is so much uninformed opinion that continued restrictions and lockdown is not required, that it's hardly surprising that many people neglect to listen to the experts.

Somewhat ironic that the current administration are losing the war on Covid because of this.

Read a depressing article on that ludicrous conspiracy 'theory' QAnon and it beggars belief that people are believing it.  Have we become a nation of idiots, or do we just have nothing to believe in? Perhaps the cult of the individual has given people the impression that their opinions must be true.


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2 hours ago, SchtivePesley said:


I know how desperate you are to continually play this down, but it's following similar weekly distribution curves (which show dips for the weekends) but it's increasing week on week, but you are right that the current trajectory is not doubling every seven days

September 15th 3,105 cases

September 2nd 1,508 cases


So it's maybe every 14 days instead, but then i wouldn't trust the current testing/confimed cases to be accurate day by day anyway as the testing is such a mess and the wait times for results so long. And there is certainly no evidence that we'd get straight exponential growth like that predicts. The previous spike was much more irregular






Loads of words not much substance. I was simply saying what I see 

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