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1 hour ago, David said:

Having only just started to read this topic, just curious and this isn't to start any conspiracy theory or prove any point as just, just complete curiosity that is all as members on this board are from across the country where as I only have a small sample size.

Does anyone on this forum know of anybody personally that has been hospitalised with Covid-19, or even friend of a friend. 

I know one person, a friend of my missus who was tested positive for it, but wasn't hospitalised, 

One back in March. Non since

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Apologies if this has already been asked but if no effective vaccine or treatments are discovered or developed how long can we keep this suspension of normal life going with this on/off of restrictions 

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1 hour ago, David said:

Having only just started to read this topic, just curious and this isn't to start any conspiracy theory or prove any point as just, just complete curiosity that is all as members on this board are from across the country where as I only have a small sample size.

Does anyone on this forum know of anybody personally that has been hospitalised with Covid-19, or even friend of a friend. 

I know one person, a friend of my missus who was tested positive for it, but wasn't hospitalised, 

My bosses friend died, leader at kid's drama class died, a friend's sister's friend died (in her 20s), guy at work was in hospital for about 6 weeks, colleague at work and her boyfriend both seemed like they absolutely had it but tested negative, brother-in-law was ill during lockdown with symptoms but again tested positive, mate's nan has just tested positive in nursing home but no symptoms.

So few people I know personally, but plenty of friends of friends.

Although @TexasRam knows absolutely no one who has had it, so I guess it's all being exagerated.


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2 minutes ago, Monty said:

Apologies if this has already been asked but if no effective vaccine or treatments are discovered or developed how long can we keep this suspension of normal life going with this on/off of restrictions 

Depends on how many you are ok with dying. Some people think just the measures in place until recently were draconian. I think another 50k deaths this Autumn would be terrible and we need to avoid at all costs.

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2 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

My bosses friend died, leader at kid's drama class died, a friend's sister's friend died (in her 20s), guy at work was in hospital for about 6 weeks, colleague at work and her boyfriend both seemed like they absolutely had it but tested negative, brother-in-law was ill during lockdown with symptoms but again tested positive, mate's nan has just tested positive in nursing home but no symptoms.

So few people I know personally, but plenty of friends of friends.

Although @TexasRam knows absolutely no one who has had it, so I guess it's all being exagerated.


Why oh why @ me, I don’t know anyone who’s had it. I answered the question that was asked. You do, that’s sad and I feel for those families. But please don’t try and point score like that. Stay classy mate please 

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17 minutes ago, Monty said:

Apologies if this has already been asked but if no effective vaccine or treatments are discovered or developed how long can we keep this suspension of normal life going with this on/off of restrictions 

Until herd immunity. Which is difficult without hospital admissions, and potentially deaths, going through the roof. And will therefore take ages. 

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18 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

Depends on how many you are ok with dying. Some people think just the measures in place until recently were draconian. I think another 50k deaths this Autumn would be terrible and we need to avoid at all costs.

I guess most people would agree we need to avoid/prevent any more deaths. However this disease has been around for almost a year now and we still seem to be some way off either a vaccine or cure if that’s the right word. If we’re in the same situation in another year or two years or five years what then. The full national lockdown worked in reducing infections, hospitalisation and fatalities but is a blunt instrument. If when restrictions are relaxed the disease returns what do we do long term 

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18 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

Although @TexasRam knows absolutely no one who has had it, so I guess it's all being exagerated.

In fairness I think many will be in the same situation, it only hits home when you know people personally that have been hospitalised or sadly died, thats why I asked as my small sample size leads many around here to feel the same. 

You see numbers quoted in the news, but those numbers without trying to sound insensitive mean little until it happens close to you so it's understandable some may question it.

4 members already confirming they have makes you sit back a little and think. 

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7 minutes ago, Norman said:

Until herd immunity. Which is difficult without hospital admissions, and potentially deaths, going through the roof. And will therefore take ages. 

is herd immunity possible ? The common cold isn't possible and coronavirus cause them.


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23 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

My bosses friend died, leader at kid's drama class died, a friend's sister's friend died (in her 20s), guy at work was in hospital for about 6 weeks, colleague at work and her boyfriend both seemed like they absolutely had it but tested negative, brother-in-law was ill during lockdown with symptoms but again tested positive, mate's nan has just tested positive in nursing home but no symptoms.

So few people I know personally, but plenty of friends of friends.

Although @TexasRam knows absolutely no one who has had it, so I guess it's all being exagerated.


A friend's sister's friend... A bosses friend...?.. People you know..  

I know 2 people who have definitely had it, said it felt like flu. No one else I really would say I know other than in vague passing. Plenty been tested and been negative, several still sure they felt terrible and had it but weren't tested at time. 

I know a fair few who have lost their jobs, business is on verge of collapse, had shifts cut, agreed to wage cuts. 

That's my honest assessment. 


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35 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

My bosses friend died, leader at kid's drama class died, a friend's sister's friend died (in her 20s), guy at work was in hospital for about 6 weeks, colleague at work and her boyfriend both seemed like they absolutely had it but tested negative, brother-in-law was ill during lockdown with symptoms but again tested positive, mate's nan has just tested positive in nursing home but no symptoms.

So few people I know personally, but plenty of friends of friends.

Although @TexasRam knows absolutely no one who has had it, so I guess it's all being exagerated.


A friends sisters friend? Did you know them well?

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2 hours ago, David said:

Having only just started to read this topic, just curious and this isn't to start any conspiracy theory or prove any point as just, just complete curiosity that is all as members on this board are from across the country where as I only have a small sample size.

Does anyone on this forum know of anybody personally that has been hospitalised with Covid-19, or even friend of a friend. 

I know one person, a friend of my missus who was tested positive for it, but wasn't hospitalised, 

Yep - my GF. Spent 4 days on a ventilator. She's still not right now though she won't admit it. She's hard as coffin nails but it's taken a toll on her and us as a couple tbh.

Makes me laugh reading a lot of the BS some folk come out with on here about how it's not even as dangerous as common flu. Some on here will end up learning a hard lesson, mark my words.

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For me, this needs common sense and regional lockdowns where cases are high, vulnerable people need to recognise they are vulnerable and act accordingly whilst understanding the risks going out could cost them their lives.

I don't feel comfortable with an over 60's lockdown either as obesity also puts you at risk, we cant turn around and say if you're old, fat or both don't go out as it's impossible to police.

A full on national lockdown would destroy the economy further where it could take years to recover, we simply cannot afford that to happen.

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11 minutes ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

Yep - my GF. Spent 4 days on a ventilator. She's still not right now though she won't admit it. She's hard as coffin nails but it's taken a toll on her and us as a couple tbh.

Makes me laugh reading a lot of the BS some folk come out with on here about how it's not even as dangerous as common flu. Some on here will end up learning a hard lesson, mark my words.

Sorry to hear that, but as I said earlier I think it needs to effect you personally be it yourself, a friend or loved one for you to actually sit back and think this is real.

Many people live in areas that haven't been effected badly, or know anyone that has tested positive, hospitalised or know or at worst died, and when you're in that position it's easy to brush it off as just a cold.

Try not to be offended, but to understand why they may not take it as seriously, where I live the case rate per 100,000 people is 6.3 - the tenth lowest in the country, so you do become a little complacent at times as that number is so so low.

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1 hour ago, Chester40 said:

A friend's sister's friend... A bosses friend...?.. People you know..  

I know 2 people who have definitely had it, said it felt like flu. No one else I really would say I know other than in vague passing. Plenty been tested and been negative, several still sure they felt terrible and had it but weren't tested at time. 

I know a fair few who have lost their jobs, business is on verge of collapse, had shifts cut, agreed to wage cuts. 

That's my honest assessment. 


That is why I finished with "So few people I know personally, but plenty of friends of friends."

I know people in that situation with work too. Pretty grim. Not as grim as dying.

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