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16 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

True. After all, it's not as if online ordering is proving a challenge or anything.

I've got orders booked with Tesco and Asda (one per week) for the next 3 weeks for groceries, and beer orders coming from Antwerp and Norfolk in the next week. OK, I have nothing else to do with my life but continually monitor the supermarket websites checking for delivery slots, but I'm stuck at home for 12 weeks so I have little choice in the matter.

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14 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

I thought the only change was allowing people to go and stay with someone else if there had been a relationship breakdown at your normal home (a move no doubt in response to the worrying increase in domestic violence). I don't remember anything else about going to see relatives. I must have missed that.

Maybe be it was their's / mine interpretation ,although the whole piece came across as a bit more relaxing of the rules.

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55 minutes ago, RamNut said:

What you are missing is the fact that it’s not up to them to start making up their own guidelines. They cannot invent rules such as:

you can buy stuff to mend a fence, but not to paint your kitchen

you can’t stand in your own front garden

That the Police have a right to decide whether you’re shopping items are essential or non-essential.

It’s all baalocks. 

I'm not missing it at all. My point was, contrary to what the original poster was suggesting, the guidance on these two examples was pretty clear. 

They weren't making up the rules, they were providing examples of what could be considered essential (fence repair - arguable) and non essential (painting your kitchen). 

The front garden thing was an isolated incident from what I can see. You'll get the occasional idiot in every walk of life and the police officer in that case was one of them. 

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1 hour ago, King Kevin said:

The impression I got from the News this morning that certain aspects of the lockdown have been eased going to see relatives etc .Maybe it's that ,the roads have been a bit busier today as well hope it doesn't breakdown too much .

I would guess that people were getting stuff for the next lockdown period.

A lot of BBQ’s,TV’s,gardening stuff and a hell of a lot of laminate flooring.

All the traders were very heavy on beer,so the local shops must be selling a lot of booze.

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8 minutes ago, ramit said:

Jamaica is USA´s latest hijacking victim of essential medical gear during a pandemic


Assuming there isn't another side to this story, which I personally don't think there is, the US seem hell bent in reinforcing their image as world bullies. 

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58 minutes ago, King Kevin said:

Maybe be it was their's / mine interpretation ,although the whole piece came across as a bit more relaxing of the rules.

The only "relaxing" apart that mentioned I picked up is that you're now able to drive into the countryside to get your exercise provided the period of exercise far exceeds the time it takes to get there so, you could drive 10 minutes down the road for your exercise but not two hours to Snowdonia. Pretty difficult to police but, I gues it's pretty obvious if I someone from Birmingham turns up at the North Wales coast.

I really don't remember anything else that could be interpreted as a relaxation. 

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6 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

you're now able to drive into the countryside to get your exercise provided the period of exercise far exceeds the time it takes to get there

Another made up rule.

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18 minutes ago, Van Cone De Head said:

I would guess that people were getting stuff for the next lockdown period.

A lot of BBQ’s,TV’s,gardening stuff and a hell of a lot of laminate flooring.

All the traders were very heavy on beer,so the local shops must be selling a lot of booze.

Nipped into my local corner shop after work, just to pick up weekend essentials.


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4 hours ago, angieram said:

I am absolutely sure that gardening is good for your mental wellbeing and it was the first thing we ordered for home delivery. All done very safely by a local garden centre and surely if you want people to stay at home long term you have to allow them some entertainment. 

Our hanging baskets are now planted and in the garden (far too early, we're going to have to bring them in if there are any late frosts.)

For the time being, I’ve decided to spend at least 1 hour Mon-Thu and at least 5 hours Fri-Sun out in the garden (limited by work hours). Gardening rather than just sitting out there - lots to do as the garden is pretty much unchanged since we moved in. I enjoy the physical part, but the best bit is when I’m sitting down for a short rest and the robins pay a visit and the bees are buzzing around me. Quite therapeutic!

This little fella has spent a considerable amount of time helping out.


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6 hours ago, Angry Ram said:

Positive things about Lockdown..

I’m a glass half full sort of guy, so let’s look at some positives from a personal perspective, from this lockdown. I realise some are struggling but life will be different after this.

1. Realising what is important and what is not. I used to stress about the wrong stuff. Appreciation of people, who do those jobs that are not glamorous.. 

2. Family. probably speaking to them more now than ever.

3. Having time again.

4. Family dinners sitting around a table together and talking. That’s an evening meal to you northern heathens.

5. Community spirit. Strangers nodding or asking if you are okay. An acknowledgment when you give somebody room when strolling.

6. The value of friendship and friends. 

7. Talking to and caring for neighbours.

8. Playing games, puzzles or doing quizzes, instead of watching TV.

9. Doing things when I want to and not being a slave to someone else’s timetable.

10. Reading again.

What do you call those women who look after kids around lunchtime?

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1 hour ago, TramRam said:

I posted yesterday about this, And someone replied "they have guns too"...?


It was me. It's nice to see that the Rolling Stones are playing an online concert to raise money for the WHO, now that Trump has withdrawn funding. They'll probably open with Street Fighting Man.

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1 hour ago, GboroRam said:

What rule isn't? 

Preferably laws that are made in parliament, not just summat some daft copper has dreamt up.

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4 minutes ago, RamNut said:

Preferably laws that are made in parliament, not just summat some daft copper has dreamt up.

Parliament creates the laws. The court will decide if they were broken. This is guidance to the police how to interpret the legislation set out. 

It was still made up by someone though. 

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