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Kamil Jóźwiak - Signed 4 year deal


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17 minutes ago, EraniosSocks said:

Seriously. Birds should be a country brand. Disgusting behaviour. I feel for you mate 




Joz starts for Poland tonight, Sausage roll crumbs round his mouth n all. Read into that what you will

Elephants foot first touch and the deal is off!

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Just now, MACKWORTHRAM said:

You almost had it perfect. 

Caramel donut mate

They are good, but have only been around about 15 years, the ‘Foot’ was just immense when I was a kid and it felt like I was getting a whole cake!

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25 minutes ago, reverendo de duivel said:

It's not the expectation he'll retire early 30's, it's the mortgage provider basing an offer on such. 

You wouldn't offer to lend someone a loan over 25 yes, knowing their only going to earn that much for a decade.

I do agree with the main point, why should footballers be immune from career changes like the rest of us, but I can see why £9k doesn't go so far for them as it would for us.

To be fair, £9000 a week rounded down to £450 a week stinks of clever accountancy that the common man will never have access to. 

He'll be bagging more than £450 we all know that. Damn PAYE ☺

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14 minutes ago, Elwood P Dowd said:

Birds ruined the Elephants foot by putting that Caramel chocolate on it, it should be dark chocolate.

Taste hasn’t changed in 35 years, they did stop adding colouring to the topping about 20 years ago. You could of course be talking about 50 years though! ?

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1 hour ago, IronRam 140.6 said:

"monster mortgage On a short repayment because you don’t stay a footballer for 40 years!" 

Call me old fashioned, but why do we assume  footballers can no longer work after 35? I was a soldier on a 22yr contract having signed up at 18 which would've ended at 40. Not once did I think I would deserve to retire at the end of it.

  "Hi Colonel I'm due to retire in 5 years I'm gonna need my £35k.pa Sgt's wage upping to 20k a week to cover me not thinking I have to work again"

Entitlement or what!

My best pal was a championship footballer I used to lambast him for that attitude footballers had.

All your points are valid by the way in terms of mortgage and cars but holy smokes you can't legislate for that level of expectation. 

You’re spot on mate. But in the simplest terms you can see where the “disposable” income of 450 quid a week comes from. 

I reckon I have gone through my life waving between -50 and plus 50  to somewhere this side of 0 .. With rare OMG bonus or windfall moments that helped to give you some solid ground. 

but it’s all about how you define “disposable” ?  Is a holiday disposable, is the car to get you to work disposable and if you buy a better car then what portion of it is choice .. ahhhhh the human condition ! But yeah .. The expectation thing always gets me too. Where does that come from ? We all have to hunt mammoths and light the fire if we want to eat and keep warm. 

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