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3 minutes ago, Uptherams said:

Sorry but the US Intelligence agencies didn't say this. 

"The entire Intelligence Community has been consistently providing critical support to U.S. policymakers and those responding to the COVID-19 virus, which originated in China,”

“The Intelligence Community also concurs with the wide scientific consensus that the COVID-19 virus was not manmade or genetically modified."


Also there is a reason the Pentagon is also investigating. Because the intelligence agencies consistently lie and don't operate apolitical. 

I'll wait until an international team has gone to the lab in question. China's already butting heads with Australia for merely suggesting this. What are they hiding..

I'd be surprised if the building hasn't already been demolished. 

Uh, that's what i wrote actually that the intelligence agencies do not agree with Trump

The Pentagon investigating anything is laughable, they have an axe to grind, like everyone else.  Conflict is their business.

An international team?  How would you man such a team to ensure it's neutrality in findings?

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7 minutes ago, Uptherams said:

Sorry but the US Intelligence agencies didn't say this. 

"The entire Intelligence Community has been consistently providing critical support to U.S. policymakers and those responding to the COVID-19 virus, which originated in China,”

“The Intelligence Community also concurs with the wide scientific consensus that the COVID-19 virus was not manmade or genetically modified."


Also there is a reason the Pentagon is also investigating. Because the intelligence agencies consistently lie and don't operate apolitical. 

I'll wait until an international team has gone to the lab in question. China's already butting heads with Australia for merely suggesting this. What are they hiding..

I'd be surprised if the building hasn't already been demolished. 


I believe Australia in a diplomatic fashion advised they wanted further investigation. Chinas retort was that 'Australia is nothing but gum stuck to the shoe of Chinas greatness' . Way to go with one of your main trading partners, that provides the coal to keep your industry running. If China responds to a main trading partner in this fashion, what chance anyone else in getting informed answers.

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8 minutes ago, ramit said:

Uh, that's what i wrote actually that the intelligence agencies do not agree with Trump

The Pentagon investigating anything is laughable, they have an axe to grind, like everyone else.  Conflict is their business.

An international team?  How would you man such a team to ensure it's neutrality in findings?

Their statement doesn't contradict his press conference yesterday. It's literally there in black and white. It's come from China and in the press conference yesterday he didn't say it was manmade..

Not down to me how a team is organised. But one, if not several, should be granted access. Random people on the internet have been far better at investigating the origin of the virus and the lab in question than the intelligence agencies, in the public domain that is. 

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9 minutes ago, ramit said:

Uh, that's what i wrote actually that the intelligence agencies do not agree with Trump

The Pentagon investigating anything is laughable, they have an axe to grind, like everyone else.  Conflict is their business.

An international team?  How would you man such a team to ensure it's neutrality in findings?

There needs to be an international team to look at China's role in the spread of cornavirus.  How you guarantee impartiality and how you would even get to the truth is anyone's guess.


China cover up?


China refusing to let WHO investigate covid-19 origins


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14 minutes ago, ramit said:

An international team?  How would you man such a team to ensure it's neutrality in findings?

I think Blue Mink have the answer.

Take a pinch of white man
Wrap him up in black skin
Add a touch of blue blood
And a little bitty bit of red Indian boy
Oh like a Curly Latin kinkies
Oh Lordy, Lordy, mixed with yellow Chinkees, yeah

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8 minutes ago, Norman said:

Didn't call you stupid. Thank you. I said the idea that the government should not have tried to get the national debt down because of an incoming pandemic nobody knew about was stupid. 

And how many businesses had a plan for a global pandemic? Seriously. 

All insurance companies do for a start. By regulation. And have done since 2001......

As a sensible management discipline, all companies of whatever type should really undertake a regular exercise to consider what sorts of things could give them serious issues. You telling me HMPS doesn't have a contingency plan for if theres a fire, a riot?

Then you decide if you are going to do anything about it or not and be clear about what risk you are taking in your course of action. You will at that stage form a view as to the likelihood of course in order to frame your decision.

So you are saying it would be stupid to for our government to consider taking any preventative measures at some cost vs saving money, in the hope that there would NOT be a serious pandemic. When we have had SARS, Asian Bird Flu, Swine Flu.......all this century. So about once every 10 years a disease emerges that COULD become global very easily.

I would say that you are being very dismissive of that likelihood. But that is obviously the gamble the government took and if you represent a majority view then they guessed right didn't they?

I wouldn't have made that call though - not at those odds.



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10 minutes ago, Uptherams said:

Their statement doesn't contradict his press conference yesterday. It's literally there in black and white. It's come from China and in the press conference yesterday he didn't say it was manmade..

Not down to me how a team is organised. But one, if not several, should be granted access. Random people on the internet have been far better at investigating the origin of the virus and the lab in question than the intelligence agencies, in the public domain that is. 

Their statement does indeed contradict what Trump claims.  If the virus originated in the Wuhan laboratory it is not a naturally occurring virus.  If you are meaning that it could have been a natural virus that the laboratory was analyzing, then that means it was already in circulation in nature, ergo did not originate in the laboratory.  Is any of this getting through to you?

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4 minutes ago, ramit said:

Their statement does indeed contradict what Trump claims.  If the virus originated in the Wuhan laboratory it is not a naturally occurring virus.  If you are meaning that it could have been a natural virus that the laboratory was analyzing, then that means it was already in circulation in nature, ergo did not originate in the laboratory.  Is any of this getting through to you?

It doesn't though. If it was manipulated and altered then it's manmade. 

So the lab in question isn't at fault for this virus accidentally or potentially purposely being unleashed onto a human population? 

Shall we take it one step further back and blame God for creating bats.. ?

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4 minutes ago, Uptherams said:

It doesn't though. If it was manipulated and altered then it's manmade. 

So the lab in question isn't at fault for this virus accidentally or potentially purposely being unleashed onto a human population? 

Shall we take it one step further back and blame God for creating bats.. ?


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Many years ago we had a Chinese guy over on an exchange visit at work and I was asked to look after him .So took him out to see the delights of Notts in it's hey day ,took him up Derbyshire and of course to see DCFC .

When he was due to go home he took me out for a Chinese meal ,I ordered, and he then spoke in Chinese to the waiter ,what did you order I asked ?Something that they would eat he replied .

Turns out it was dog ,at the time I had an Old English Sheepdog and was quite taken back ,don't worry he said we wouldn't waste  dog on on English person . Come on Donald nuke em. 

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In the 5th minute of injury time Newton looks up, and he sees Powis making a surge down the line. Powis controls instantly and crosses into the box, and there he is, big Matty Hancock to head it into the top of the net.  Half the forum go wild with delirium - Matty, Matty, Matty - whilst the other half trudge away saying we wuz robbed, but we’ll be back again soon.

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11 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

It's certainly his fault for making them so tasty to eat

You've been misled by the devil.  Fruit bat is almost impossible to eat, very little meat, small bones galore.  As for the taste, meh.

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On 30/04/2020 at 11:43, RamNut said:

The shorter version was better, but as ever that gets removed, whilst your offensive post is allowed to stand. 

the point that you miss, is that unrealistic fantasy targets which lack credibility, expose the health secretary as a dreamer. A bit like mr trump half believing that if he says it will all be over by Easter Sunday, then maybe he can actually will it to happen. If our man was more closely engaged in the reality and practicality of making things happen, instead of dreaming up headlines for the media, then maybe we would get real improvements sooner. Instead he has just made himself look a plonker. A bit like you. 

Could I get you some gammon to accompany that egg on your face Sir?

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5 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Could I get you some gammon to accompany that egg on your face Sir?

“.....However, this figure includes tests which have been posted to recipients, but not yet carried out”.

i think that is called spin.

@i-Ram that goal might have to go to VAR.

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