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5 hours ago, Eddie said:

After Wolf Blitzer called him "Chicken" last night, I suppose that Trump should be referred to as a "Lame cluck president*"

* Not strictly true of course, because the term usually refers to someone in their final year of their second term as president.

I suppose Trump's response to Bleachgate, and the fact that some people are accepting his explanation, means that in future, anyone can make the most ridiculous, outrageous, nonsensical statement and in their defence, when the rest of the world are laughing in their face, they can say "I was being sarcastic".

Not having that, Surely he Misspoke ?

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14 hours ago, EtoileSportiveDeDerby said:

1) Americans dont really do or get sarcasm to start with (Broad generalisation, but not far off) \

Yeh they do, it's a long way off.

The late night shows that includes hosts like Bill Maher, John Oliver (who is obviously English), James Corden (ditto), Steven Colbert, Seth Myers, Jimmy Kimmel, Trevor Noah and Jimmy Fallon are HUGELY popular (hence there are so many and some start after midnight) and they live and die off sarcasm.

All of those guys started as stand ups or comedy writers, and they all get paid a fortune.

Now if you had said 'Broadly speaking, Trump supporters don't get sarcasm', then I'd have agreed that that ties up with my experience.

And I'm at a loss to explain why that is.

Other than they are all thick (broad generalization, but not far off).

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17 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

Is it really that silly a thing to say or is it just because who said it?

No it isn't silly because of who said it, it's just silly because it's silly.

But silly doesn't even explain it. It's irresponsible, ignorant and potentially dangerous.

He clearly doesn't even know at this stage that the virus attacks at a cellular level and just isn't sat on the surface of the lungs waiting to be washed away.

But it's hardly surprising because Trump refuses to attend the pre-briefing before he walks out on stage and instead likes to wing it.

And that's because he's spent his entire life winging it and thinking he knows better than other people, even experts.

It's why when he took office they had to reduce the  daily security briefing from 3 or 4 pages and a couple of hours to 3 or 4 bullet points and if necessary, some pictures and about 10 minutes.

And I'm not joking btw. The guy cannot focus for longer than a few seconds.

He's the first President in modern times to not read books.

Not a big deal if you are Swiss Tony running the local second hand dealership, but Presidents need to know poo.

As George Santayana said (and yeh I looked it up because I thought it was actually Abe Lincoln), 'Those who  don't learn from the past are destined to repeat it'

But Trump isn't interested in the past which is why he disbanded Obama's pandemic response team.

Oh, and I may have mentioned this in another post, but one guy died from taking hydroxychloroquine and his wife is critically ill after hearing Trump tout it.

And I hear today (although only I heard the headlines so not sure what exactly has happened) that there have been cases in New York of people harming themselves with bleach. As I say, not sure how, or why.

I'm not sure why you defend this guy mate he's an utter basket case and incredibly dangerous.



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19 hours ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

No secret I didn't want us to leave the EU but really...

Monsieur Barnier, can I politely suggest you duck right off and busy yourself with the rather more pressing matters at hand than a single state's EU exit plan? ?


Brexit: Disappointing progress in trade talks, says Michel Barnier


The progress made in post-Brexit trade talks between the UK and EU has been disappointing, Michel Barnier has said.

The EU's chief negotiator said "genuine progress" and a decision on whether to extend the transition period were both needed by June.

The UK said "limited progress" had been made and talks needed to "move forward in a constructive fashion".

The two sides will hold two further rounds of talks before the end of the transition period in December.

Mr Barnier said a joint decision would be taken on 30 June about whether to extend the transition period.


Full article here - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-52414155

I loved hearing Barnier protesting about lack of progress. Normally the EU stalls and prevaricates until the eleventh hour trying to put time pressure on us, ( a perfectly normal negotiating tactic when you are in a position of strength), his whinging suggests that we are now in the best place for this negotiation. Keep up the good work lads.


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Aaaaand the other problem with Trump is that he surrounds himself with people dumber than him or scared to not appear so.

Otherwise he feels threatened.

This is an actual exchange Rudy Giuliani had with Laura Ingraham yesterday on Fox. And btw, Ingraham is super right wing and a big Trump supporter.

Ingraham: Michael Bloomberg is gonna handle the tracing, army of tracers in NY we learned today from [New York Gov. Andrew] Cuomo.

Giuliani: That's totally ridiculous.

Ingraham: The army of tracers?

Giuliani: Then we should trace everybody for cancer.

Ingraham: Yeah, army of tracers.

Giuliani: We should trace everybody for cancer, and heart disease. And obesity. I mean, a lot of things kill you more than Covid-19. So, we should be traced for all those things. I mean life possesses a certain degree of risk.

Be careful out there Rams fans don't catch cancer.

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59 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

I'm not sure why you defend this guy mate he's an utter basket case and incredibly dangerous.

Yeah I know, he was going to start World War III, first with North Korea, then with Iran. Then he was going to demand the NHS be handed to him on a plate. 

Dont have much time for the guy.

The only reason I appear to defend him his because it's funny watching the rubbish that people try to use against him and then as soon as they get bored of that they move on to something else.

Its exactly the same with Boris over here.


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40 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Yeah I know, he was going to start World War III, first with North Korea, then with Iran. Then he was going to demand the NHS be handed to him on a plate. 

Dont have much time for the guy.

The only reason I appear to defend him his because it's funny watching the rubbish that people try to use against him and then as soon as they get bored of that they move on to something else.

Its exactly the same with Boris over here.


Dont think so. Boris is cavalier, a bit of a chancer (Brexit for instance) but he's a smart guy who you may or may not agree with but can see why he is the PM. Trump is a bully, narrow minded, racist and dumb who should never be in charge of a minuscule organisation never mind the US

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1 hour ago, Bob The Badger said:

Aaaaand the other problem with Trump is that he surrounds himself with people dumber than him or scared to not appear so.

Otherwise he feels threatened.

This is an actual exchange Rudy Giuliani had with Laura Ingraham yesterday on Fox. And btw, Ingraham is super right wing and a big Trump supporter.

Ingraham: Michael Bloomberg is gonna handle the tracing, army of tracers in NY we learned today from [New York Gov. Andrew] Cuomo.

Giuliani: That's totally ridiculous.

Ingraham: The army of tracers?

Giuliani: Then we should trace everybody for cancer.

Ingraham: Yeah, army of tracers.

Giuliani: We should trace everybody for cancer, and heart disease. And obesity. I mean, a lot of things kill you more than Covid-19. So, we should be traced for all those things. I mean life possesses a certain degree of risk.

Be careful out there Rams fans don't catch cancer.

i think i might be catching obesity

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57 minutes ago, EtoileSportiveDeDerby said:

Dont think so. Boris is cavalier, a bit of a chancer (Brexit for instance) but he's a smart guy who you may or may not agree with but can see why he is the PM. Trump is a bully, narrow minded, racist and dumb who should never be in charge of a minuscule organisation never mind the US

Dumb enough to amassed a net worth of $2.1bn....

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2 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

Yeah I know, he was going to start World War III, first with North Korea, then with Iran. Then he was going to demand the NHS be handed to him on a plate. 

Dont have much time for the guy.

The only reason I appear to defend him his because it's funny watching the rubbish that people try to use against him and then as soon as they get bored of that they move on to something else.

Its exactly the same with Boris over here.


Why don't you have much time for Trump?

Why do you feel the need to defend him? 

What are the things that people say about him, in your opinion are rubbish?

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1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

Yeah I know, he was going to start World War III, first with North Korea, then with Iran. Then he was going to demand the NHS be handed to him on a plate. 

Dont have much time for the guy.

The only reason I appear to defend him his because it's funny watching the rubbish that people try to use against him and then as soon as they get bored of that they move on to something else.

Its exactly the same with Boris over here.


One of the things that drives me nuts about the left, and I'm clearly on the left, is the inability of many not to catastrophize everything. 

To be incapable or unwilling to take a step back from time to time and say, 'is this really that bad?'

I can only speak for the US, but the uproar over here was twofold.

1. You're giving a place on the world stage and an element of legitimacy to a brutal, murderous dictator. 

2. He cannot be trusted, he (and previously his father) have made promises many times and always broken them.

The first point is subjective, but the second point has happened because he's already started testing again.

With Iran it's far more complicated. But you're right, the media/left were screaming he'd get us in to a war and it's not happened.

However, the Middle East is crazy complex. We *won* the Iraq war and toppled Saddam, but the net result was we created ISIS.

Jimmy Carter was asked  recently why China was able to so quickly catch up the US from an economic standpoint.

Carter said something like '$4 trillion dollars. That is what we have spent on overseas wars in the last 40 years. China have spent zero dollars'

Anyway, we just don't know whether Trump's decision to order the assassination was a good or bad thing yet. 

Who knows about the NHS. Again it's very early and since Boris was elected Trump has had an impeachment and pandemic to deal with.

I have no clue if that will happen, but anybody foolish to think it *couldn't* is being very naive.

I don't like Boris.

I think he's inherently dishonest and self serving, but he's no Trump.

I didn't like Thatcher, but she was a brilliant politician.

Boris isn't close to her, but he's pretty smart.

At least smart enough to not have allowed his ego to push through legislation that was contrary to what he campaigned on.

And certainly smart enough to take advice (even if some of it is highly dubious) and not constantly allow his ego to get in the way of every decision.

Trump's nothing like Johnson, nothing at all.

There are so many things he has done over here that I doubt you know about that defy belief apart from constantly being caught up in his own lies.

I'll give you two.

This never even made the MSM over here because it's only pets, so who cares?

Along with rolling back all Obama's work on creating clean air and water he also signed an executive order in his first week that allowed pet food companies to start putting back known carcinogens into the production process, because it saved money.

A little thing, but an example of the man's character.

The second one is the wall.

I read a book a year or so ago on the Mexican cartels. It was the follow up to Narcos by the same author, I forget his name and the books title now, but whatever.

One thing that struck me was how clever and determined these people are.

The idea that a wall will stop them trafficking drugs or people is laughable. It won't even slow them down.

The wall is just a symbol of  his ego.

He was denied funding by Congress, so rather than accepting it because it's the job of Congress to appropriate spending, he signed an emergency order.

He took money from the Military, not weapons or more troops, but from housing and one other area that I forget.

So they are in a real mess now, but his base love that he's building the wall, so he doesn't care.

I'll end on one thing that often gets forgotten about, just in case you're still reading.

He's almost certainly a sexual predator - or was.

His first wife filed a lawsuit claiming rape. There was a affidavit filed with a LOT of very intimate details that was public record.

It was dropped during the divorce settlement and she presumably signed a NDA because won't talk about it.

On top of that, over 20 other women have come forward claiming sexual abuse and even rape.

Many have very compelling stories

His supporters say that they're just making these allegations up because he's the President.

Well, the rumors were rampant years ago, and you can of course listen to the Access Hollywood tape where he admits it.

Obama had zero allegations, as did George W Bush.

Bill Clinton had (I think) 3 accusations, of having an affair, not rape or abuse, and he was impeached.

And he was impeached not because he had affairs - of course that's not illegal - but because he lied about it to Congress.

There's way more going on with Trump than most people who don't follow him closely can possibly imagine.

None of it is good.

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1 hour ago, GboroRam said:

Not hard when you start with $5bn

You best inform Forbes as they only had him has having a share of his family business £200m back in 1982.

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36 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

You best inform Forbes as they only had him has having a share of his family business £200m back in 1982.

Actually Forbes have also said something else about this very subject. They ran the numbers to see whether Trump really is as shrewd as he likes everyone to believe. Most seem to assume that he inherited the lion's share of his father's $200 million estate but Forbes used a more 'modest' figure of $40 million and simply stuck the lot into the S&P 500 and left it there. Their findings were as follows (note the article was written in 2016 so there would be an additional 4 year's growth to take into account)...

If Donald Trump inherited $40 million, then that inheritance would have grown to more than $13.0 billion had he invested it in the S&P 500 and margined it to the maximum degree allowable.  And, even though his portfolio would have suffered huge losses between 2000 and 2002 and then again in 2008 during the Financial Crisis, he would not have had margin calls that would have reduced his gains when the market later recovered.  This is the case even if his broker had imposed maintenance requirements considerably higher than Reg-T’s 25 percent.

Oh dear! It's also worth noting that at the time of writing, Trump was worth over $4.5 billion so his fortune has more than halved in the last 36 months if your figures are correct.

In summary, it seems Donald has managed to turn a large fortune into a small fortune without even buying a football club ?

Full article here... https://www.forbes.com/sites/katestalter/2016/09/01/would-donald-trump-be-better-off-investing-in-stocks/#22b3385e437b

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