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The Politics Thread 2020


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36 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

Yeah - OK. Fair enough

Thought about it

If people stop calling out racism wherever they perceive it, does that lead to less racism? Or more racism?


Yeah I'm good as I am thanks

So you call everything racism and you cover all the bases.. Not good enough..


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4 hours ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

Well if you're happy with our PM missing 5 consecutive Cobra meetings in the middle of a pandemic then bully for you old chap. You might then wish to consider that rather than any agenda, the reason I feel the way I do is because I'm setting the bar a tad higher than you clearly are!

By the same token, if you feel that current and projected mortality rates reflect positively on our handling of the crisis, feel free to continue with your sermonising, but I'd urge you caution as there are inevitably some on here like myself whose personal experiences will already will have them looking sideways at your need to accuse them of having some sort of agenda or to make the argument personal in any way, shape or form. Clearly it's gone unnoticed in your household, but everyone else has drawn a line under that kind of stuff for the time being, so perhaps you might wish to do likewise.


What we’re that dates of these Cobra meetings and what date did the WHO call the Coronavirus outbreak a Pandemic? 

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17 minutes ago, Uptherams said:

I have relatives who have never voted for anyone other than Labour. Anti Brexit, Trump, the lot, you know. All saying we must now seriously reduce immigration due to all of this. Guess they are racists now ??

I wish someone would explain to me now what exactly racism is now..

If I employ a white guy over a black guy, is that racist?

If I employ a black guy over a white guy, is that racist?

if I tell a joke about an Englishman, Scotsman and an Irishman, is that racist?

Are there now degrees of racism? It seems to me just about everything has a racist connotation if you look deep enough or are willing to be offended enough.. Or just want to throw some dirt and take the moral high ground. 


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33 minutes ago, TramRam said:

Just a reply to 1-4 concerning your ? at my post above, I realise that your a 100% remainer, And with us leaving it must have left your heart in the pit of your stomach, I understand believe me I do, I was in London for the Charlton game, I remember it was the Saturday when Parliament convened and there was the march for another referendum vote, We gave the game a swerve and stayed in The Pubs around Leicester Square, We got talking to some Lithuanian citizens and a couple from Buckinghamshire(very posh folk from Bucks)we had a great debate exstolling the +s and the -s of staying or leaving, Very civalised it was, Both camps scoring points for both sides, But there's a few questions the Buckingham couple couldn't answer and never new about it, I'll * the ones they were oblivious too, They said they were down because they believed it was the right thing to do for them, His Wife was draped in EU flags, By the end of our conversation we shook hands and he said...thankyou mate.

The reason I ask is, Instead of ? put your case forward, As I have below, I could add more but 8 is enough ?

*1. Daphne Caruana Galizia a Maltese journalist was assasinated by a car bomb as she was about to reveal the corruption of EU funds from the Maltese Polititians, Resignations followed and arrests were made.

*2. Slovak journalist Ján Kuciak and his Fiancee Martina Kusnirova who were murdered by a hit man again for the corruption of EU funds and links to serious crime familys, The government were brought down by these actions.

*3. Strasburgs EU Parliament, Why is it there(France has a treaty)Brussells moves everything lock stock and two smoking barrells every month for 4 days at a cost of 10s of millions of Euros each year, HGVs, Buses, Aeroplanes, Trains chucking out tons of carbon monoxide, Great for our planet aye.

*4. Immigration(Angela Merkel)inviting 100s of 1000s into Germany without checks, Leading to a powerfull AfD Political force.

*5. The Schengen Agreement, Prior to Covid-19 Austria, Italy, Poland, Hungary, Denmark, Netherlands had border checks against the EUs regulations, Now it looks like the most of the EU are doing the same as Covid-19 escalates.

*6. The EU commision unelected Civil Servents sent by their own Governments who suggest Laws for the circa(now)700 MEPs to discuss.

7. A proposed EU Army

8. The "looking after our own" due to Covid-19 has put a wedge between all 27 EU nations, Southern Countries looking to Northern Countries to help with this Huge cost, Ursula von der Leyen now(better late than never)apologising to Italy for the mistakes.



So you'd like a reason for the ?. You got it for how you responded to this post from @Van der MoodHoover 

"Even less interested in playing the "na'na-na=na-naaa" thumbing the nose th the Europeans tbh. I just think this government needs to prioritise differently in light of events."

Your response was 

Non of the above from me, Just this strange thinking by some that the EU has mastered all things and the UK has been drifting along without a lifebelt.

So in the same post you agreeed with him, that it would be wrong at this time for people to thumb their nose at Europeans and then do exactly that.

Just as you have carried on doing in the above post. So for that here is another couple of ??.

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6 minutes ago, Angry Ram said:

I wish someone would explain to me now what exactly racism is now..

If I employ a white guy over a black guy, is that racist?

If I employ a black guy over a white guy, is that racist?

if I tell a joke about an Englishman, Scotsman and an Irishman, is that racist?

Are there now degrees of racism? It seems to me just about everything has a racist connotation if you look deep enough or are willing to be offended enough.. Or just want to throw some dirt and take the moral high ground. 


If the black guy is better qualified and more able to do the job then that in my opinion would be race discrimination 

Regards the joke that probably would fit under racial stereotyping depending on its content. 

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26 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

The WHO declared COVID-19 a global health emergency on 30th Jan. The meetings are said to have taken place in February from what I read.

Pandemic was what the pancake man said. 
Yet not many confirmed cases outside China either.


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12 minutes ago, 1of4 said:

So you'd like a reason for the ?. You got it for how you responded to this post from @Van der MoodHoover 

"Even less interested in playing the "na'na-na=na-naaa" thumbing the nose th the Europeans tbh. I just think this government needs to prioritise differently in light of events."

Your response was 

Non of the above from me, 1. Just this strange thinking by some? that the 2. EU? has mastered all things and the UK has been drifting along without a lifebelt.

So in the same post you agreeed with him, that it would be wrong at this time for people to thumb their nose at Europeans and then do exactly that.

Just as you have carried on 3. doing in the above post. So for that here is another couple of ??.

3. I wouldn't call it thumbing the Europeans...more like repeating what's happened within the EU and it's finances, Note no laughing emojis, People who laugh at their own post shows an insecure person.

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46 minutes ago, Angry Ram said:

I wish someone would explain to me now what exactly racism is now..

Okay. lets have a go...

46 minutes ago, Angry Ram said:

If I employ a white guy over a black guy, is that racist?

Depends largely on what the existing racial diversity is of your company is rather than individual ability to actually do the job.

46 minutes ago, Angry Ram said:

If I employ a black guy over a white guy, is that racist?

Nope. Never.

46 minutes ago, Angry Ram said:

if I tell a joke about an Englishman, Scotsman and an Irishman, is that racist?

Oh ffs, you've just assumed everyone's gender.  I'm outta here...

46 minutes ago, Angry Ram said:

Are there now degrees of racism? It seems to me just about everything has a racist connotation if you look deep enough or are willing to be offended enough.. Or just want to throw some dirt and take the moral high ground. 

Its gotten to the point that as a white person to even discuss racism is racist because of 'white privilege' or something.  I dunno anymore.  Most of the anger seems to be coming from other sanctimonious white people as well ? 


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3 hours ago, Angry Ram said:

You see racism everywhere fella. Sometimes it’s yes but a lot of times it’s no. People like you  just use it as a default position so it has now diluted real racism. Just a thought, it might be worth reviewing your own position as part of the problem. 

Without looking can I guess which 2 posters have posted laughing emojis to this post please.

Called it a while back that they get posted when there is no comeback...

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1 hour ago, Tyler Durden said:

If the black guy is better qualified and more able to do the job then that in my opinion would be race discrimination 

Regards the joke that probably would fit under racial stereotyping depending on its content. 

So what if the white guy was better qualified and I gave the job the the black guy. You can’t have half an argument.

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17 minutes ago, maxjam said:

Okay. lets have a go...

Depends largely on what the existing racial diversity is of your company is rather than individual ability to actually do the job.

Nope. Never.

Oh ffs, you've just assumed everyone's gender.  I'm outta here...

Its gotten to the point that as a white person to even discuss racism is racist because of 'white privilege' or something.  I dunno anymore.  Most of the anger seems to be coming from other sanctimonious white people as well ? 

1 hour ago, Angry Ram said:

I wish someone would explain to me now what exactly racism is now..

If I employ a white guy over a black guy, is that racist?

If I employ a black guy over a white guy, is that racist?

if I tell a joke about an Englishman, Scotsman and an Irishman, is that racist?

Are there now degrees of racism? It seems to me just about everything has a racist connotation if you look deep enough or are willing to be offended enough.. Or just want to throw some dirt and take the moral high ground. 


I assume it’s not a serious question but:

For both 1 and 2 it depends entirely on why you selected the individual. If it’s because they are the best person for the job then clearly that is not racism. However, if you chose them because of some other bias such as race, colour, age, gender (other than in some certain circumstances) then that is discrimination rather than racism although it may be racism that caused you to act in a discriminatory (and illegal) way.

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2 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:


For some reason your quote won’t appear, however.

No it was not a serious question and 100% it should be on who is best for the job. But unfortunately people like @SchtivePesley can see racism everywhere and like to spread the tag around at the slightest opportunity.. IMO that stance dilutes the word and it does not mean what it used to anymore.. 

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1 hour ago, Van Gritters said:

What we’re that dates of these Cobra meetings and what date did the WHO call the Coronavirus outbreak a Pandemic? 

From the article...

The five meetings Johnson missed came during a period in late January and February where he spent an entire parliamentary recess out of sight at his official country retreat of Chequers.

So at the time of the WHO announcement and throughout the following month.  

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1 hour ago, Angry Ram said:

I wish someone would explain to me now what exactly racism is now..

If I employ a white guy over a black guy, is that racist? Obviously, if the colour of either was part of your reasoning.

If I employ a black guy over a white guy, is that racist? Same as above.

if I tell a joke about an Englishman, Scotsman and an Irishman, is that racist?  It could be depending on the intent and context.  Often it would be fine however. Obviously dealing with nationalities there rather than race, but since there is no adequate definition of 'race' anyway.

Are there now degrees of racism?  Yes of course, there always were. How could it be otherwise? Also some 'racism' is actually cultural prejudices rather than anything else. It seems to me just about everything has a racist connotation if you look deep enough or are willing to be offended enough.. It's all about the intent really, accidental offensive can occur but it should be easy enough to ignore or forgive that. Or just want to throw some dirt and take the moral high ground.


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1 hour ago, TramRam said:

3. I wouldn't call it thumbing the Europeans...more like repeating what's happened within the EU and it's finances, Note no laughing emojis, People who laugh at their own post shows an insecure person.

The EU in a situation like this is caught between a rock and a hard place. It isn't big or powerful enough to respond. So the question is should it be reduced to a bunch of trade representatives or should it expand into a federation with an army, with taxes, etc. I know which i'd prefer. 

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35 minutes ago, Angry Ram said:

For some reason your quote won’t appear, however.

No it was not a serious question and 100% it should be on who is best for the job. But unfortunately people like @SchtivePesley can see racism everywhere and like to spread the tag around at the slightest opportunity.. IMO that stance dilutes the word and it does not mean what it used to anymore.. 

I'm not so sure. Should try saying calling someone it to their face. I'd bet the person accused would take it seriously and throw a punch. 

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