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The Politics Thread 2020


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1 hour ago, Uptherams said:

Just take a Corbyn policy in a Labour government. The idea that something significant gets kicked into the long grass for 5 years, until he's voted out and then whatever was implemented is dropped is ridiculous. At that point, do we even call it a democracy...

- Thanks for reminding me, I'd forgotten that one. Setting up false arguments against things that never even happened to then suggest that these are the things that are trying to strip away democracy.

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38 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

LOL. As long as that perspective isn't from people who you disagree with. Seriously - you're by far the most intransigent person who posts in this thread.

Even the like of G Star, Angry ,Max  and Norman who I disagree with frequently are not averse to conceding ground, agreeing certain points etc - as am I. And for the most part we keep it civil and aren't afraid to end arguments with a little joke. That's what keeps it interesting.

You just continually post stuff with a supercilious tone, as if your every word is fact. And then when challenged you act like a baby. No one else does that.

You were sticking up for bullies the other day, and you've tried several times today to tell me to stop posting. I don't give way to bullies. Sorry pal

I won't reply to you again - and I respectfully ask that you don't reply to this. If you really can't help yourself - then feel free to DM me. I'm pretty sure no one else wants to read this wittering


Oh Schtive, I engage with stuff I disagree with, most of which is on principle. You've got an opinion on literally everything, especially if it's from someone you don't like. ? Compared to the likes of you, I barely raise contentions with others opinions, I just read them ?No offense to those others, I'm just too familiar with the tactics now. Just like this stuff with all this bullying nonsense. As if you are the only person in existence to suffer from the consequences of bullying. It wasn't relevant and just takes things down a path of oh if you disagree with me you must be mean or a bully because I got  anecdotal and  or emotional.

I don't laud it over you and others that I was hospitalised through racially aggravated assault. Just have to put up with, as some others do, being accused of being Far Right, a Racist or Nazi...

It's simply not relevant. ??

edit: Grow up Schtive and don't private message me again ??

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4 minutes ago, BaaLocks said:

- Thanks for reminding me, I'd forgotten that one. Setting up false arguments against things that never even happened to then suggest that these are the things that are trying to strip away democracy.

As strange as it may seem, some of us are just willing to accept the outcome of elections, whether we voted for that party or individual or not. 

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On 04/03/2020 at 18:03, Bob The Badger said:

I had a friend a few years ago who was undocumented alien from Israel.

What that means is he lived in the US legally (kind of), but because he was brought by his parents and then his visa ran out he couldn’t get a social security number.

Without a SSN # in the US you can’t get a drivers license, open a bank account, apply for any jobs where you’re on the payroll, or do much of anything. You’re in limbo.

As such, he dove into learning internet marketing which is how I came to meet up some time around 2008 I guess.

He’d comment on my blog regularly and that morphed into him guest posing and we became friends often chatting for an hour or more about self development and/or marketing.

When he wasn’t building websites to earn affiliate money he was volunteering and raising money for kids charities that particularly focussed on cancer.

Everybody in Brooklyn knew him as he and he built a large social media following too. He was even featured (albeit with a lot of other people) on the front cover of Time Magazine because of his work in helping to fight for the rights of undocumented aliens.

He was probably one of the nicest most caring people I have ever met, nothing was ever too much trouble.

One day I called him and got voicemail and told him to give me a call.

He never did.

I tried a couple of weeks later and then in all honesty I forgot about it until maybe 4 or 5 weeks after I’d last heard from him.

Then late one Saturday night I got a facebook message from a mutual friend just saying, ‘have you heard about Roy Naim?’

I thought he was dead, but it was worse in many respects.

To cut a long story short Roy is now doing 15 years for buying kiddie porn and sexual exploiting a young boy who had cancer.

I’m not sure what the legal definition of ‘exploiting’ is but apparently he never touched the kid. Not that that really matters because you can do a lot of damage without touching.

When I got that message I felt sick to the stomach.

I was a friend on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook and he was all over my main website.

I went through a slashing and burning phrase, but then stopped.

The reality is I had no clue, and neither did anybody else.

On reflection it looked blindingly obvious with all the time he spent with kids and his constant yo-yoing of weight, which can often be a sign of some underlying issue.

It came out that he had been sexually abused himself as a kid by an uncle.

As another poster said in this thread, that is frequently the case.

In other words, it’s learned behavior.

Nobody wants to be aroused by kids, why on earth would they?

Do they need locking up? 

Yes of course they do if they act on their impulses.

But if that kids gets over his cancer and he goes on to replicate the pattern he learned from Roy, does he not deserve compassion?

did he ever go swimming at centreparcs?

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13 hours ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

Well you'll have to excuse me if I chuckle over a sermon on righteousness from someone who's just spent night on 4 days and nights demeaning another poster across multiple threads over his views on Cocu's subs. If ever there was a case of pot-kettle as you like to term it, I'd say that ranks pretty highly. 

Whataboutery at its finest

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5 hours ago, Uptherams said:

Row back ?? I've voted for 6 political parties in my life, across the political spectrum. Honestly, you guys are so silly some times. 

I've litterally said this applies to whoever is in government. Governments have manifestos and proposals, they get voted in, opposers should voice their concerns, hold demonstrations and vote against them. But the idea that it's facsim to be against people who are mostly unelected from stopping implementation from happening or drastically watering it down is absurd. It's just babies throwing their toys out of the pram. 

Just take a Corbyn policy in a Labour government. The idea that something significant gets kicked into the long grass for 5 years, until he's voted out and then whatever was implemented is dropped is ridiculous. At that point, do we even call it a democracy...

6? Which ones?

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9 hours ago, A Ram for All Seasons said:

No, they are popping up on the right, they are funded by billionaires and their mission is to find even more effective ways of exploiting the mugs in places like Bolsover and Stoke-on-Trent who voted Tory.

Ah, lack of intellect in the average voter strikes again. 

Get your massive head out of your arse. Wooden spoons are good for helping with the aftermath of a prolapse. 

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Could our government's plan to cease membership of the EASA  be a problem for Rolls-Royce, a major employer in Derby. Could the decision by our government to revert back to having our own regulating authority, the CAA, cause R-R to have difficulties in the manufacture and sale of their engines.

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2 hours ago, 1of4 said:

Could our government's plan to cease membership of the EASA  be a problem for Rolls-Royce, a major employer in Derby. Could the decision by our government to revert back to having our own regulating authority, the CAA, cause R-R to have difficulties in the manufacture and sale of their engines.

Who told you that, those bloomin' experts again? 

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2 hours ago, 1of4 said:

Could our government's plan to cease membership of the EASA  be a problem for Rolls-Royce, a major employer in Derby. Could the decision by our government to revert back to having our own regulating authority, the CAA, cause R-R to have difficulties in the manufacture and sale of their engines.

Not really, why would RR have problems? 

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30 minutes ago, Angry Ram said:

Not really, why would RR have problems? 

Are you sure ? 

"The trade body ADS - which represents more than 1,100 UK businesses in the aerospace, defence, security and space sectors - told the BBC the decision could potentially mean products and designs would need to be certified more than once."

An increase in costs to seek accreditation from another regulator is more than likely.

Most  (all?) businesses will look at an increase in cost as being a problem.

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