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V Millwall matchday thread


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9 minutes ago, NottsRam77 said:

The performances his team have been putting out if I was told u it was a dead man walking u would find it hard not to believe 

I think it’s a Rooney shaped sponsorship deal that’s keeping him in a job atm  

I kind of agree with you’re first paragraph.

iI don’t think is the Rooney thing as that’s a MM thing.

Think is the fact if we sack another manager it will be going towards a record?  Certainly a reputation of this Also it will cost us a fortune.

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14 minutes ago, Emson said:

I think this is the really fundamental point

I'm sure most people would really love Cocu to be successful here

Can the Cocu fans give us just a few shreds of evidence which demonstrate that he is clearly going to get it right in time ? What has he done so far that gives you that belief ? To be fair, we are as near as dammit at the half way stage.

Huddlestone, Bryson,Clarke, Keogh,Tomori, Mount, Wilson, Johnson, Shinnie,Bielik, Marriott.All played for us in the last 7/8 months and for various reasons not on the pitch today.I suggest any manager in this league would struggle missing that lot.

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30 minutes ago, Andicis said:

Cocu out.

The football is shocking. We've resorted to lumping the ball long and using long throws to put it in the box. Rowettball was made to look an attractive prospect. 

The first half was the single worst performance I can remember for a long time at home. There was no energy, no drive to get forward, sideways and backwards passing one after another. Half of those were inaccurate too. 

Holmes, Bogle and Lowe are the only ones to come out of that game with a bit of credit. 

I'm tired of hearing Cocu is an amazing coach and we need to give him time because he'll improve it. Well thing is, he ain't improving it. Talk is cheap. I'm done listening to it, I just want to see some evidence. The Cocu experiment is a resounding failure.

Your memory must be worse than a goldfish if you've already forgotten the first half against Wednesday on Wednesday

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7 minutes ago, jono said:

No they are not. No courage .. decide on who to blame for that but there is (from some players) a distinct lack of courage. Play the easy ball is not good enough.

mistakes are forgivable .. lack of baa locks isn’t 

Lack of courage comes from a lack of belief

Lack of belief comes when you have no confidence in what you are trying (or being told to try) to do

Either way, that's down to the management and the culture that they create, no one else

Just my opinion based on experience at the University of Life

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We haven’t scored a goal from open play since boro at home 6 games ago - that’s 540+ mins of football - terrible.

Cocu is only surviving because he has a 4 year deal, McClaren and Clement were both sacked for less.

I want Cocu to do well as I do all managers but it’s clearly not working, I’m not liking what I’m seeing so I’m leaning towards Cocu out.

people who want him next year tell me what you’ve seen which makes you think he will succeed. Worst performances from a Derby side for along time, worst away run in 11 years, no goals scored in last 6 away games and players look disinterested. Worrying time 

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5 minutes ago, Edtheram said:

We haven’t scored a goal from open play since boro at home 6 games ago - that’s 540+ mins of football - terrible.

Cocu is only surviving because he has a 4 year deal, McClaren and Clement were both sacked for less.

I want Cocu to do well as I do all managers but it’s clearly not working, I’m not liking what I’m seeing so I’m leaning towards Cocu out.

people who want him next year tell me what you’ve seen which makes you think he will succeed. Worst performances from a Derby side for along time, worst away run in 11 years, no goals scored in last 6 away games and players look disinterested. Worrying time 

Didn't many say Preston at home was some of the best football since Mac 1?

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Just got home from that load of codswallop. Ive been watching the Rams since the Brian Clough days, so I ve seen some highs and Iv'e seen some lows, but I don't think I've ever seen anything as bad as that first half. Only Chris Martin and Jason Knoght turned up today. I can see Chris wanting to leave. It took an age for Cocu to start playing him, even allowing for Martin's fitness. He is best as one of a "two up front", or with midfiled runners bursting through onto his through balls. But today he was on his own, against a standard-style MIllwall defence, with the midfield sitting too deep so he was isolated. We also seemd to favour the long ball into the channels - where was that when Marriott was on the pitch? So Chris was running the channels as well, but kept on working away and didn't stick his bottom lip out at all, something he has done in the past. Good on ya, mate. Keep plugging away. 

Jason Knight is a good prospect, but he won't be the Messiah we are all waiting for - he is keen to receive the ball, doesn't crumble under pressure, and stitches things together in the middle of the park. I lke him a lot, but he is a bit on his own, given the paucity of our midfield right now.

As for the rest of them, well words fail me. Apart from these few words: 

Lawrence was anonymous - I only know his name from the team sheet. Just wafting around, not bothering to put tackles in, especially the 50/50 balls, until he has the chance to put a foul in. Then he seems up for it. I am surprised he wasn't booked for a couple of his challenges, but wondered if he could get himself up to 12 points and get banned for a bit. I lost count of how many fouls he gave away. And Waghorn. Yet again he was wearing shin pads made from that rubber they used to make superballs with (remember those from the 70's and 80s which were able to bounce ridiculous distances?). And he kept giving away ridiculously unecessary fouls. And he missed another good chance putting over the top corner. It was a difficult one, and he was very close, but should have done better.

It was really frustrating watching the team get the ball and then ignore wide open space. Or Bogle, who got the ball just inside the Millwall half with acres of space in front of him, but he stopped and turned and passed inside, by which time, Millwall were back in position. 

We eventually get going after about 65 minutes and suddenly Millwall's defence looke a right rabble. Enter the ref. He took it uopn himself that when Millwall couldn't break up our momentum with fouls or going down injured, he stepped in with his whistle. He let things go all match long, finally showing how tough and hard line he was by booking two visiting players for time wasting - in time added on. I  ask you. 

Enter Dowell. A couple of easy passes in midfield, a wide open chance ballooned 6 feet over the bar, and a challenge where he should have got the ball and kept it in play, but booted it out instead.

I had held on from going to the loo at half time because I might have not bothered coming back up afterwards, and was tempted to leave early to beat the traffic 'cos there was nothng to see, folks. But by the 75th - 80th minute so many had already gone that there woud already be queues. So I had to endure the full 90 plus. 

In previous seasons it seemed that the match officials were in a contest to see who could give the worst refereeing performance at Pride Park for that season. This time round they have wised up. They don't have to fight eachother, they simply have to perform worse than Derby County, while we take care of the ever spiralling downwards level of performance.

Com on yo .......................... oh stuff it. I'll end here. 

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19 minutes ago, The Orange Pimpernel said:

Didn't many say Preston at home was some of the best football since Mac 1?

Thank you. So many fans have short memories. The second halves of both games this week were much better but just missing the quality we need at the moment. Cocu needs to address the passive first halves.

I find myself increasingly frustrated with the Derby fanbase. I don't have a problem with constructive criticisms but calling for yet more drastic changes will not help us in the long run.

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1 hour ago, Emson said:

Ok, think I understand now what you are trying to say

The reason we have all these problems is because we fielded a team today not competent to do any of the things the manager wants them to

Personally, I don't agree. I think the first team out today is more than competent.

Not in a million years mate, a couple yes but but the rest are bang average imo, the back 2 scare the hell out of me, I thought lowe was miles better than Malone and can be coached to beome a good player. The rest imo are easily replaceable. Imo, in Jan we need a gk, 2cbs 1 midfielder 2 wide players and a striker.

Dreaming I know but imo this is what we need and it may take till this time next season to get all the dross out and those players in.

If after all that we are still bamford then I'll agree cocu has to go.

                              new gk

Bogle     new cb         new cb             Lowe


        new wide mid   New mid     New wide mid


                              new striker

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25 minutes ago, DavesaRam said:

Just got home from that load of codswallop. Ive been watching the Rams since the Brian Clough days, so I ve seen some highs and Iv'e seen some lows, but I don't think I've ever seen anything as bad as that first half. Only Chris Martin and Jason Knoght turned up today. I can see Chris wanting to leave. It took an age for Cocu to start playing him, even allowing for Martin's fitness. He is best as one of a "two up front", or with midfiled runners bursting through onto his through balls. But today he was on his own, against a standard-style MIllwall defence, with the midfield sitting too deep so he was isolated. We also seemd to favour the long ball into the channels - where was that when Marriott was on the pitch? So Chris was running the channels as well, but kept on working away and didn't stick his bottom lip out at all, something he has done in the past. Good on ya, mate. Keep plugging away. 

Jason Knight is a good prospect, but he won't be the Messiah we are all waiting for - he is keen to receive the ball, doesn't crumble under pressure, and stitches things together in the middle of the park. I lke him a lot, but he is a bit on his own, given the paucity of our midfield right now.

As for the rest of them, well words fail me. Apart from these few words: 

Lawrence was anonymous - I only know his name from the team sheet. Just wafting around, not bothering to put tackles in, especially the 50/50 balls, until he has the chance to put a foul in. Then he seems up for it. I am surprised he wasn't booked for a couple of his challenges, but wondered if he could get himself up to 12 points and get banned for a bit. I lost count of how many fouls he gave away. And Waghorn. Yet again he was wearing shin pads made from that rubber they used to make superballs with (remember those from the 70's and 80s which were able to bounce ridiculous distances?). And he kept giving away ridiculously unecessary fouls. And he missed another good chance putting over the top corner. It was a difficult one, and he was very close, but should have done better.

It was really frustrating watching the team get the ball and then ignore wide open space. Or Bogle, who got the ball just inside the Millwall half with acres of space in front of him, but he stopped and turned and passed inside, by which time, Millwall were back in position. 

We eventually get going after about 65 minutes and suddenly Millwall's defence looke a right rabble. Enter the ref. He took it uopn himself that when Millwall couldn't break up our momentum with fouls or going down injured, he stepped in with his whistle. He let things go all match long, finally showing how tough and hard line he was by booking two visiting players for time wasting - in time added on. I  ask you. 

Enter Dowell. A couple of easy passes in midfield, a wide open chance ballooned 6 feet over the bar, and a challenge where he should have got the ball and kept it in play, but booted it out instead.

I had held on from going to the loo at half time because I might have not bothered coming back up afterwards, and was tempted to leave early to beat the traffic 'cos there was nothng to see, folks. But by the 75th - 80th minute so many had already gone that there woud already be queues. So I had to endure the full 90 plus. 

In previous seasons it seemed that the match officials were in a contest to see who could give the worst refereeing performance at Pride Park for that season. This time round they have wised up. They don't have to fight eachother, they simply have to perform worse than Derby County, while we take care of the ever spiralling downwards level of performance.

Com on yo .......................... oh stuff it. I'll end here. 

Good post mate 


what baffles me is that u... me and every other Derby fan in that ground know what Chris Martin can and can’t do and how he needs to be played yet our high profile manager and “championship specialist” seem utterly clueless as to his strengths and weaknesses” 

or how best to use him 

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20 minutes ago, DavesaRam said:

Just got home from that load of codswallop. Ive been watching the Rams since the Brian Clough days, so I ve seen some highs and Iv'e seen some lows, but I don't think I've ever seen anything as bad as that first half.

Oh come off it sir.

paul jewell?, phil brown?, john newman?, the worst of the worst under Peter Taylor.

there has been much worse. 

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I'm in the give Cocu some time brigade but wtf was all that about? 1-0 down at home 15 mins to play desperate for a goal and he brings on Dowell , was anyone else out off 26,000 thinking the same even one person I very much doubt it,so he's that much of a genius only he can see what others can't or he ain't got a ducking  clue , only time will tell or maybe not.

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Cocu is a long term appointment is he not?

Remind me again what is his remit here?

Does he or does he not have the tools to do the job he is employed for?

Is he to blame for not having those tools yet?

Some of you are asking him to fix the last 3/4 managers purchases in half a season.

This season was always going to be a wash.

Too many people with instant succeritis on here.

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First home game for a couple of months (live a few hours away from Derby so difficult to make it). Sat in the east stand with a group of friends, boos all around throughout - young clown about 16/17 a couple of rows behind spent the whole 90 mins booing almost every single time we touched the ball. At one point Bogle got the ball at right back, no Derby player in front, 3 Millwall players down the line and he screamed and booed him for passing it side ways instead of beating the players down the line. What’s the point in going to football games if all you want to do is boo your own team? A number of these lads of 18,19,20 years old. What is booing their every move going to help? Yes we are in a poor run of form, but our team isn't a world beating side, Cocu is trying to bring though a few youngsters. Our fans are terrible and reminds me why I don’t desperately drive the 6 hour round journey every other weekend. 

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10 minutes ago, ColonelBlimp said:

Cocu is a long term appointment is he not?

Remind me again what is his remit here?

Does he or does he not have the tools to do the job he is employed for?

Is he to blame for not having those tools yet?

Some of you are asking him to fix the last 3/4 managers purchases in half a season.

This season was always going to be a wash.

Too many people with instant succeritis on here.

I agree, but I don't know what succeritis is, it doesn't sound like something I'd like to catch though?

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12 minutes ago, Mick Brolly said:

I'm in the give Cocu some time brigade but wtf was all that about? 1-0 down at home 15 mins to play desperate for a goal and he brings on Dowell 

It was palpable in the crowd, people were all thinking 'here we go again'. You start to think come on give him a chance... then inevitably he misses a simple pass

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Only thing worse than that first half today is the way some so called ‘supporters’ behaved at today’s game.

Booing teenagers, booing a team retaining possession. Pathetic and entitled morons that don’t deserve to see a team playing well.

I honestly cannot get my head around it. How can you be so utterly brain dead that you think the solution to a team lacking in confidence is to boo.

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