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Greta Thunberg & Extinction Rebellion


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8 minutes ago, Sexydadbod said:

I for one cannot take anyone seriously who suggests that ducking cannibalism is the answer to climate change. If it’s comes to that point then we’ve lost. 

Why are you obsessed with cannibalism? Ther article you posted is literally the only time I've even heard it mentioned, and upon reading it, it's clear that no one is saying that is "the answer" - it was just a thought experiment about whether a global climate crisis causing lack of food might drive some to it. You seriously might as well have offered the IMDB page for Soylent Green as your "evidence"

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4 minutes ago, Hinzy9 said:

The manipulation of any minor is wrong but especially a particularly vulnerable one.

Clearly you are OK with though!

Do you have evidence she is being manipulated? 



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Just now, SchtivePesley said:

Why are you obsessed with cannibalism? Ther article you posted is literally the only time I've even heard it mentioned, and upon reading it, it's clear that no one is saying that is "the answer" - it was just a thought experiment about whether a global climate crisis causing lack of food might drive some to it. You seriously might as well have offered the IMDB page for Soylent Green as your "evidence"

He's an empty vessel with nothing to offer the debate other than chatting utter rubbish about cannibalism. When asked to justify his comments around the tipping point, he has literally nothing to say. Block list the only sensible way forward.

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Just now, SchtivePesley said:

Why are you obsessed with cannibalism? Ther article you posted is literally the only time I've even heard it mentioned, and upon reading it, it's clear that no one is saying that is "the answer" - it was just a thought experiment about whether a global climate crisis causing lack of food might drive some to it. You seriously might as well have offered the IMDB page for Soylent Green as your "evidence"

The article mentions at the start that “it’s not the first time time a scientist had suggested the idea”, my point? It’s leading to people coming out with ludicrous ideas , and he was proposing this at a seminar , then later stating he’d be open to at least trying it.

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3 minutes ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

He's an empty vessel with nothing to offer the debate other than chatting utter rubbish about cannibalism. When asked to justify his comments around the tipping point, he has literally nothing to say. Block list the only sensible way forward.

You sir are what @Norman would call a beta,  getting all in a hysteria over nothing, accusing me and @Hinzy9 of being climate change deniers when all we said that we feel this girl is being used. 

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16 minutes ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

WHat proof have you that she is being manipulated. Do you know her? Has she told you as much?

Her own mother went out the way to mention how vulnerable she is in her book and what she’s been through , does that not concern you? People with aspergers are more likely vulnerable to manipulation. 

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2 minutes ago, Sexydadbod said:

You sir are what @Norman would call a beta,  getting all in a hysteria over nothing, accusing me and @Hinzy9 of being climate change deniers when all we said that we feel this girl is being used. 

You scoffed at the 11 year tipping point comment. That is climate change denial, pure and simple. You've been asked now half a dozen times to justify your stance but as was predicted, you are wholly unable to do so. Try to drag other folk in to support your nonsense all you like but as is always the case, you are fooling absolutely nobody. I'll leave it there unless of course you care to answer the question tat has been put to you. I shan't hold my breath.

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5 minutes ago, Sexydadbod said:

Her own mother went out the way to mention how vulnerable she is in her book and what she’s been through , does that not concern you? People with aspergers are more likely vulnerable to manipulation. 

How does this prove she is being manipulated? Here's a clue. It doesn't.

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1 minute ago, Hinzy9 said:

Who knew that protecting the welfare of a child would be such a controversial idea!

She is being used by the political elite and will be tossed aside when they have finished with her.

I'm sorry for you that you can't see that.

So in your opinion, it is the political elite who stand to gain from fighting climate change? I wonder why Boris, Trump and co have yet to fall in line then?

Daftest argument ever IMO.

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3 minutes ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

You scoffed at the 11 year tipping point comment. That is climate change denial, pure and simple. You've been asked now half a dozen times to justify your stance but as was predicted, you are wholly unable to do so. Try to drag other folk in to support your nonsense all you like but as is always the case, you are fooling absolutely nobody. I'll leave it there unless of course you care to answer the question tat has been put to you. I shan't hold my breath.

Ahhh the usual I’ll leave it here post from yourself, how very predictable. I asked you to provide evidence of this 11 year timeline, which you haven’t. People have been saying for decades and decades about how this is our last chance, nothing happens.  I have no doubt climate change is a valid issue and WILL harm us in the very long term because of the way we sometimes abuse the planet, but scientists get things wrong, how many times do we hear from leading top scientists at NASA about asteroids going to wipe out the planet. I’ll believe this 11 year timeline when I see it. If this forum is still around in 2030 , I’ll bump up this thread and admit I was wrong about this 11 year date, I don’t believe it’s an issue as soon as that. 

And youre detracting from my main point, this random girl wakes up one day and wants to change the world, gathers lots of support from people on social media and media outlets, what makes her more special than others? The post by @Hinzy9, which has now been deleted, shows that people are more sympathetic to children so are more likely to listen, does this girl know more about climate change than others? I’m not so sure. Saying her entire childhood has been ruined because of climate change should raise red flags. Yes her message is important and we should treat the world with more respect. However, If these celebrities cared about how the environment as much as they claim they to,  they’d be doing a lot more rather than blaming joe public for not recycling a bottle once , whilst they’re in their private jets around the world.

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3 minutes ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

So in your opinion, it is the political elite who stand to gain from fighting climate change? I wonder why Boris, Trump and co have yet to fall in line then?

Daftest argument ever IMO.

She will be wheeled out in the next US election campaign.

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43 minutes ago, Norman said:

I find deeply uncomfortable. I found her speech uncomfortable.

Yeah, she's promoting a positive message I support, but the message has been drilled into from her parents

She has mental health issues and illnesses, has had dramatic, negative, depressing views imposed on her by her activist parents and is now being thrown into a political game. 

It is not going to end well for her.

A lot of people are saying that she's an indoctrinated puppet, but I'm not sure that's correct. Her Wikipedia page (I know) says the following:

'Thunberg said she first got the idea of a climate strike after school shootings in the United States in February 2018 led to several youths refusing to go back to school. ... For about two years, Thunberg challenged her parents to lower the family's carbon footprint by becoming vegan and giving up flying, which in part meant her mother had to give up her international career as an opera singer. Thunberg credits her parents' eventual response and lifestyle changes with giving her hope and belief that she could make a difference.'

This suggests that she began her activism off her own back and was/is stronger in her beliefs than her parents. Whether or not this initial self-drive has been taken over by larger forces, I don't know. If it has been, and if she hasn't had much say in what she's been doing recently, I agree with you.

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6 minutes ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

So in your opinion, it is the political elite who stand to gain from fighting climate change? I wonder why Boris, Trump and co have yet to fall in line then?

Daftest argument ever IMO.

You should try reading the news, Boris recently committed to spend billions on fighting climate change

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