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The Politics Thread 2019


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1 hour ago, SchtivePesley said:

Well you've got the EU to thank for that then! It was an EU Directive on the progressive implementation of the principle of equal treatment for men and women in matters of social security that led to the women's pension age being harmonised with the men.



Polish women retire at 60  they are a net receiver from the EU,  lower net debt by GDP than the U.K. at 56%

UK women retire at 65 they are net contributors to the EU, higher net debt by GDP than Poland at 89%.

We are effectively paying Polish women to retire early and you want us thank the EU?? 



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Tony Blair has backed tactical voting to deny both Jeremy Corbyn and Boris Johnson an outright majority in the election.

In his biggest intervention in the 2019 election campaign, the former prime minister refused to say that Corbyn was a fit and proper person to become PM, and signalled that a more “suitable candidate” could be found to lead a minority administration.

Blair even suggested that Labour MPs could bypass their leader to work with Lib Dems and others to create a government of national unity in a hung parliament.

The three-times Labour PM warned that Corbyn’s own competence and credibility, plus a desire to leave the EU, were pushing traditional northern Labour voters towards the Tories.

“The vulnerability that I think is most acute is in traditional Labour what you would in the old days have called more working class seats in the north, particularly, where a lot of people would never ever ever have thought of voting conservative.

“But a combination of anxiety over the Labour leadership and Brexit is tipping them towards that. So that’s probably the point of biggest vulnerability.”

Isn't Tony still a paid up member of the Labour party- doing Jezza no favours .

Hadn't seen this before .  Backs up my assertion that she is nothing but a limpet with no ideals. Perfect for the party that gave the world Nick Clegg.

Lib Dem leader Jo Swinson sparked a backlash in recent months when she suggested her party would demand Labour changed leader before supporting a minority government.


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1 hour ago, Red_Dawn said:

I've asked our good friend Schtive several times to explain some of the behaviour of Corbyn and other party members, in which he returned a laughing emoji and demanded specific examples. 

Provided them and got another laughing emoji and no further response. No doubt he'll do the same again. 

Unfortunately you can lead a horse to water, but can't make him drink it. Some people aren't interested in facing the uncomfortable truths. 

You got one.  Think I've had three. Some of the other posters on here are thinking of creating a league table .  As your away from home maybe yours should count double if your playing as your not on here as much .  Thought's anyone.

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33 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

I assume you are being deeply ironic here - as the person who only ever wrings his hands over the financial dealings of one party 

Not true. I said a few days ago that all parties are making unrealistic promises.

There is only one party, however, that release a supposedly fully costed manifesto but somehow forget to mention a £58bn cost 3/4 days later.

Don't you think there is a question over competency raised by it?

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45 minutes ago, cstand said:


Polish women retire at 60  they are a net receiver from the EU,  lower net debt by GDP than the U.K. at 56%

UK women retire at 65 they are net contributors to the EU, higher net debt by GDP than Poland at 89%.

We are effectively paying Polish women to retire early and you want us thank the EU?? 



My understanding is that contributions are weighted towards the richer nations. Quite a socialist stance, controversial I agree - but the intention is to enrich the countries that have lower standards of living. The countries receiving higher levels of funding will use that money to invest in the infrastructure of the country, improving prosperity. After all, why have a neighbouring country that's so poor they can't buy anything you make?

The intention is that over time, those countries will become net contributors to the EU budget.

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1 minute ago, Van Wolfie said:

Not true. I said a few days ago that all parties are making unrealistic promises.

There is only one party, however, that release a supposedly fully costed manifesto but somehow forget to mention a £58bn cost 3/4 days later.

Don't you think there is a question over competency raised by it?

I believe someone asked Boris Johnson a question around this on the BBC the other night and he was non committal.  Next day it's part of the Labour manifesto. Coincidence?. 

I would be more impressed if he put widows pension back in place to top up a state pension for my wife should I pop off before I get it . I'd prefer some of my contribution to benefit a loved one rather than disappear into a black hole. 

Perhaps he could consider those working longer in government department's,  who have had additional years added to there minimum N.I Contribution. This just to get the basic state pension thanks to the abolition of contracted out  contributions they didn't ask for in the first place .

No headline grabs there though.



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4 hours ago, GboroRam said:

Help to buy has just meant that available credit increases, so the house builders increase prices. My stepson has just bought a tiny 3 bedroom new build. £180,000. Absolute madness. My first house was £30,000. 

£180,000 I will have 3 ?

Little Angry's was £345k for a small 2 Bed. 

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1 hour ago, cstand said:

Polish women retire at 60  they are a net receiver from the EU,  lower net debt by GDP than the U.K. at 56%

UK women retire at 65 they are net contributors to the EU, higher net debt by GDP than Poland at 89%.

We are effectively paying Polish women to retire early

Or alternatively - we are effectively a bunch of mugs who believe any old crap that we read on Facebook and regurgitate it at will?



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1 minute ago, SchtivePesley said:

Or alternatively - we are effectively a bunch of mugs who believe any old crap that we read on Facebook and regurgitate it at will?



Ying and yang . Due to EU payment assisting with infrastructure the government in Poland has spare cash to use on state pension, is how you read this if you are coherent in anyway.

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17 minutes ago, Angry Ram said:

£180,000 I will have 3 ?

Little Angry's was £345k for a small 2 Bed. 

The price of property is crazy down your neck of the woods, but so is the profit margin.  Saw some bloke buy a flat ( which I'm sure used to be cellar) below street level on a property program. It cost £245,000. He put in a new toilet and painted it, then flogged it for £305,000 5 weeks later. 


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6 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

Ying and yang . Due to EU payment assisting with infrastructure the government in Poland has spare cash to use on state pension, is how you read this if you are coherent in anyway.

Or suspicious, or rancorous, or myopic. There are any number of character traits that might lead one to conclude that Poles having more to spend is a bad thing.

Of course Poland has more to spend. Poles are able to spend it on goods and services from net contributors to the EU.

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1 hour ago, WhiteHorseRam said:

Ooh blimey I'd better watch my Ps and Qs.

Has a bloke had a baby yet then?

My boss nearly had one a week ago when he saw my expenses claim but that's a different story.

Apparently it is theoretically possible, but blokes don't have a womb so the placenta would have to dock on somewhere else which would be dangerous. The baby would have to grow somewhere else in the body and be cut out at birth, which is not good for the bloke or the baby. Don't fancy trying it myself.

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I'm closer to the left than I am to the right, and I'm going to vote Labour in this election. That's mainly because their general principles align closest with my personal moral view of the world. 

However, as a student, I can confidently say that the pledge to abolish tuition fees is an absolute joke. The current system is good, as everyone essentially gets free education until they earn enough (£25,725 salary) to start paying it off. All unpaid debt is wiped off after 30 years if it hasn't been paid during that time.

I'm not attacking the concept of free tuition in itself. It's just that there are far more pressing issues for aspiring university students from poorer backgrounds. Tuition fees don't prevent anyone from attending uni, for the reasons outlined above. What does prevent those from poorer backgrounds from going into higher education is the cost of living. Whilst maintenance loans are given, they sometimes don't cover all of rent, food, textbooks, some socialising, etc. The money spent on abolishing tuition fees would be far better directed at increasing maintenance loans or subsidising student housing. 

If the Labour Party want to make a genuine difference to the lives of poor people aspiring to better themselves, they should stop with the eye-catching policies and direct the money where it truly matters.

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4 minutes ago, A Ram for All Seasons said:

Apparently it is theoretically possible, but blokes don't have a womb so the placenta would have to dock on somewhere else which would be dangerous. The baby would have to grow somewhere else in the body and be cut out at birth, which is not good for the bloke or the baby. Don't fancy trying it myself.

Where's the foetus gonna gestate, you gonna keep it in a box?

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