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Panini Stickers


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1 minute ago, maydrakin said:

I don’t suppose anyone on here is collecting panini stickers?

My lad is collecting and has around 100 swaps to get shot of...

Come on buddy, just join the many and come out, it feels good. 

I need 78, have 80 odd swaps. 27 years of age and a proud Panini collector. My dad started me off with USA 94 and France 98.. have collected them ever since! 

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19 minutes ago, Mr Tibbs said:

Come on buddy, just join the many and come out, it feels good. 

I need 78, have 80 odd swaps. 27 years of age and a proud Panini collector. My dad started me off with USA 94 and France 98.. have collected them ever since! 

No it’s definitely my lad who is doing it - he’s done my head in by sticking 3 players in the wrong place! ?

if you want to DM me your email, I can send you the swaps/needs...

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Think yourself lucky, the daily Dad are you calling Tesco, Sainsbury’s for petrol, can you ask Gran, mum etc and still having to send off for missing ones about 2 weeks after it had finished!

28 minutes ago, Parsnip said:

Tried to get my 7 year old interested but he wasn't having it. I'll try again at the euros. 

Some kids really resist brainwashing.

It was fun as a kid and half enjoyed sticking them in but the constant daily pleading.

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1 hour ago, Mr Tibbs said:

Come on buddy, just join the many and come out, it feels good. 

I need 78, have 80 odd swaps. 27 years of age and a proud Panini collector. My dad started me off with USA 94 and France 98.. have collected them ever since! 

I still have a complete Mexico 86 .  Last one I collected as I got too old .  It's great , most of the blokes in it look like they run drug cartels or Rudi Voller.

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The manufacturer of these stickers must be laughing all the way to the bank. Just one big rip off, people are usually left with dozens of stickers they've paid a small fortune for and still not managed to complete the book.  The makers must rub their hands together every time FIFA announce an increase in the number of teams taking part in the finals.

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On 13/06/2018 at 21:25, Mr Tibbs said:

Come on buddy, just join the many and come out, it feels good. 

I need 78, have 80 odd swaps. 27 years of age and a proud Panini collector. My dad started me off with USA 94 and France 98.. have collected them ever since! 

Isn’t it past your bedtime? Come on, off you go...



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7 minutes ago, RiddingsRam said:

My youngest (5) is well into it ! Just wants Messi though ! It's costing me a fourtune to try and find Messi ?. In all fairness though I'm enjoying doing it too.

£2, job done 


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To complete the book you'll need 682 stickers, with 5 stickers per packet thats 137 packets at 80 pence per packet. Meaning a cost of £109.60 and that if you don't get any duplicates. Been estimated the cost could end up being over £700.

That works out to be one expensive book.

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6 hours ago, 1of4 said:

To complete the book you'll need 682 stickers, with 5 stickers per packet thats 137 packets at 80 pence per packet. Meaning a cost of £109.60 and that if you don't get any duplicates. Been estimated the cost could end up being over £700.

That works out to be one expensive book.

Try explaining that to a 5 year old, he'd give as many fecks about that as I do love island.

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Just managed to complete it for my lad, we were buying the stickers from Costco, 20 packets for £9, a massive saving on the normal outlets.

bought the last 120 stickers off eBay for £18.

we got to the half way stage and he lost interest, more interested in playing fortnite until I deleted it ! Tough love !

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