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If it’s Frank

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If it is Frank  

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11 minutes ago, mwram1973 said:

Not been on for 6 months as I was fed up of the negative tripe that was being posted about new players. With the chance of lampard being appointed I thought I'd come on and see if anythings changed....nope. Still the select few who will wine about anything to do with DCFC.

Frank was a world class player, will he make a good manager??, who know's but this is the most excitement I've had as a derby fan in over a year. I liked Rowett but his football was boring to a point I stopped going and then even stopped Listening.

Lets look at the last few seasons and what these so called Experienced managers have bought to the club.

Clement, came with all the hope as was number 2 to a world class manager = crap football..sacked

Pearson, promotion with Leic's and kept them up...sacked cos he's a nutter

Mac, England manager, won cups and titles, massive reputation worldwide, sacked twice, 

Wassall, Know's the club inside out, tasked with bringing young players through..told to duck off by our players

Rowett, big reputation as one of the best young british managers, good experience...dire football, ****** off

What do all these have in common?, We're STILL IN THE CHAMPIONSHIP!!.

IF Lampard comes in and does nothing, so what, it'll just mean another season in the championship. At least it'll be exciting and I think he's intelligent enough to surround himself with experienced coaches to give him the best chance of success.

Give him a chance ffs, if he fails so what he'll have done nothing less than the previous 5 managers.

I for one would love him here, will certainly put us on the map, media wise.

I'll crawl back under my rock again now.??

Well sadly that sums up our managers of recent times ! Which makes you wonder why people actually criticise Mel for actually sacking them after giving them a chance 

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17 minutes ago, Sparkle said:

Well sadly that sums up our managers of recent times ! Which makes you wonder why people actually criticise Mel for actually sacking them after giving them a chance 

Because he didn't give Mac2 a chance?

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3 minutes ago, mwram1973 said:

Not been on for 6 months as I was fed up of the negative tripe that was being posted about new players. With the chance of lampard being appointed I thought I'd come on and see if anythings changed....nope. Still the select few who will wine about anything to do with DCFC.

Frank was a world class player, will he make a good manager??, who know's but this is the most excitement I've had as a derby fan in over a year. I liked Rowett but his football was boring to a point I stopped going and then even stopped Listening.

Lets look at the last few seasons and what these so called Experienced managers have bought to the club.

Clement, came with all the hope as was number 2 to a world class manager = crap football..sacked

Pearson, promotion with Leic's and kept them up...sacked cos he's a nutter

Mac, England manager, won cups and titles, massive reputation worldwide, sacked twice, 

Wassall, Know's the club inside out, tasked with bringing young players through..told to duck off by our players

Rowett, big reputation as one of the best young british managers, good experience...dire football, ****** off

What do all these have in common?, We're STILL IN THE CHAMPIONSHIP!!.

IF Lampard comes in and does nothing, so what, it'll just mean another season in the championship. At least it'll be exciting and I think he's intelligent enough to surround himself with experienced coaches to give him the best chance of success.

Give him a chance ffs, if he fails so what he'll have done nothing less than the previous 5 managers.

I for one would love him here, will certainly put us on the map, media wise.

I'll crawl back under my rock again now.??

appreciate your comments,the club's presently in a worse place now than at anytime during the last 5 appointments due to the mixed bag of a squad ,with old legs and apparently no coffers available in the kitty unless we sell the few players worth keeping.No other recent manager has had it this bad.

A year with Frank, worst ways up wouldn't see us in any worse a scenario. Irrespective of who we get it is highly unlikely that we would be competing for anything other than mid table obscurity and should be focusing on restructuring a team hopefully developing a few from the youth set up if good enough.

i personally would bang my money bringing in big Sam,convince him of the glory to promote a team rather than save them from relegation is a far greater achievement and one in the eye to all the  club's that have used him and dumped him.

he wouldn't come cheap,but he would identify and transform the mixed bag of a squad into a solid team on a limited budget,therefore covering his own contract. Probably get us up in a couple of seasons with a suitable squad to stay up.

Yes the football may not be the greatest at times but he would do the job.In fairness to him I don't ever remember his Bolton team playing unattractive football, and all his other tenures have been in situations where he has had to go in to bolt the door and prevent relegation.

ok sure I ain't convinced you all in the most sensible long term solution, Frank seems a decent bloke who if surrounded by an experienced support network could do a job. But it's not guaranteed and how long will take  half you lot to be in his back when we haven't won in four?

Be careful of what you wish for!

Wasn't Clement every ones pick of the pie? Wasn't Mac our saviour?Wasn't GR  our very own loyal wonder kid?

Wasn't NC the new messiah when he turned up for the man U game before signing?

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Some people on here are amazing. Some proper Nostradamus types. Get yourself on the phone to the club and get in on those interviews. If you know what a manager will or won’t do then please share your wonderful gift with the club. 

I dont think anyone on one on here is saying Frank is definitely going to be a success (should he come) but I really don’t see the point in writing him off before he’s even appointed, let alone been in charge of a training session, let alone been in charge for a game. 

To be honest my first choices would have probably been Smith or Potter but both of those would have been gambles. They have good records so there’s a bit of a track record to inform the decision but if Frank has never managed before how do you know he’ll be bad? I don’t know his philosophy, his methods, his plans, because I didn’t interview the guy but if he’s smashed that interview and demonstrated he knows his stuff then give the guy a chance. The over the top negativity from some on here beggars belief.

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17 minutes ago, ShoreRam said:

My long time season ticket holding mum unfortunately died in September, I'm still sorting the house and found, in the space of a few minutes, her season ticket and then this. It's a sign a tell you, a sign!!imageproxy.php?img=&key=02ea831ad1ee593b


Thierry Henry is going to be our next manager? Left field!

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42 minutes ago, Inglorius said:

What's the common denominator in all of this.  Or more relevantly WHO. 

Moronic fans with an entitlement culture?

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4 minutes ago, Inglorius said:

Wrong answer.  Have another go. 

Don't think I need to, having nailed it first go.

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4 minutes ago, eddie said:

Don't think I need to, having nailed it first go.

The question was possibly perspicuous rather than perspicacious

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I haven't read any speculation about what he would or wouldn't do.

its just that its a bit gianfranco zola.

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Apart from, possibly, money, the real problem that Rowett's going has left us with is time. Or a lack of it.

Ideally any new manager, Lampard or not, will want to plan the pre-season, assess the squad before making any decisions about who comes or goes, establish the playing style, identify which younger players can make the step up, who the support staff will be. With Rowett that was all known and decisions probably already largely made. Now it's all up in the air.

In normal times that's a problem but a World Cup summer, changes to the English transfer window and a need to create space in the squad to allow room for youngsters, as well as the financial limitations, will make for a tough few weeks for the new manager. The time we gained by losing to Fulham has been lost and some.

Making an appointment quickly will help as will some experience in the new managerial team and some knowledge of our current squad.

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13 minutes ago, RamNut said:

I haven't read any speculation about what he would or wouldn't do.

its just that its a bit gianfranco zola.

Cynics say it'll be like all the players-turned-managers who failed. The optimists say it'll be like all the players-turned-managers who succeeded.

I say, why does it matter? Let the future come when it comes. Enjoy the ride. Even if the unthinkable happened and this season was so disastrous we got relegated, Derby County will still be here in decades time, I'll still be enjoying the ups and downs and so will most of the people on here.

Why do we have to follow some concreted routine for appointing managers, why can't we be a bit spontaneous and unpredictable? 

I don't know if I speak for everyone excited, but I'm excited about seeing where this road takes us, which isn't a state I'd be in with almost any of the other candidates because we sort of know what we'd get - I'm not sitting here expecting champions league football in 3 years. 

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7 minutes ago, SaintRam said:

I don't know if I speak for everyone excited, but I'm excited about seeing where this road takes us

You’ve summed up exactly how I feel. 

In D&D terms, I’d rather play the chaotic neutral 1st level bard of Lampard than the lawful evil 10th level fighter of McCarthy.

The latter is fine for wading through orcs, but totally redundant as soon as you get hit with a bit of magic. 

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