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Official: Will Hughes joins Watford


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Just now, Leicester Ram said:

This is what the club has been brought to. Everything has gone slowly downhill since about February 2015. Look at Curtains, the poor thing, he's clinging onto Max-Timi/Timi-Max Elsnik.

Slag Elsnik off why don't you he's a very very good prospect in midfield  



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I'm sure I'm having a delayed LSD trip, a flashback and one of the trips is seeing us sell our Will for 4.5 million.

I keep seeing this vision of Hughes going out on loan to Forest next season and scoring the winner at Pride Park.

And a slightly over weight man runs onto the pitch and shakes his fist angrily at Mel Morris.


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5 minutes ago, curtains said:

I think this Guy will be better than Will. 


As much as I hope elsnik comes good I highly doubt he will better than Hughes. By the age elsnik is now, Hughes was already an established first team player.

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1 hour ago, The Scarlet Pimpernel said:

What exactly is the contract between Watford and Derby? Have you seen it? Has Mel or Will included you in communications?

Irrelevant, Sir. I paid out £700 for a season ticket for myself and my son expecting to watch an exciting talent next year called Will Hughes. Seems that's not going to happen now. 

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6 minutes ago, ShoreRam said:

And we're getting £8m according to numerous others, I guess the figure you believe depends on what you want to believe. If you want to stamp your feet and get angry about the sale, you're going to believe the lower figure.

I'll say it again, last 3 seasons have been crap, the balance of the team all wrong and Hughes has played a major role in that. Add to that there isn't a queue waiting to sign him, a change may be a good thing.

I think just because the team hasn't been good doesn't mean certain players should be dispensed with cheaply or all the players are bad. Hughes is a great footballer, he lost the ball several times last season which is unheard of by his standards yet other footballers lose possession several times in a half. It's a shame he's going, if it's for £4 million or similar it's an insult ! 

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3 minutes ago, brady1993 said:

As much as I hope elsnik comes good I highly doubt he will better than Hughes. By the age elsnik is now, Hughes was already an established first team player.

I wonder if Hughes has a release clause in his contract. 

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26 minutes ago, cannable said:


Out of interest what do you think to Aaron Mooy? 


*didn't mean to quote you @cheron85

honestly, not seen enough of Mooy to say I noticed him in any way. 

17 minutes ago, brady1993 said:

Because Will Hughes is one of the most technically gifted players we have had at the club for years and Bradley Johnson has the technical ability of a Hippo.

there-in lies the problem, being technically gifted counts for nothing if you cannot perform in a team. That's why those keep-uppy geezers that cos spin the ball on the end of their toes don't earn the millions that team footballers do.

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Just now, Mostyn6 said:

honestly, not seen enough of Mooy to say I noticed him in any way. 

there-in lies the problem, being technically gifted counts for nothing if you cannot perform in a team. That's why those keep-uppy geezers that cos spin the ball on the end of their toes don't earn the millions that team footballers do.

Whilst I see your point. Hughes has contributed to the team, he's about as much of a team player as you can get as he always looks for a player in a better position to move the ball onto rather than take the selfish option. He was also a major reason why we could play the way did in 13/14 and 14/15.

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11 minutes ago, Davide said:

Wow didn't realise that, I went to all the matches, Johnson was very good for some, and terrible in some. Hughes probably wasn't as good as season before but so many matches his talent was obvious and he was a calm head on the ball when needed. Would take Hughes over Johnson because simply he is a better footballer. 

Being a better footballer counts for nothing. What will we actually miss apart from Hughes being a nice footballer? Goals? Assists? Strength? People are going way over the top. Hes decent. No more. Rowett needs to change the look and mentality of this squad and im pleased hes cracking on with it.

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1 minute ago, DazzaRam said:

Being a better footballer counts for nothing. What will we actually miss apart from Hughes being a nice footballer? Goals? Assists? Strength? People are going way over the top. Hes decent. No more. Rowett needs to change the look and mentality of this squad and im pleased hes cracking on with it.

If we are comparing to Johnson  how about being able to receive the ball and actually find a teammate with a pass.

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12 minutes ago, curtains said:

Slag Elsnik off why don't you he's a very very good prospect in midfield  



Dude, I like him prob more than you do, but there isn't a hint from Rowett that he will play him. Not a sniff at the end of last season. It was Pearson that liked him a lot. Until GR indicates he even knows who Elsnik is, youre just winding ppl up. 

Plus he's different: he's more of a kris commons type than a Hughes type too.

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4 minutes ago, The Scarlet Pimpernel said:

You implied it when you said about fans getting upset about players being sold for less than their valuation. My point is none of us know.

I never implied anything at all, what I said is I would rather see fans being upset over a player leaving believing he is being undervalued than abusing them tweeting they are **** and not fit to wear the shirt.

Fans are believing he is undervalued due to the reports coming out of sports outlets like Sky Sports. The same way fans thought it was a cracking fee when they reported we were signing Davies for 500k.

Yes you have a point that nobody knows the fee nor are they likely to, but people will react to fees that are being thrown around.

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