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The last crunching tackle

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Genuine question, when was the last time as a Derby fan you saw one of our players make a crunching tackle on someone, the kind of Seth Johnson crunching tackle that partly made you wince, but mostly made you glow with pride (I may have answered my own question there).

I know tackling seems to be a dying art, but often a midfield battle can be won with a very early state of intent.

When the opposition were kicking off I would always watch Seth Johnson, as soon as the whistle went he flew at them, it was great to see!

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Butterfields one was a prime example of the problem you have these days. Sometimes you really want one of your players to put a crunching tackle on, but these days  there's a good chance you'll see a red card even if you take the ball cleanly. A different ref could have easily sent Hanson off.

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