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6 minutes ago, David said:

Martin's fee doesn't automatically go up overnight as he becomes a Premier League player, this isn't a football video game, his valuation will go up with performances on the pitch.

Are Fulham really going to that petulant to play a player they don't want, hope he performs so they can turn a profit?

If Fulham go up £3m is peanuts to write off as a bad deal, Tony Khan will wipe his arse with that in the morning.

I get you're desperate for Martin not to return and that's fine but all this pie in the Sky stuff is silly.

IF and it's a big IF Martin stays at Fulham it will be because they want him as a player in their squad and Martin wants to be a part of that.

Listening to tony khan a week or so ago, he was quite convincing that slav and the khans admire him and that they feel that he too wants to stay. If course for Martin it's about who gives him the biggest salary. It was also clear that they are mad as hell not at CM but at us. Even mentioned the legal word ... so make of that what you will but Fulham will have one left up their sleeve for us. 

And as for petulance they've already gone on record as sticking to principles even if Martin doesn't play they weren't going to send him back.

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Just now, Ninos said:

Listening to tony khan a week or so ago, he was quite convincing that slav and the khans admire him and that they feel that he too wants to stay. If course for Martin it's about who gives him the biggest salary. It was also clear that they are mad as hell not at CM but at us. Even mentioned the legal word ... so make of that what you will but Fulham will have one left up their sleeve for us. 

And as for petulance they've already gone on record as sticking to principles even if Martin doesn't play they weren't going to send him back.

Have you got a link? Not really been following it there end tbh

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15 minutes ago, David said:

Martin's fee doesn't automatically go up overnight as he becomes a Premier League player, this isn't a football video game, his valuation will go up with performances on the pitch.

Are Fulham really going to that petulant to play a player they don't want, hope he performs so they can turn a profit?

If Fulham go up £3m is peanuts to write off as a bad deal, Tony Khan will wipe his arse with that in the morning.

I get you're desperate for Martin not to return and that's fine but all this pie in the Sky stuff is silly.

IF and it's a big IF Martin stays at Fulham it will be because they want him as a player in their squad and Martin wants to be a part of that.

I agree, in this situation Martin's value wouldn't go up. But for example, if a club that was newly promoted owned the player previously that player probably becomes more valuable as there is less of a need to sell due to higher revenue. Although, in this case there is no way that Fulham buy Martin just to spite Derby.

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Just now, reveldevil said:

There was absolutely nothing in Tony Khan's interview that could possibly be interpreted as Chris Martin wishes to stay at Fulham.

Zero, zip, nada, sin.

What was actually said on Martin? Was he even mentioned?

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Just now, Andicis said:

What was actually said on Martin? Was he even mentioned?

He mentioned how CM's behaviour had been exemplary throughout from Fulham's perspective, and that Mel could expect a horse's head as a sleeping partner shortly.

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7 hours ago, toddy said:

The clubs have already agreed, where have you been for the last 8 months.  It's whether Fulham take it up..:lol:

Ramsbottom? not sure you know your arrse from your elbow! :lol:

FFS it doesn't matter if the clubs have agreed a fee.  If Martin doesn't want to play for them, it does not matter!!!

Imagine the company you work for (if you're intelligent enough to hold down a paying job) walks up to you one day and says "Toddy, you're going to have to go work for another company 120 miles away.  Same money, same job prospects.  You up for it?"  Now, unless you were REAAAALLLLLLLYYYYYYY unhappy about your current situation, you'd tell them no, and it's up to you whether you want to go or not.  You can't transfer a player between two clubs unless the player agrees to sign a contract stating as such.  No matter what agreement exists between those clubs.  If you're suggesting otherwise, it's pretty much slave labour...

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32 minutes ago, Andicis said:

I agree, in this situation Martin's value wouldn't go up. But for example, if a club that was newly promoted owned the player previously that player probably becomes more valuable as there is less of a need to sell due to higher revenue. Although, in this case there is no way that Fulham buy Martin just to spite Derby.

There was also no way that Fulham would pay his wage and hand him sit just to spite Derby ... o wait ... 

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10 minutes ago, Ninos said:

There was also no way that Fulham would pay his wage and hand him sit just to spite Derby ... o wait ... 

Maybe they kept hold as they didn't have anyone lined up to replace him, probably wasn't expecting McClaren to come back and sweet talk him into a new contract.

They believed they had him for the season and planned for that.

Convincing a player to sign to stick him on the transfer list the next day to turn a profit is going a little further. 

No guarentees of a profit and Martin could simply refuse to move anywhere leaving him unable to play, sat on a cushy contract. 

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2 hours ago, Ninos said:

Right but at that point he'd be ipso facto a premier league player and automatically command a bigger fee. Wages are wages.  Its grudge time If they can get 6m + they'll buy and sell. If Tony Khan and co can buy him and move him on they'll do it - they are on record as being extremely displeased with DCFC saying that we aren't people of our word and we are without honour. They claim to have no issue with Martin but they won't do us any favours 

I presume, from the above post, that you assume that Chris Martin is just going to allow himself to be bought by Fulham then immediately sold on, without even having a say in the matter. Or perhaps you think he doesn't get a say - that he is a commodity to be bought and sold, even if he doesn't want to go?

I'll make a bet with you, if you've got the balls. If Fulham sign Chris Martin and then sell him on before the end of the transfer window, I will donate £50 to the charity of your choice. If it doesn't happen, you change your display name to "CMartinNo1Fan"


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9 hours ago, TuffLuff said:

It's alright saying that but let's look at it another way. Look at how many late goals we have conceded this season. Yes some of that is poor defending but some of it is also because we lack someone who can hold up the ball in the final third so you can stop the bombardment. If we stop that, then defenders can get back into shape, you can stop the panic when teams do attack as defenders have time to get their positioning. We need that player desperately and there is no one in that team currently who can do it, so what are your options? Buy someone? That's another few million there. Or do you bring someone back who you already have to provide that role? I've not even mentioned the goals he scores and produces here and I can still provide a half decent argument about why it's logical to bring him back 

Martin did not really 'hold the ball up', so much, yes of course at times. He likes to flick it into runners behind him.. What he did do exceptionally well was win free kicks by whatever means which resulted in what you describe above.

So in essence, I agree with what you say but Martin also brings many negative attributes with him. When he's on it, yes no problem but what I have seen over the last couple of seasons is a player who was on it less and less.. The hope that we get the same version as we had 3 years ago is slim.

I am sure our Director of football in Mexico can identify other players who can do a similar thing.

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