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Let's Back Nigel Pearson!


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1 hour ago, archied said:

For me at this point the big question is are some players unsure or unwilling so I suppose that's my measuring stick for giving him time ,, when he's got his own players in , kept the ones already here that he wants and outed the ones he doesn't then I'm expecting to see a team going out playing the football he wants them to play if he is not getting his message through to players then and there's no signs of fluidity and improvement then I'm going to have doubts and concerns

I think archied is here is where the clash is between what some stupidly call wrist slashers and happy clappers.

None of us have slated Pearson. We haven't.  All we've said is we know our players strengths and we're not seeing them used. 

We don't really agree with Derby needing to rebuild but it doesn't matter because that's going to happen or whatever regardless now Pearson is here. 

But the clash comes because it's those who have faith in something that may or may not work and those that don't. 

What we will say though is that "at Leicester..." holds zero weight with us because football doesn't work like that. "At Bradford and Wigan..." didn't work for Derby. And on paper Jewell was a great fit for us at that time. 

So all we have to go on is what we see. And in our opinions it's not looked promising. 

We just need a glimpse of promise and that would be good. But there's been so little there. Defensively hoofball with 7 defenders, 2 weird inside forwards and a striker in isolation. 

It's not results or league tables. It's just Pearson until he has his own squad needs to do more with what he's been dealt. 

The daunting thought is that he breaks what almost works up and leaves us with a Jewell type squad of garbage.

In our opinion there's no more guarantee that that won't happen as we'll be any better than we were before he arrived. 

Know what I mean? 

And people keep ignoring these points and making out we're slating Pearson, his CV and the results. So we try to repeat it and then it looks like we keep going on and on.

It's purely because so many people are missing the point. Some on purpose.

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4 hours ago, jono said:

Nice post Robbie .. I don't think Bucko was class with the ball at his feet or the best defender in the league but he was and always will be one of us. Not full of finesse or poise but if you were in a room full of mad zombies you'd want Bucko minding your back. A real ram and part of the never ending story. 


Thanks Jono.

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28 minutes ago, Alpha said:

I think archied is here is where the clash is between what some stupidly call wrist slashers and happy clappers.

None of us have slated Pearson. We haven't.  All we've said is we know our players strengths and we're not seeing them used. 

We don't really agree with Derby needing to rebuild but it doesn't matter because that's going to happen or whatever regardless now Pearson is here. 

But the clash comes because it's those who have faith in something that may or may not work and those that don't. 

What we will say though is that "at Leicester..." holds zero weight with us because football doesn't work like that. "At Bradford and Wigan..." didn't work for Derby. And on paper Jewell was a great fit for us at that time. 

So all we have to go on is what we see. And in our opinions it's not looked promising. 

We just need a glimpse of promise and that would be good. But there's been so little there. Defensively hoofball with 7 defenders, 2 weird inside forwards and a striker in isolation. 

It's not results or league tables. It's just Pearson until he has his own squad needs to do more with what he's been dealt. 

The daunting thought is that he breaks what almost works up and leaves us with a Jewell type squad of garbage.

In our opinion there's no more guarantee that that won't happen as we'll be any better than we were before he arrived. 

Know what I mean? 

And people keep ignoring these points and making out we're slating Pearson, his CV and the results. So we try to repeat it and then it looks like we keep going on and on.

It's purely because so many people are missing the point. Some on purpose.

I know what you mean totally it's just for me the idea that Pearson would come In and not want to do the things that have brought him sucess in the past is possibly avoiding the reasons he was brought in for , if he didn't would we not be wondering what the point was and would we and the football world be saying that Mel was dictating the style , formation and picking the team , dictating ins and outs ,,, don't get me wrong my posts were hoping we would hit the ground running and thought that was possible but tempered with if that was nt the case then I would be patient this season but not infinitely patient ,, I get the feeling Pearson has a far better picture of what needs to change to move us forward now and the truth is we now have an owner who wants his and our club back at the top table, if Pearson has a vision of how he wants his team to play I for one would much rather he got onto the painful stuff now so he can see who we have who can and will fit into it , let's get it going now ,, why fiddle about now with half measures then 6 or 12 months down the line be thinking he is no further forward ,,, he's changed the complexion of our forward line , I feel midfield is next ,getting a balance and getting them to play to the strengths of our new forward line , I honestly don't think we will be getting really excited about pearsons Derby for another two windows ,that's not to say that we can't compete this season for promotion , it's up to the players ,we have good midfielders who need to buy into him and work hard ,that said we could really do with a tough midfield destroyer , Pearson may feel the same ( I hope so) but couldn't get the quality he wanted this window and will make do till he can get the right player, he may turn into another Paul Jewel but really that's a risk you have with any manager 

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1 hour ago, archied said:

I know what you mean totally it's just for me the idea that Pearson would come In and not want to do the things that have brought him sucess in the past is possibly avoiding the reasons he was brought in for , if he didn't would we not be wondering what the point was and would we and the football world be saying that Mel was dictating the style , formation and picking the team , dictating ins and outs ,,, don't get me wrong my posts were hoping we would hit the ground running and thought that was possible but tempered with if that was nt the case then I would be patient this season but not infinitely patient ,, I get the feeling Pearson has a far better picture of what needs to change to move us forward now and the truth is we now have an owner who wants his and our club back at the top table, if Pearson has a vision of how he wants his team to play I for one would much rather he got onto the painful stuff now so he can see who we have who can and will fit into it , let's get it going now ,, why fiddle about now with half measures then 6 or 12 months down the line be thinking he is no further forward ,,, he's changed the complexion of our forward line , I feel midfield is next ,getting a balance and getting them to play to the strengths of our new forward line , I honestly don't think we will be getting really excited about pearsons Derby for another two windows ,that's not to say that we can't compete this season for promotion , it's up to the players ,we have good midfielders who need to buy into him and work hard ,that said we could really do with a tough midfield destroyer , Pearson may feel the same ( I hope so) but couldn't get the quality he wanted this window and will make do till he can get the right player, he may turn into another Paul Jewel but really that's a risk you have with any manager 

We were told by Mel that when he interviewed all the candidates,  it was very clear to Mel that nigel pearson was the one who shared mels vision and ideals.

Rightly or wrongly I interpreted that in terms of earlier comments about incremental building, a fast passing style, a similar doctrine up and down the club to make player development easier. 

On the evidence of where we are,  either nigel pearson didn't tell me truth or Mel has changed the parameters of his vision. And I just don't know which it is - which is maddening

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I know what you mean with that but whatever way you slice it we all knew really that Pearson was brought in to get this club promoted and build a team that could stay up and compete and as such then he really has to build his own team ,, this iwas clough s team and clough managed them very firmly ( any crap your out) Mac loosened that and they flourished for a season but after that I believe they have riled against being firmly managed by any manager including Mac when he wanted to change things up , for me they have gone from being a strongly bonded team run by the manager to a fairly strongly bonded group not including any manager or new players brought in ,,, as for ethos I do believe Mel has set the remit you speak of in fast passing football , exciting to watch but with the steel and organisation to make that football count in terms of success and has given him the freedom and time scale to get on and produce that ( whether at this point he can do that is a matter of personal opinion ) , I don't believe Pearson wants long ball hoof it in the air stuff I believe he wants fast incisive passes through midfield with intent ie 3 / 4 passes and we are bearing down on goal with players steaming forward with pace , I think he is very ware of how football is changing ,he deosnt want all this keep the ball at any cost with slow build up tap it round with no intent , I believe his is prepared to concede possession stats for far more aggression and intent with that possession with players working like **** and organised enough to be back in shape when we lose the ball ,, there is this myth about sitting too deep which is correct when you have no pace and rely on getting it up to a hold up player( Martin ) to hold it for midfield to stream beyond him but with real pace you can sit a little deeper then break like stink when you win it the key is players working as a unit in defence and attack ,,, I believe that's where we are headed and hope I'm right thathe can and does produce that for us , only time will tell but I'm ok with things going a little backwards to go forward s in the early days we are in 

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55 minutes ago, archied said:

I know what you mean with that but whatever way you slice it we all knew really that Pearson was brought in to get this club promoted and build a team that could stay up and compete and as such then he really has to build his own team ,, this iwas clough s team and clough managed them very firmly ( any crap your out) Mac loosened that and they flourished for a season but after that I believe they have riled against being firmly managed by any manager including Mac when he wanted to change things up , for me they have gone from being a strongly bonded team run by the manager to a fairly strongly bonded group not including any manager or new players brought in ,,, as for ethos I do believe Mel has set the remit you speak of in fast passing football , exciting to watch but with the steel and organisation to make that football count in terms of success and has given him the freedom and time scale to get on and produce that ( whether at this point he can do that is a matter of personal opinion ) , I don't believe Pearson wants long ball hoof it in the air stuff I believe he wants fast incisive passes through midfield with intent ie 3 / 4 passes and we are bearing down on goal with players steaming forward with pace , I think he is very ware of how football is changing ,he deosnt want all this keep the ball at any cost with slow build up tap it round with no intent , I believe his is prepared to concede possession stats for far more aggression and intent with that possession with players working like **** and organised enough to be back in shape when we lose the ball ,, there is this myth about sitting too deep which is correct when you have no pace and rely on getting it up to a hold up player( Martin ) to hold it for midfield to stream beyond him but with real pace you can sit a little deeper then break like stink when you win it the key is players working as a unit in defence and attack ,,, I believe that's where we are headed and hope I'm right thathe can and does produce that for us , only time will tell but I'm ok with things going a little backwards to go forward s in the early days we are in 

Watching Derby (and this is just my impression) the players appear to like doing the flair bits, which is great, but they don't seem so keen to roll up the sleeves and do the tough stuff.

Fowards don't like tracking back or putting pressure on defenders. Midfielders amble back. Defenders seem outraged when a forward uses rough stuff.

I'm afraid they will have to add this to their armoury.

It might not always look great and we might feel cheated of the flair elements at times, but it's the price of success.

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All this " we know the players better than the manager " and "We know their strengths and where they should play" Is all well and good.

Pearson is his own man and he believes in his style as a means to success. So all he has done is come in with that style in mind and tried the players he had available to him and if it worked then he wouldn't have to spend (a good manager in my mind). He now knows that some don't fit that bill and is changing things up. 

He has moved on some favourites (like it or not) but if they don't fit or like some are resistant to change (as there are in all walks of life) then he is doing something about it.

Time will tell if he has done the right thing and his style is the means to get us promoted. So we should get behind him and encourage the players on the field to deliver. After all we all want to be entertained and feel that great feeling of anticipation and success. 

If it doesn't work and it is obvious he has no other plan in place, THEN and only THEN should we be getting on the backs of people.

I for one do not envy a manager who has to come in and make changes to a team which have a central core that have been together for some time. However the past has shown us to be nearly men and now maybe it is time for that change.




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But we do back the manager. Well I know I do and I'm pretty sure a few fellow wrist slashers do too. At the matches.

On here though we chat about what's good, bad etc. 

You don't go on a messageboard to support your team. 

I'd say most folks on here are pretty hardcore support (or they don't know what hub is) They probably back every manager and player from entrance to exit. 

But we're just chatting about what we think about all things DCFC. 

I'd never go to a game and shout "Russell you useless cnut! Stop running into opponents you stupid, blind donkey". On here though I slate him probably too much.

Like I said, I'd be more patient instantly if I could see a pattern to our play. A plan. Even if it isn't working. But can't really say anything nice when the plan has been to play 7 defenders, 1nside forwards, 1 winger and 1 lonely striker and be surprised when our 7 defenders are pressed into hoofing. I just can't see goals in that. Can't see a future in playing anything like that. And then to sell our best goalscorer since eddie was a youngster... hmm. 

Certainly not ruling out it all coming together. Just think people should also be open to looking past "at Leicester..." and seeing what's on show and consider we might he worse off after Pearson than before. 

Wouldn't keep repeating it if you didn't get one or two making out we want Pearson sacked or its as simple as a tantrum because we're not top 6. 

The other argument that comes up is when the people who want us to back Pearson but turn on the players. Hypocrisy? I always try to defend players because the majority take the game very seriously. It's their much scrutinised careers. And I know these players can perform much better so I find it hard to believe they decided to stop trying to win but put just enough effort in to keep the opposition scores low. Career suicide? Why? 

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One point I would like to make is we all ( myself included ) have stated and expected Pearson to have been watching vids of our team and how they play ,, we could well be missing the fact that I bet Mel and Sam have also been watching vids of pearsons liecester to see if what he believes a team should play like fits with what they want ? My bet is they will be fully aware of what Pearson wants to bring to us 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On ‎06‎/‎09‎/‎2016 at 08:18, Ninos said:

Granted, the first few games have not gone well in terms of performances and results, but Pearson is doing a fantastic job so far: his transfers have been spot on and it's hard to see how Vydra Wilson and Anya won't excite with pace and pedigree...

Pearson oozes class, he's got the right ideas, the right pedigree and he's surely the closest thing we've seen since Brian Clough in his management style. Let's get behind Pearson and his new look Rams team, defeat Newcastle and start climbing the league!


Still you're happy he got rid of Martin, no doubt!

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On 08/09/2016 at 08:21, Anag Ram said:

Watching Derby (and this is just my impression) the players appear to like doing the flair bits, which is great, but they don't seem so keen to roll up the sleeves and do the tough stuff.

Fowards don't like tracking back or putting pressure on defenders. Midfielders amble back. Defenders seem outraged when a forward uses rough stuff.

I'm afraid they will have to add this to their armoury.

It might not always look great and we might feel cheated of the flair elements at times, but it's the price of success.

and thats because the balance is wrong. Surely every fans sees that. Weve seen the 442 formations under different managers try it, and it fail. We also had a situation under Pearson were he persisited with it, but those selected in the middle 2 positions didnt perform, as they havent previously.... and I would go as far as to say Hughes, Butterfield and to an extent Bryson arent mentally strong enough to play there, there game and their attitude drops instantly the minute they are asked to play there, and low and behold they play better when they have a holder to do that job for them.  With Thorne always injured, eustace injured a lot towards the end of his tenure and the Mascerall experiment which ended in injury, then it should have been priority No1 for 2 seasons now to sort out getting 1 or 2 DMs. I am in no doubt had we done this we would have been promoted by now. Hendrick when he was here, and Johnson did a slightly better job, but again would benefit like all the other 3 named still at the club by playing alongside a genuine 4-4-2 Defensively minded, midfielder who enjoys the physical side of the game.  We are like arsenal but without the quality.

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