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Harry Redknapp

Gap tooth ram

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1 hour ago, RamNut said:

The other day i said that appointing darren wassall was reminiscent of when we appointed colin murphy.

now we're going for the modern day version of his successor - harry redknapp / wheeler and dealer / tommy docherty?

Which bit of 'It is for nine games' did you miss?

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1 hour ago, satty atwal said:

No he doesn't. Likes of bent weimann etc have far greater experience....

That Arsene Wenger bloke - footballing novice - can't understand why he commands any respect at all.

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1 hour ago, Leeds Ram said:

I think there are quite a few at the club who have played more games at a higher level than Wassall.

He was comparing Wassall's experience to factions of our fanbase, I think.

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What a complete shambles we are... 

I am not sure I could have thought of a worse manager to lead us out of this mess than that second hand car salesman pr1ck. 

I hope Mel has found another 150 million in his pockets because that pr1ck can spend it quicker than he can earn it..!

bankrupt in 5 years.. Thanks Mel, you really have out done even Fawaz this time. 

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He's already been snapped in his range rover giving an interview.. like I say I'm expecting all the players to say "triffic" within the first week of him being there.

Ince snr and simple Harry in the same building.. we used to mock other clubs for this... 

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8 minutes ago, MuespachRam said:

What a complete shambles we are... 

I am not sure I could have thought of a worse manager to lead us out of this mess than that second hand car salesman pr1ck. 

I hope Mel has found another 150 million in his pockets because that pr1ck can spend it quicker than he can earn it..!

bankrupt in 5 years.. Thanks Mel, you really have out done even Fawaz this time. 

You really comparing mm to Fawaz?  Come on ! Bit of an over reaction dont you think ? He's not here for 5 years ! It's obvious what's happened that wassall s struggling to deal with some aspects , he needs a hand ! Cue harry . We've obviously got someone sorted for the summer , regardless of the outcome this season ! 

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Just now, RiddingsRam said:

You really comparing mm to Fawaz?  Come on ! Bit of an over reaction dont you think ? He's not here for 5 years ! It's obvious what's happened that wassall s struggling to deal with some aspects , he needs a hand ! Cue harry . We've obviously got someone sorted for the summer , regardless of the outcome this season ! 

He has made the club a laughing stock.


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17 minutes ago, eddie said:

He was comparing Wassall's experience to factions of our fanbase, I think.

Maybe, certainly doesn't read that way to me, but then most of the posts I post never read the way I meant, so maybe it's just me.

Anyway Eddie, what your view on our latest appointment ?


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