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Treatment of fans


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Really fed up by club's treatment of fans. The total lack of communication is direspectful and arrogant. We are the Club but get nothing these days in response to the obvious questions that everyone, including the media, is asking. Why sack Clement with no replacement? Why throw in the Youth team coach? Why spend all that money on largely inferior playes. And, most importantly, what are you going to do about it?

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I don't like Wassall and I disagree with most of Mostyns comments, but on this case, Mostyns comments are spot on.

Morris has gone quiet recently, exactly as I said he should do after the breakfast with him, (I'm sure the two are not linked) but the only time Morris should open his mouth is when he gets a new manager in.

i just hope that is sooner rather than later.

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Just now, philmycock said:

And Mel's mascot responds accordingly

if you cannot post without resorting to that kind of ****, I'm going to put you in the ignore group, which is a shame cos you're normally a decent poster. But I think I should be allowed to post a valid opinion without people behaving like they're simple.

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The stand out thing for me is how much we were seeing a certain someone when things were going right and how much they seem to be hiding away now. Is this because of the dressing room incident and us fans thinking he should take a back seat, or is it because of his BS answers to the questions people want answering and the complete inability to take any responsibility for his F*** up this season. 

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6 minutes ago, clough08 said:

Really fed up by club's treatment of fans. The total lack of communication is direspectful and arrogant. We are the Club but get nothing these days in response to the obvious questions that everyone, including the media, is asking. Why sack Clement with no replacement? Why throw in the Youth team coach? Why spend all that money on largely inferior playes. And, most importantly, what are you going to do about it?

Aha if you didn't get invited to Mel's breakfast bash then you wouldn't be ITK

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Mel Morris thought he could waltz into the club, throw his money around and treat it as though it was his own personal version of Football Manager. He has humiliated Derby County with his recent actions and decision making, and now that it's all gone horribly wrong he has disappeared off the radar. It is a cowardly way to behave and does him no credit at all. 

I never thought I'd say this, but I wish the Americans had never sold up.

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3 minutes ago, Jayram said:

Mel Morris thought he could waltz into the club, throw his money around and treat it as though it was his own personal version of Football Manager. He has humiliated Derby County with his recent actions and decision making, and now that it's all gone horribly wrong he has disappeared off the radar. It is a cowardly way to behave and does him no credit at all. 

I never thought I'd say this, but I wish the Americans had never sold up.

Agree with your first half, completely disagree with your second half. Why would you want an owner constantly in the public eye? That's a distraction.

1) he's going to publicly defend DW until the day he gets a new manager, the only thing defending him will do now is create a bigger sh1tstorm amongst fans.

Think it through fella...

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10 minutes ago, Jayram said:

Mel Morris thought he could waltz into the club, throw his money around and treat it as though it was his own personal version of Football Manager. He has humiliated Derby County with his recent actions and decision making, and now that it's all gone horribly wrong he has disappeared off the radar. It is a cowardly way to behave and does him no credit at all. 

I never thought I'd say this, but I wish the Americans had never sold up.

I thought the 11 point season was a humiliation,  as was being relegated to the 3rd division. 

Passing round the begging bowl at various points in the past, being owned by 3 amigos with criminal intentions was humiliating too.

Seeing our manager on the front page of the Sunday papers with a giant club badge covering his cock is up there too, while he was sweating away doing the business.

What we're seeing now isn't humiliation, it's a fairly standard season at DCFC.

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With all the abuse aimed at players, players wives, managers. I don't really think Derby fans deserve anything. 

Even when going well I remember Whitbread and Shotton getting grief. Keogh and Keogh's missus. Bryson has had enough grief to hit back with a "shush". Martin had been called every name under the sun. Dawkins has been booed. Before last Christmas after defeats to Wigan and Leeds people began to question McClaren and his lack of tactical depth. The team was booed.

The team has been booed several times this season and not always after defeat. I've heard jeers at Johnson. More abuse for Keogh. More grief for Martin. Some stick aimed at Ince. Plenty of anger at Grant. Before Clement became wrongly sacked there were plenty questioning his position (the bloke with tactical depth)

When has the atmosphere ever been supportive before winning? And how little time has it taken for frustrated groans to start? 20mins? 30mins? What would you say? 

We love to blurt out "30,000 every week" but would you say it's an easy place to work? 

When Sam Rush sacked Nigel we went on this brilliant innocent climb. We went to Wembley really united. We even left Wembley thinking if we can keep this team together then we're in for a great season.

But since then it's been a tense horrible atmosphere. 

I'm not just blaming the fans. The club certainly hasn't gone forward in the last 12 months. 

But trying to putting yourself in the shoes of a neutral onlooker. Like when you look at Newcastle (and ignore their home and away att figures). Don't you think we deserve exactly where we are.

How many months have we spent outside the top 6 since losing under Nigel at the CG? Since our attendances were falling and the play offs a dream. After a decade of false horizons and lows lower than a Geordies bottom lip. Not many surely? 

I don't think we've handled it well at all. 

Does anyone actually enjoy it now? 

Think club and fans are getting what we deserve. The club for tinkering and the fans for arrogant expectation. 

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18 minutes ago, curb said:

Spot on Alpha.

you can bet the ones that are squealing the loudest now are the ones squealing for Clement to be sacked, the ones abusing Martin, Keogh, Forsyth and Christie, etc. etc.

Maybe read my post and then tell me I wanted Clement sacked. Have never booed a player, including opposition, in 50 years (apart from Norman Hunter). It's easy to blame the fans but we pay the money - everyone else at the Club gets very highly paid. We know we're not going to win every week but we have a right to expect a degree of professionalism and, as stakeholders, customers and fans, to be treated with respect. So no squealing (grow up), just  a simple request for the Club to treat us in a respectful way.

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1 hour ago, Inglorius said:

Aha if you didn't get invited to Mel's breakfast bash then you wouldn't be ITK

As it should be. I happen to know that there were TWO types of tabasco sauce, but neither were the habanero. Poor show all round.

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35 minutes ago, curb said:

Spot on Alpha.

you can bet the ones that are squealing the loudest now are the ones squealing for Clement to be sacked, the ones abusing Martin, Keogh, Forsyth and Christie, etc. etc.

the ones leaving 20 minutes early, the missing 5000 when Clough was manager, the half fans.

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