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Poison chalice


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I understand why you're emotional but you're being way too pessimistic.

We are still a club with a strong young list. We are growing in business terms. We have ambition, albeit from 2016-7 apparently. We have a Chairman who, warts and all, cares deeply for the club and won't leave any stone unturned getting us there.

While we'll wear a loss on the players we brought in last summer, they'll still be eminently tradable. 

Even though I cannot believe we have appointed a caretaker for the rest of the season - nor hide my frustration and annoyance with that decision - it is easily argued that the Board have delayed an appointment to allow the furore of Mel's revolving door to die down a tad. Perhaps even to convince the targeted SAF-clone that Mel recognises his errors and is addressing them carefully and methodically.

I've been telling anyone who'll listen that Derby, as a football club as a whole, is in the best shape it's been in my entire lifetime, other than the Clough years. Even then, it's debatable in hindsight whether we were just a house of cards built around Clough.

Think of PPS. The relatively low debt on it. The profile of the Derby brand. The growth in revenues. The academy. The training facilities. The supporter base.

I also regularly used to caution the booing fans and the sack-the-manager lot that jumping on a managerial merry-go-round was one old mistake which could set us back and derail all of the progress the club has made. I'd suggest I was dangerously prescient in that regard.

While it would obviously have been preferable to have an immediate replacement ready after sacking Clement, taking a considered, methodical approach is far better than jumping at the same-old faces on the MGR...even - and I hate saying it - if it costs us promotion this season.

Is it too simplistic to point out that if we fluke promotion when we probably don't deserve it and come straight back down, we stand a better prospect of being in front in 2018-9?

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I presumed he was talking about Newcastle or Sunderland, where anyone who takes the job will end up getting sacked after one year. Due to their fundemental problems being behind the scenes infrastructure and recruitment policy.

Up until about a year ago, Derby was seen as the best run club in the land, with a top President and CEO who the fans actually liked. The largest fan base, the best training ground and pretty much a damn big fish as far the Championship goes.

The only thing thats changed is a downturn in results, lower than the fans expectations, and all of a sudden we are in criris. Oh dear!

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Wow, yes the last couple of months could have gone better, but you have seen the state of most football clubs around the country haven't you? 

We are in the top percentile of decently ran clubs, fan bases, training facilities, areas etc.

30 applications we are led to believe.....30, and some still in work. 

Poison chalice my ass. 

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7 hours ago, Tim Bucktoo said:

Because we're the greatest team the world has ever seen.

And it's Derby County, Derby County FC...........

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8 minutes ago, Derby_Dave_nee_Marilyn said:

Don't we?  is this not getting a little old now?  ??

Can it actually get "old" when none of us understand it, none of us can even begin to defend such a foolish statement...and, probably most importantly, most of us can see the evidence which disproves it...so we're left wondering why Mel is lying so badly to us.

Or at least we HOPE he's lying about it because the alternative is even worse.

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11 minutes ago, RamDon said:

Can it actually get "old" when none of us understand it, none of us can even begin to defend such a foolish statement...and, probably most importantly, most of us can see the evidence which disproves it...so we're left wondering why Mel is lying so badly to us.

Or at least we HOPE he's lying about it because the alternative is even worse.

The aim is to improve performance levels to the point where we're going to be promoted anyway, with the thinking that being promoted on quality performances will stand us in good stead upon the eventual promotion.

It really isn't difficult. 

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8 hours ago, scarboroughwa said:

Why would anyone any good want to come to Derby?

Manager, Coach, or player.

Cheer up, it's not that bad. This season seems like a bit of a write-off, but we are not in a bad place overall.  A few astute ins and outs over the summer, a fully fit Will Hughes, a shiny new manager and we will all be optimistic again for the start of next season.  Hopefully

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19 minutes ago, cannable said:

The aim is to improve performance levels to the point where we're going to be promoted anyway, with the thinking that being promoted on quality performances will stand us in good stead upon the eventual promotion.

It really isn't difficult. 

Thanks mate.

Yes, we agree...as far as it goes. I even go one step further; there is an absolutely valid argument that it's better to be promoted when you're in the best possible state to have a real crack at it. The problem with that though is twofold; it assumes these opportunities hang around until you're ready to grasp them and it assumes we are any closer to understanding where we've fallen short in the last two seasons.

Those who are satisfied that the answers are "McClaren" and "Clement" respectively are, in my view, just simpletons.

In your 'correction', therein lies the problem. You've reduced it to a simple statement and declared "see, it's simple!"

Circuitous logic at its worst.

What do you make of the raft of contradictory statements? For instance, that we were to develop the Academy kids and play them as much as possible. Yet we spent a fortune in direct contradiction of the stated aim. As far as we can tell, there was no ambiguity about those seemingly irreconcilable strategies until after Clement was sacked.

A second: the whole beautiful football argument. Now I loved how we played under McClaren. I also found myself frustrated and (at times) near-shattered at our inability to offer even kindergarten standard defence at times, constantly exposing us to the pressure of NEEDING to score. McClaren was criticised - again, simplistically - for lacking a Plan B.

We addressed that by appointing a novice manager whose coaching credentials suggested he was influenced by European styles. We knew he would seek to ameliorate the extremes of heater-skelter football with a more Continental defence-oriented then attack style. We knew that. After all, it is one of the foundations of our sustainable Premiership future given most of the successful clubs employ precisely that style. (It's one of the reasons I often find the Championship more watchable than the Premiership.)

Clement set about changing the basic ethos of the team with mixed results. That was predictable. After all, it's a coaching truism that, if you watch children playing football, they tend to attack. Defensive skills are more learned, and less ingrained.

Whether the personnel in the side is suited to that game style is an open question. But deconstructing McClaren's team was not an option considered. Why not? Because we were too close to promotion to need to do more than tweak.

There's no way of avoiding the conclusion staring at you. Clement didn't deviate from a clearly enunciated plan; we either recruited the wrong (did I mention 'novice'?) head coach due to a mismatch in style - and ambition according to Mel - or we appointed a (novice) head coach without actually covering these critical aspects with him.

That is why it is not so simple.

It simply makes no sense internally or it means we appointed a lanky bloke on the basis that he was photographed with Ancelotti a lot.

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Were we knocking on Benitez's door?

Hey, I appreciate we didn't rate much of a chance, but were we?

Odemwingie's gone to Bristol City? (wtf) Where were we?

10 scheduled games away from preparing for the 2016/2017 season (and a new boss, more than likely. You'd certainly be in pre sign up stage re prep for getting ahead of the pack next season)

It's gone awfully quiet..

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6 hours ago, Highgate said:

Cheer up, it's not that bad. This season seems like a bit of a write-off, but we are not in a bad place overall.  A few astute ins and outs over the summer, a fully fit Will Hughes, a shiny new manager and we will all be optimistic again for the start of next season.  Hopefully

Add a few runs up and down the Chevin pre-season in the heavy boots to make sure we last beyond Christmas and we'll be reet.

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7 hours ago, Derby_Dave_nee_Marilyn said:

Don't we?  is this not getting a little old now?  ??

Come on Marilyn, you don't think I actually meant that? You should know that I like to take the pee, especially after all our games on fifa :p

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3 hours ago, scarboroughwa said:

Were we knocking on Benitez's door?

Hey, I appreciate we didn't rate much of a chance, but were we?

Odemwingie's gone to Bristol City? (wtf) Where were we?

10 scheduled games away from preparing for the 2016/2017 season (and a new boss, more than likely. You'd certainly be in pre sign up stage re prep for getting ahead of the pack next season)

It's gone awfully quiet..

Our car park isn't good enough for Odemwingie to sit in 

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4 hours ago, scarboroughwa said:

Were we knocking on Benitez's door?

Hey, I appreciate we didn't rate much of a chance, but were we?

Odemwingie's gone to Bristol City? (wtf) Where were we?

10 scheduled games away from preparing for the 2016/2017 season (and a new boss, more than likely. You'd certainly be in pre sign up stage re prep for getting ahead of the pack next season)

It's gone awfully quiet..

Need to improve your trolling skills mate.

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