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8 minutes ago, TelTheRam said:

I seem to remember a lot of people not trusting "the yanks" but they did nothing but good for the club.

Why should it be any different now just because MM has put a load of money in ?


Even though they were eventually proved to be good professional owners, they were prone to spin and Glick the slick was pure car salesman - at face value he'd have got you believing we were poised to become the new force in the game, Nigel was the messiah and Nathan Tyson was a stella signing.

I'm sure Mel has best intentions and is putting his money where his mouth is. Doesn't mean he's being entirely open about everything, but no organisation ever is in public.

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1 hour ago, sage said:

Maybe this a reflection of society as a whole but the lack of trust in anything MM (and prior to that SR) says is quite startling.

There seems to be a tendency to view public statements as lies or distortions until they are proven otherwise rather than the old adage of being innocent until proven guilty. An example being speculation over the last few days as to when the next manager will be appointed, when the first club statement clearly stated Wassall had the job until the end of the season. It now seems to be breaking news to some.

The belief that MM was picking the team was pretty widespread despite seeming incredulous to me. In the new world of social media opinion and speculation seem to become probabilities or 'facts' in minutes. It seems us keyboard warriors can repeat untruths and unfounded rumours ad nauseum but as soon as any statement contradicts our preconceptions we call 'bullsh1t'. 

Obviously 2 of the 3 amigos were economical with the truth and Glick was the King of Spin but MM whether you agree with his decisions or actions has struck me as being pretty honest. All clubs and officials will try to present themselves in the best light but it feels like cynicism is at an all time high.

Now I'm not suggesting blind faith, but the current level of distrust is not only unfair but damaging.   

Wierd, I've sat round the same table as you, and asked him how he'd resist the temptation to meddle, he said "you just can't do that", or words to that effect. 

He's done just that by entering the dressing room, and doesn't even seem slightly regretful of it.

I went to that meeting as a cynic, came out of it converted to the 'Derby Way', subsequent events have caused my faith in Mel to be severely knocked.

I'll judge him on his actions, not words, so far he's not the man he made out to be.

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4 minutes ago, reveldevil said:

Wierd, I've sat round the same table as you, and asked him how he'd resist the temptation to meddle, he said "you just can't do that", or words to that effect. 

He's done just that by entering the dressing room, and doesn't even seem slightly regretful of it.

I went to that meeting as a cynic, came out of it converted to the 'Derby Way', subsequent events have caused my faith in Mel to be severely knocked.

I'll judge him on his actions, not words, so far he's not the man he made out to be.

You ain't going to get another invite soon Rev :lol: 

I wonder if embracing the Derby Way means being non-PC?

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Plenty of distrust from me I'm afraid...

Would love nothing better than to be proved wrong in my opinion of what's gone on not just now but going back to Mac.

As Eddie says I'm looking forward to Saturday too so I can moan or enjoy the football in front of me instead of discussing this sorry state of affairs that happened this week.


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10 hours ago, top 6 finish said:

Its not just the owner though is it? Nearly all the bad mouthing of the manager on this

forum has only happened in the last 2 months,most of it after he was sacked.All the

moans,groans and gripes about Clement have been in hindsight.Nobody was complaining

when we went ona19 match run with only 1 defeat,that took us to the top,with 8 blank

sheets out of 10 games.Apparently that was all rubbish and not the "Derby way."


I expressed annoyances at lack of improvement and general play in the match chat. Loads of people called me an idiot and jumped all over me :) Then we didn't win for 7 games like I feared would happen.

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11 hours ago, Chris Mills said:


Everyone hung off every word out of Mels mouth other than a select few who reserved judgement. The fact he said Clement could be the next Fergie, He will be here next season etc. then sacked him a few months later is probably the main contributing factor.

I don't think the distrust is unjustified.

He said he COULD be the next Fergie, not he WILL be the next Fergie.

What MM said at the time was totally justified, he was excited about what Clement could possibly achieve at the club.

It didn't work out.

How MM can be classed as untrustworthy now is beyond me?. 

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Looking back at the article it sounds could Clement be our next Ferguson was a question asked by Radio Derby and not Mel just coming out with it.

First of all, daft question, sorry but it is.

Mel needs to realise fans will twist whatever he says and then hang on to that twisted version.

A better response to that question would have been to laugh and distance any comparisons to Alex Ferguson, he's one of a kind and Paul is his own man, as always when appointing managers you are hoping that they can build a legacy at the club. 

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I'm waiting to hear Clements statement before I make an opinion. What's annoyed me is the tripe we've had to hear. If Mel had come out and said I appointed the wrong man, I made a mistake instead of sugar coating it with the Derby way rubbish and passing the book, he'd of gained so much more respect. The only facts we have from it all is Mel was very involved, and the football wasn't as good under clement as it was McLaren, Inbetween the lines is still opinion at this stage.

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Football is followed by ordinary people.and things are black n white a lie is to not tell the truth,I can see that some people

like living in grey areas,and use the english language to mislead the public.

To make statements and go back on your word is a Lie,And not a change of opinion .The man has made mistakes.

We can all agree and disagree on his actions.But he owns the club,and like always we follow the team




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Some people can't accept what's in front of them. I have it at work too. The management announce something and all kinds of paranoid theories come out some which I think aren't very healthy. 

I know one chap who doesn't think there's a refugee crisis in Syria and won't accept a word in the news but hangs on to every word David Ike says. It's usually when they struggle to believe what is in front of them.

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