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The Fawaz Circus 2016


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4 minutes ago, EastHertsRam said:

Yeah, thank goodness for the Johnson's Paint Trophy, it could give them something to play for in the future. ;)

Dunno, they've already had three bites of that cherry in recent times. They went out in the first round in two of those attempts....:lol:

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1 hour ago, eezzeetiger said:

Recent Wembley successes??

2009 Play Off Final

1975 Charity Shield

1974 FA Cup

Hardly even "a bit' more like 'not much'

Not that I like to take sides, but thought I would help you out a bit @eezzeetiger you can scratch off the 1974 FA cup off your list...it wa s a long time before that, before almost everyone on here was even born. 

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30 minutes ago, MuespachRam said:

Not that I like to take sides, but thought I would help you out a bit @eezzeetiger you can scratch off the 1974 FA cup off your list...it wa s a long time before that, before almost everyone on here was even born. 

Thanks Musepach 

1946   FA Cup Winners

So in 70 years you've been four times?


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7 minutes ago, eezzeetiger said:

Thanks Musepach 

1946   FA Cup Winners

So in 70 years you've been four times?


Nope, keep guessing.

How many towers did Wembley have the last time you were there btw? Any white horses knocking around? :lol:

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Come on lads, lets leave them alone for a while.  I'm sure the most frustrating aspect of the entire day for them was seeing their greatest ever player, the sworn enemy of every living, breathing Ram Pearce reduced to saying what a well run and upwardly-mobile club Derby are and plugging his motivational speaking business.  That must be gutting...

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oh look, the fat one has spoken: 



"Kenny Burns: This Nottingham Forest squad has never been good enough

You can forgive any Forest fans for just wanting the season to be over, with the way results have been going.

But I wanted the season to be over in August when I saw the squad of players we had.

We've not got that good a squad.

If the chairman, Fawaz Al Hasawi, thought we should be going for promotion, he's an idiot. We were never going to get promotion.

If it wasn't for the unbeaten run we had under Dougie Freedman, we'd be in the relegation mix. Take that run out and we'd be right down there.

I always thought we'd be in the bottom half of the table, and there's still a danger we could get dragged into the survival scrap.

I think we need another three or four points to be a bit more comfortable, because I don't think we've got a great battling team.

I don't know if we've got that hunger at the moment.

We've got to get back to being hard to beat. It's alright Andy Reid saying, 'attack, attack, attack', but we've not got the players to attack.

If he thinks we've got a player who can score 20 goals a season, he's having a laugh.

We've not got that quality player, or any player who could score that many goals, at least while Britt Assombalonga is out. It's no different to when Dougie was in charge.

Paul Williams has got the same players; we can't change it, so he can't really do anything different. The coaches have done all the talking and said what people want to hear, but do they play like that? No. Because we can't.

We can't go all-out attack. We're not good enough for that. We have to defend.

We have to keep clean sheets. Getting one point is better than getting none at all.

Federico Macheda isn't going to solve our goalscoring problems. He will score the odd one, but if you look throughout his career, he's not a prolific goalscorer.

What he does do is hold the ball up better than anyone else we've got at the club. He will bring other people into play.

I thought he didn't do too bad against Derby. He looked a bit short of match practice, but the more games he gets, the better he will be.

Playing Oliver Burke up front is not the answer either.

He came off the bench to play there against Hull City last Tuesday and on Saturday, and I thought he looked lost.

If the opposition get someone tight on him, he's gone. He looked out of it.

That's not his role. You don't get the best out of him by playing him as a striker

He's not strong enough and he's not brave enough to play that role. But he's a young lad and I'd love him to come back and say, 'I'll show you, Burnsy'. For me, though, Burke has to play on the wing or not at all.

If you had Peter Shilton, you wouldn't play him anywhere else but in goal. It's the same with Oliver Burke.

would play either him or Jamie Ward on the right ahead of Ryan Mendes. In fact, I would put Jack Hobbs there ahead of Mendes.

I've said it several times before, Mendes always picks the wrong option. If he should head it, he kicks it. If he should pass it, he shoots.

He always makes the wrong choice, for me. I can't remember him having a really good game.

That's why I thought Williams might have started with Ward on Saturday, even though he was just coming back from injury. He's a nasty little terrier and he would have been desperate to show Derby what they had let go."

Read more: http://www.nottinghampost.com/Kenny-Burns-Nottingham-Forest-squad-good/story-28958932-detail/story.html#ixzz43X6BH0NR 
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5 minutes ago, philmycock said:

Kenny Burns writes like I used to when I was in reception class.

Which has to be said is his genius. His is the sort of column that might have been written by a secret posse of continental intellectuals, perhaps led by Umberto Eco. This is the primeval brain stripped bare and then beyond, going where no writer has ever gone before. You can almost sense Burns' mind slowly ticking, trying to form these words and somehow force them out onto the page. It's stream of consciousness where there is almost no consciousness present; in no other written work is the firing of an individual neuron so apparent. Critics will debate it for years; a Nobel Prize perhaps beckons.

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6 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:

Which has to be said is his genius. His is the sort of column that might have been written by a secret posse of continental intellectuals, perhaps led by Umberto Eco. This is the primeval brain stripped bare and then beyond, going where no writer has ever gone before. You can almost sense Burns' mind slowly ticking, trying to form these words and somehow force them out onto the page. It's stream of consciousness where there is almost no consciousness present; in no other written work is the firing of an individual neuron so apparent. Critics will debate it for years; a Nobel Prize perhaps beckons.

So a sentence from Kenny burns is a black swan event ☺

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