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Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues


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We all walk a thin line. Losing a job and income due to redundancy can be a tough experience with inevitable loss of self-esteem. It can happen to anyone. Anyone can be in the wrong place at the wrong time. 

Similarly everyone wants to have a partner or a group of good friends that they can rely on for support but i would say don't put too much faith in friends or family. Just keep playing the hand your are dealt. There are no magic answers. 

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Thanks guys, I'll keep plogging on. Nice just to get it out there. See that we're all just Human after all! 

I believe things happen for a reason and really I wasn't going anywhere in my current job.. Because it was unique. Hopefully someone upstairs is telling me that theres jobs with progression out there.

I hope so anyway! :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

some self-important kick-boxer is trying to suggest Depression is a mood which can be avoided by being positive. Personally, I think he's a f****** moron and I hope he gets beat up by a girl and hits a bout of depression to cure his ignorance.

If you suffer, please be ignorant to his ignorance. He probably thinks being gay is a choice too.

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5 hours ago, Moist One said:

some self-important kick-boxer is trying to suggest Depression is a mood which can be avoided by being positive. Personally, I think he's a f****** moron and I hope he gets beat up by a girl and hits a bout of depression to cure his ignorance.

If you suffer, please be ignorant to his ignorance. He probably thinks being gay is a choice too.

Part of the,suck it up and get on with it brigade.

I think it's a bit more complex than your glass being half empty/full.


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On 16/09/2017 at 09:25, coneheadjohn said:

@angieram how did your suicide prevention event go last week?

I hope you don't mind me putting this in here.

Thanks for asking. I did post a little about the evening in the thread in Rams talk. https://dcfcfans.uk/topic/27150-world-suicide-prevention-day-at-pride-park/ but didn't appreciate the comment I got so gave up at that point. I suppose that highlights just why awareness raising is still needed and I probably should have posted here rather than in the football thread.

I had some heartfelt conversations with people who I know from matches - that can be very difficult as we normally just talk about the football. 

We gave out loads of information so if just one person gives that to someone who needs it at the right moment it will all have been worth it. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Now is the time of year my mood traditionally drops to a mild misery. Leaving the house when it’s dark and leaving work in the dark, combined with the thoughts of another lonely Christmas trying to avoid being a burden on people but wanting interaction with them all adds up for a lengthy spell of a face like a slapped arse. 

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1 hour ago, Moist One said:

Now is the time of year my mood traditionally drops to a mild misery. Leaving the house when it’s dark and leaving work in the dark, combined with the thoughts of another lonely Christmas trying to avoid being a burden on people but wanting interaction with them all adds up for a lengthy spell of a face like a slapped arse. 

Won't help with the Christmas issue, but have you tried using one of those daylight lamps? 

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