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Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues


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8 hours ago, Paul71 said:

Sometimes its not easy to articulate what we feel. I'm rubbish at it.

We try and say the right things but often there is a fear we say the wrong thing or it comes across the wrong way. Its hard online as you don't see the emotion in text like you do in person.

You don't need to give words of wisdom, most of the time you can't. Just let them know you are thinking of them that's enough. 

This probably sounds like rambling, its late and I've had a couple of beers, i hope your tough time does improve, don't worry about sharing not matter how big or small you think the problem might be.



It's not rambling Paul, you've helped clarify what i need to practice doing.  Thank you.

My problem runs a little deeper than that though, it's some kind of weird aversion.  i will give an example of what i mean.  i am a member of a poetry page.  Members give comments to each other's works, usually those who follow them.  i intend to read their works and comment but then i start getting dread over it and postpone it and it ends up with not doing it at all and then i beat myself up over it, it's a vicious circle. 

On that site you really do get what you give, it's how the place works and i have lost many a follower because of this.  i do comment at times but all too rarely.  My instinct is to run away, to leave the place and never come back, but i would miss expressing myself through poetry and putting it out there.  i'm a nobody there and it hurts me to realize that, for i do have some talent.  i then tell myself my works are worthless and therefor i am worthless.  Emotionally i seem to be like a child sometimes, insecure and needy.  i am going to tough it out and stick around but pause posting my works and concentrate on others until i can feel more comfortable with it. 

i came to this decision after reading your comment.

BTW, this place here is where i feel most comfortable, among my fellow Rams

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5 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

In this regard Paul, on a good few occasions recently l have wanted to post something wise regarding your particular circumstances but failed miserably.  I have however thought of you lots, and l sincerely hope that things are on the up.

That goes for me too Paul

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11 hours ago, ramit said:

i wish i could do as you fine folks, give good advice to those in need and be there for them.  i read what a troubled forum member writes and i want to help out and write something sensible or comforting but i just can't do it.  Have tried a few times but always deleted it.  i used to think it was because i am too self obsessed, some sort of psycho, that i don't really care about people, but i am understanding it better now, i don't feel i am worthy to give any advice or comfort, it feels fraudulent.  It's self loathing really. 

i am going through a tough couple of days now, hope it won't be much longer than that, it usually isn't.  It's just so frustrating, wanting to spread kindness and be supportive and being unable to.  i know it would also help me if i could do it. 

You who give of yourself to alleviate the pain of your fellow forum members, i admire you very much.  You possess a quality of great value.



1 hour ago, i-Ram said:

In this regard Paul, on a good few occasions recently l have wanted to post something wise regarding your particular circumstances but failed miserably.  I have however thought of you lots, and l sincerely hope that things are on the up.

Just remember that sometimes the most simplistic post have the most effect.

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we are all human and all have flaws and challenges. Never apologise for having feelings. The sooner you accept that you are allowed to feel the way you feel, the sooner you will adjust and accept yourself. @ramit do not be ashamed or embarrassed for being uncomfortable doing certain things. You are who you are. There will be those uncomfortable doing things that come naturally to you. You have 2 obvious choices, a) Work on becoming how you wish to be, but in small stages. or b) accept the way you are, realise it's not a real problem, just a characteristic, stand your ground and live by your strengths. Your explanation makes sense to me, so stick it in your 'bio' on your poetry page. The best poets are tortured geniuses, why should you be different? ;) 

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12 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

we are all human and all have flaws and challenges. Never apologise for having feelings. The sooner you accept that you are allowed to feel the way you feel, the sooner you will adjust and accept yourself. @ramit do not be ashamed or embarrassed for being uncomfortable doing certain things. You are who you are. There will be those uncomfortable doing things that come naturally to you. You have 2 obvious choices, a) Work on becoming how you wish to be, but in small stages. or b) accept the way you are, realise it's not a real problem, just a characteristic, stand your ground and live by your strengths. Your explanation makes sense to me, so stick it in your 'bio' on your poetry page. The best poets are tortured geniuses, why should you be different? ;) 

Oh now you did it, watch out, gonna have to hug you


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Sith Happens

Had my mental health assesment today and has been recommended I attend some cognitive behavioral therapy sessions, so they will be writing to me with some options and dates.

Not really sure what to expect really.




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5 hours ago, Paul71 said:

Had my mental health assesment today and has been recommended I attend some cognitive behavioral therapy sessions, so they will be writing to me with some options and dates.

Not really sure what to expect really.




Be open-minded, these things sound silly to us cynics, but I guarantee you'll find value in it.

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Sith Happens
42 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

Be open-minded, these things sound silly to us cynics, but I guarantee you'll find value in it.

I think thats the most difficult thing. It is not something I ever imagined doing.

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On 14/06/2017 at 10:25, Paul71 said:

Had my mental health assesment today and has been recommended I attend some cognitive behavioral therapy sessions, so they will be writing to me with some options and dates.

Not really sure what to expect really.




Good luck brother,keep us informed(if you want)?

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  • 3 weeks later...
2 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

Of course it is. I don't know you but lots on here seem to, so don't be not telling us if you're a bit blue! Tell us how things are going. :)

I'm fine mate,I manage things well.

Lads got a pretty big appointment on Tuesday so stress levels are high but I always try and keep calm for his sake.

I think that's why I started thinking about some of the posters on here.

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2 minutes ago, coneheadjohn said:

Lads got a pretty big appointment on Tuesday so stress levels are high but I always try and keep calm for his sake.

I think that's why I started thinking about some of the posters on here.

Hope things go well. You can't rely on the Rams to help your stress levels!

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Suffered from depression before... alright now though!

it warms my heart to see a thread like this! None of us are alone and talking about it really does make it better! 

Keep fighting people, it's a fight worth fighting and when you win it feels great!

if ANYBODY on here wants to talk about anything then let me know ? 

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Sith Happens
On 30/06/2017 at 21:12, coneheadjohn said:

Is everyone doing ok?



Everyone else?


Thanks for asking. Just got back off hols so not really been online much.

Doing Ok, holiday was relaxing.

Due back at work thursday but also have my next hospital appointment thursday so not sure how to play that, will see how week goes now im back. Got my dates through for 'Anxiety and Stress Management Course' but doesnt start until August.

Hope things ok with you and your lad.

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1 minute ago, Paul71 said:


Thanks for asking. Just got back off hols so not really been online much.

Doing Ok, holiday was relaxing.

Due back at work thursday but also have my next hospital appointment thursday so not sure how to play that, will see how week goes now im back. Got my dates through for 'Anxiety and Stress Management Course' but doesnt start until August.

Hope things ok with you and your lad.

That's good mate.

I hadn't seen you post so was hoping you were ok.

Be interested to know about the stress course,understand if you want to keep it private.

How's your physical health?

Lads not doing great,we're down to Birmingham in the morning to see if we can find a way forward.


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