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Raheem sterling : is he worth £49 million


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Heard the news that a deal has been agreed between Liverpool and Manchester city for a reported £49 million !!!! 

As the title says above anyone really think he's worth that ! The boys good but there was talk of him coming to US on loan a couple of seasons ago ! Is this just the case of homegrown players being well over priced ? 


Opinions please !

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Is he worth £49 million? No.

It's not good for the English game. We want English talent in the top English teams to develop. When players like Charlie Austin cost £15mil, why would a club pay that? I think City are stupid for paying £49mil for him, but their owners have probably earnt more than £49mil in the time it's taken me to write this post.

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Def overpriced and unproven,the kid has talent but is a long way short of being the finished article ,typical of city paying so much ,wouldn't surprise me if he comes to nothing and becomes a ruined prospect.

Liverpool should be concerned that they can't keep young talent and 49 mill if previous signings are to go by will be wasted by their present manager.

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You just don't need to spend that money on any one player. It's not neccessary.  

Even if you could pick up Ronaldo or Messi for that money. Are they going to be able to step you up significantly? One player? 

Wouldn't make Southampton top 3? 

Wouldn't make Arsenal better than Real, Barca or Bayern?

How many Juventus or Roma players could you buy with £50m. Good players. 3 or so good players that could make that significant step. What about at clubs like Benfica or Porto. You could probably pick up 2 of their better players for the price of one spotlight player. Oscar at Chelsea. What is he worth at this minute? Tomas Rosicky, Shaqiri, De Rossi... 

Nani was cheap as fook. I know he's not great but if that's the value for a player like that then what's out there for £15m. £20m. 

I just don't get these outlandish fees on spotlight players. I genuinley wouldn't want Derby to buy Messi for £50m. What can he do for us? What could 5 £10m players do for us. 

Real Madrid bought Bale for what? €80m? Could you see €80m worth of improvement in them? 

For a world class player the going rate is almost half of what Man City want to give Liverpool. But when you insist on going for these spotlight players who are the next big thing... Madness.  

When Nani and RVP are going around at their prices. Shaqiri apparently priced under £20m. One of the best players in the PL last season was Ashley Young, Alexis Sanchez was what? 23m? Don't pay £50m for any ONE player. Idiots

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No, absolutely not. Granted, he's a talent but what has he actually done.

Hes had one decent season at Liverpool and that was mainly down to playing along side Saurez who to be fair made a lot of mediocre players look good. 

Ok his skill and speed are pretty on the eye at times but his goalscoring and assists to goals record are not much to shout about. 

In my eyes he's hardly worth 20 million, maybe when he really starts proving himself he may live up to the price tag but whether that happens at Manchester City we will have to wait and see.

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No he isn't. As I said in the other thread and like the guy above me said it was suarez that made players like sterling look better than they actually are. Had a quick glance at the mcfc forum to see their reactions and funnily enough most of them, if not all of them think he is worth it, some even think that he is a bargain. Those mancs have got more money than sense.

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The only way the money would be justified would be if he made the difference between second and first, the icing on the cake, the new Messi or Ronaldo.

In Sterling's case, I think that's somewhere between 'no chance' and 'no fecking chance'.

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When you take into account the fee is a million more than Real Madrid paid for Zidane you realise what an utter joke it is.

This is why, in some ways, I'm happy Derby are plying their trade in the Championship, it's not stuffed to the gills with over-paid charlatans who're more concerned about the shine they're getting off their Bentley Continentals (a true indicator of money not buying class), than actually winning things.  And The FA wonder why more & more people don't give a **** about the England team when they pander to overrated prima donas like him.

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Got to be a good chance of being the biggest flop in history. A really selfish player who's never even seen a pair of shooting boots, got way too many flaws in his game to be holding Liverpool to ransom. Man City are complete lunatics for wanting him in his current state.

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