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Future Decided


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Mixed feelings for me as well.

I think there was just cause for giving him a p45 but at the end of the day things could have been a lot worse and I will trust the decision of Sam Rush. He made the right decision sacking Nigel and hopefully he's done it again.

Hopefully we can have a good transfer window and see some acknowledgement of the issues we suffered with regards to who we sign. And also, let's get back to playing exciting, attacking football in a 4-3-3 where we score lots. Playing defensive hoofball doesn't suit our current personnel at all. COYR.

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Are you lad's kidding me? Seriously? We all know that if Newcastle we're comfortably midtable he'd have been packing his bags as we speak. The only reason he's not committing to them now is because he knows they could be in the same division as us next season. Anybody putting this down as a sign of loyalty from McClaren is deluded. Seemed to me that he was ready to abandon us as soon as he could.

I think it's gonna take a hell of a lot for him to earn back the trust of the fan's that have supported him and this team through thick and thin. To be honest, as much as it makes me sound like a fair weather supporter, I wouldn't have been gutted had he buggered off to Newcastle. Hope this time next year I'm sat here feeling like a prat cos Stevie Mac has lead us back to the promised land but unfortunately I doubt it.


​Sorry, just because you believe something doesn't mean that we all have to be as gullible as you.

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​Fair enough, you make some good point's but I still believe his plan was to get us promoted, then bugger off to Newcastle.  Unfortunately the last 3 months we have been on a terrible run and no matter which way you look at it he has to take a certain amount of responsibility for that,.


Of course I'm going to keep going, I'll keep going no matter who own's us, who play's for us, who manages us and whatever league we're in and this season I have had to put up with a lot of new faces in the stands who we're seemingly angry at us every game. I swear if we werent 2-0 up after 10 mins they'd start shouting about everybody being *****. The one good thing about our failure this season is a hopeful weeding out of these type of 'supporters'.

That being said I find it hard to believe that any season ticket holding, away day following rams fan can't come to the conclusion that McClaren had lost that group of players months ago. He fancied the Newcastle job and has tip toe'd around the subject until it became obvious that a] he'd seriously cocked up his job at our club and b] Newcastle may not be as attractive an initial job as  t first seemed.

As long as he's in charge I'll support him and his team, of course I will, no real fan would boo somebody employed by our club, but he has a long way to go too win back my faith in him and I doubt I'm alone in that feeling. 



So why don't you follow your own mind instead of listening to those around you?

dont you feel that the football has been exciting this season, even the last few games when we knew it wasn't going to happen. How do you know that the Newcastle thing has affected them, it wasn't an issue in January, it was only when the results went against us that everyone started saying it was a problem. It's more plausible that the old guard players were put out by new players in the side ahead of them. Great, your going to support them next season, but isn't that unconditional? Did you say when you renewed that it was on condition that we went up/made the play-offs/ didn't capitulate in the last 10 games? Do you think the players and manager have scuppered their own chances of playing/competing in the Prem out of spite like those around you on Saturday?

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My thoughts after the game were that we would some changes this summer either the manager or the players, if Mac is staying then I'm quite sure we will see some changes to the playing staff, I mean that's 2 failed promotion attempts surely that means certain players at the club just aren't up to it. 

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So why don't you follow your own mind instead of listening to those around you?

dont you feel that the football has been exciting this season, even the last few games when we knew it wasn't going to happen. How do you know that the Newcastle thing has affected them, it wasn't an issue in January, it was only when the results went against us that everyone started saying it was a problem. It's more plausible that the old guard players were put out by new players in the side ahead of them. Great, your going to support them next season, but isn't that unconditional? Did you say when you renewed that it was on condition that we went up/made the play-offs/ didn't capitulate in the last 10 games? Do you think the players and manager have scuppered their own chances of playing/competing in the Prem out of spite like those around you on Saturday?

​The last few games have been an emotional roller coaster, but I wouldn't have missed them for the world.

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 C'mon Curb. No of course not, be sensible. I renew my season ticket because I love Derby. Regardless of league standing or anything else. It's impossible to put our failure down to one individual thing. That's far too simplistic. It's down to a combination of a number of factors. Injuries, loss of form, constant changing of the back 4 etc... But I do believe that there has been a belief amongst the playing staff that McClaren wasn't there for the long haul and as much as that shouldn't affect a group of well paid professionals it has.

The point you make about the old guard being put out by new players is as much pure speculation as the Newcastle rumor's, if not more so because as least there were journo's reporting the Newcastle story. I know that sports journalist's will put 2 and 2 together and get 4013567 a lot of the time but so many stories, reported by so many different people? C'mon their had to be something in that. Regardless of what the red top tabloids were saying I was never convinced by any of the interviews McClaren gave that he was committed to us. That plus the complete lack of belief that our squad had as soon as we entered March {yes we dominated games in the period between then and now but did we really believe we would win?} leads me to the conclusion I've previously stated.

Of course I've no proof of this, same as you've no proof to the contrary because it's all hearsay and opinion, without infiltrating the dressing room or knowing the friend of some bloke who cleans the windows of Lee Naylors brother that's all I've got. But I've gotta be honest and say what I feel. Hell had we finished 5th and gone up via the playoffs my feelings would be the same. 

Hey like I said I hope this time next year I'm sat here with egg on my face as we celebrate Steve McClaren leading us to promotion but I think in a years time they'll be a different face in charge of our club.

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Happy there is stability and that Mac is staying; happy to disregard those who seem to think they speak for every fan and spout off about not trusting Mac, still expecting him to go anyway. All busy-busy being duped by the tw@tter, media and forum blather.

Some fans seem to expect a personal audience with Mac & Rush to placate and reassure them, even now, and to have to explain patiently how media ferrets just want to propel a story and sell copy.  It's been truly tiresome; some people will never let it go.

If it has all affected some players, get rid of them and get some that will focus on their jobs and reward supporter loyalty. Whoever wears that shirt will be playing to 30,000 gates that have the expectations of promotion. If players aren't ready (and prepared) for that, they are no use to our club.

Mac was quite relaxed at the recent forum (I was there) and he tried to explain how the speculation follows people around, how the football gossip machine works, he was even humourous about things - but also indignant about the lack of respect being shown to the subjects of speculation.

Mac now has some serious sorting-out to do; his loyalty to some players, including the captain, has not been rewarded by successful performances. There are sure to be better characters out there to take the club on and put 2014-15 behind us. I do feel that we have a skilled and enterprising recruitment team and that future signings and loans can repair the shortcomings & gaps in the current squad.

Scoring 100 goals (in League & cups) and getting nowhere demonstrates how our defence and midfield have been found sorely lacking.

Fitness, stamina, reliable squad depth and hitting the ground running in August are all that really matter. Perhaps we will be playing Newcastle United next season and can laugh at them - without having lost our Head Coach to them!



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I thought I was one of the few being sensible.....

you sign off again saying that about promotion, as if they've denied you of a divine right, again I ask you, do you think anyone at the club deliberately denied you of promotion, or is it that they've tried their best and it wasn't quite good enough?

Would you prefer it if we'd spent all season in mid table playing percentage football and not have the P word dangled in front of us?

You've been to a certain number of away games, add up how many goals you've seen us score this season, how many clean sheets, isn't it enough that you've enjoyed the football and the P word is a bonus?

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Why would people be unhappy?- well, this season has shown that perhaps he ain't all he's cracked up to be as a coach and , as far as I'm concerned, he's less than convincing when it comes to buying quality players

Lots of reasons for our bad run but you cannot discredit SM to be a bad coach because of it. SOME of his signings havent come off but then that is not all down to him. Don't like this sacking culture you're keen on implementing. If there is a chance of keeping a top class coach at Derby, who has us competing at the right end of the table and attracting PL interest from other clubs, I think we should all be happy. 

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I thought I was one of the few being sensible.....

you sign off again saying that about promotion, as if they've denied you of a divine right, again I ask you, do you think anyone at the club deliberately denied you of promotion, or is it that they've tried their best and it wasn't quite good enough?

Would you prefer it if we'd spent all season in mid table playing percentage football and not have the P word dangled in front of us?

You've been to a certain number of away games, add up how many goals you've seen us score this season, how many clean sheets, isn't it enough that you've enjoyed the football and the P word is a bonus?

No of course nobody deliberately threw away our promotion chances, where did I say that they did? ​I enjoyed last season more to be honest. Their was less expectation, less pressure. The football was better. It was all so unexpected and that made it brilliant.

This year I hoped for a top 6 finish, but mainly I hoped for more of the same attractive football and on the whole I've got that. McClaren has undoubtedly moved us forward and were in a better position now than what we were when he arrived BUT with the resources made available to him we should have finished top 6 minimum. But where we finished is irrelevant to the debate we're having. We could be going up as champions or rock bottom like Blackpool and my belief would be the same.

This is all nowhere near the initial point of debate, which was is McClaren showing loyalty to us by staying for another year?or has he realised that the Newcastle job isn't the great opportunity he thought it'd be and has backtracked?

I think he wanted the Newcastle job up until about 3 week's ago when he realised just how much they were in trouble.Now he's saying he want;s to 'put things right' at Derby. It's all 3 months too late for me.

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My god we have some idiots as 'fans', I've been watching Derby since 1990 and the enjoyment I've had from the football since McClaren & Co arrived can only be rivalled by a couple of years under Jim.

McClaren Out? You must be bloody joking. There's a lot of dross managers out there, just be careful what you wish for.

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My god we have some idiots as 'fans', I've been watching Derby since 1990 and the enjoyment I've had from the football since McClaren & Co arrived can only be rivalled by a couple of years under Jim.

McClaren Out? You must be bloody joking. There's a lot of dross managers out there, just be careful what you wish for.

and who was the young upcoming coach under Jim Smith?

what happened when he left?

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Not a @ddcfcrammyboy fan but there are some people very high up the DCFC ladder who also agree that McClaren will not be Derby manager next season.

Unless there have the initials SR or SM Im not sure how they can be so certain of this.

Maybe they should stick to serving the tea rather than reading the Tea leaves.

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My god we have some idiots as 'fans', I've been watching Derby since 1990 and the enjoyment I've had from the football since McClaren & Co arrived can only be rivalled by a couple of years under Jim.

McClaren Out? You must be bloody joking. There's a lot of dross managers out there, just be careful what you wish for.

Couldn't have put it better myself and I've been watching and supporting Derby since 1962 

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Between a rock and a hard place for me. If he left we would have suffered and if he stays we will suffer. Just depends now if the suffering doesn't impact a promotion push. I think we will suffer less with him staying. However this should have all been sorted long ago. SM has lost a lot of respect from me. The next few days are big. Who is part of the plans and who isn't. 


Thats where I'm at. Asked me a few weeks ago and I wouldve loved the idea that Mac was staying and we would have him for the forsee able.

But being at the ipro on Saturday has really tarnished my opinion of the current set up.

I don't want a new broom and I hope that Steve can make a go of it and we can walk the league next year.

But the way we played on Saturday, the complete lack of cohesion, desire, will - looked a little bit beyond repair.

Whether it's a coffee cup, a secret deal with toon, holocaust denial, expecting too much of some players, lack of plan B,  round pegs and square holes, inability to find a back 4 or a captain - he's had a very bad 2 months.....I wish him and the team well, but is a fit George Thorne really gonna put a plaster over all of that?

Fingers crossed....

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