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The Fawaz Circus 2015


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Apparently opta are creating a new set of KPIs because of Martin

Time spent on the floor

Number of occurrence player has gone to ground

Head shots from snipers received

Number of swallow dives

If only the Football league would introduce some measure of KPI's, maybe with rules and punishments agreed by all sides, such as maximum permissable loss, etc.

Then maybe tinpot clubs with diminishing followings and crackpot owners wouldn't be allowed to put their futures in hock chasing their long forgotten glory days, at least not without risking some form of punishment, say a Transfer window ban?

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Apparently opta are creating a new set of KPIs because of Martin

Time spent on the floor

Number of occurrence player has gone to ground

Head shots from snipers received

Number of swallow dives

You should realise red dog that your win was set up, we let you win, we felt sorry for you.

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Apparently opta are creating a new set of KPIs because of Martin

Time spent on the floor

Number of occurrence player has gone to ground

Head shots from snipers received

Number of swallow dives


Because everyone in football knows Martin is the only player that gets fouled, pushed in the back, smacked in the face, kicked up in the air etc.


You said you watched the game twice, yet your views are still blinkered and that's only because he plays for us. If he played for fulham you wouldn't give him one single mention.


As it is, we have the best forward in the league, got him for nowt and you don't like it!, that's the reason you all bang on about him. Jealousy can be a very bad thing ya know. ;)

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and how can you say I was inaccurate without watching it again. I mean surely someone that watched ANYTHING twice is more likely to be more accurate in their conclusions that some that has watched something once


That all depends if the person who watched it twice is a biased treetard or not...  You go on & on about Martin being a cheat but I'm sure theres a pretty extensive list of Gump strikers down the years who used to kid the ref into giving them easy fouls.  In fact every single club has them.  Are all F**est strikers salt of the earth types who would never bismerch good name of NFFC???  You call Buxton dirty, the bloke sat in your dugout was one of the nastiest b**tards around when he laced up his boots and you worship him.  Double standards...


Going back to your other comments do you think if both sides had played the same way in the 1st half as they did in the 2nd you'd have scored two goals???

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Going back to your other comments do you think if both sides had played the same way in the 1st half as they did in the 2nd you'd have scored two goals???

Quite possibly

First half we had 2 stonewall penalty decisions turned down

Half chance by Antonio

Half chance by Britt

Half chance by Hobbs

Your goal came from a lucky OG

From the question I deduce that you believe you were good in the first half and we were bad.

Let me let you into a little secret. You weren't. We weren't. You had better possession but in the main we had the better opportunities with a decent red.

And you didn't hoof it in the second half. We pressed you high up the pitch which forced you SOMETIMES to be more direct than normal

Edit: biased? Not in my second viewing I don't think. Have you seen what I wrote about my club. Don't think that's someone that can't see both sides of a coin. Take your blinkers off let's see what you can see :)

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Quite possibly

First half we had 2 stonewall penalty decisions turned down

Half chance by Antonio

Half chance by Britt

Half chance by Hobbs

Your goal came from a lucky OG

From the question I deduce that you believe you were good in the first half and we were bad.

Let me let you into a little secret. You weren't. We weren't. You had better possession but in the main we had the better opportunities with a decent red.

And you didn't hoof it in the second half. We pressed you high up the pitch which forced you SOMETIMES to be more direct than normal

Edit: biased? Not in my second viewing I don't think. Have you seen what I wrote about my club. Don't think that's someone that can't see both sides of a coin. Take your blinkers off let's see what you can see :)


I saw two goals that were very avoidable from a team point of view.  I saw us play the worst half of football I've witnessed since Paul Jewell's last game in charge against Charlton when all we did was boot it into the corners for Luke varney to run on to (just typing his name makes me feel ill)...  You don't watch us a lot so you don't have any concept of how bad that 2nd half performance was compared to how we usually are.  We were like rabbits in the headlights.  The ball in by Osbourne for your first wasn't even very good, bread & butter for pub sides but Keogh flapped and gave it ASS on a plate.  Even Grant should've done better...  This result is more depressing than the QPR result simply because we didn't play our game.  It would be just as bad if it were Millwall or Brentford because we were soooooooo poor...

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Tonight's a huge game for Forest: If they win, they can begin to believe they've turned a corner and a top 10 finish is possible. If they lose though, you could argue that they're in a worst position than if they lost to us and Psycho was sacked.


The win against us has bought him the rest of the season, no matter how bad they are.

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