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The Fawaz Circus 2015


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Can we start a petition to get Jewell in at Forest?

Dear Fridgy,

Mr Jewell was pivotal in helping Derby gain 11pts in the premier league and hence has a similar legendary status amongst gumps and would be ideal as an alternative to bringing back Billy Davies.

Appoint him after sacking Pearce and you shall once again become the darling of the gumps.

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Nottingham resident Darren Fletcher on 606 podcast not showing an ounce of local bias when saying "you look at the top six, at Bournemouth, Watford, Ipswich, Brentford & Boro & think 'are any of those squads better than Fo*est's?' and they're not'.  He at least retained a smidgen of journalistic integrity by not naming Derby's...  Muppet

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A quote form Forest Vital forum


"1 player is going to get a lengthy injury as we always get one against those cheating fouling c**ts! My worry is what that clogger ale house footballer Buxton does to Britz or Antz"


He's better that what they've got, so how does he rate his own defenders, I wonder.

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The unwashed hordes of LTLF seem to have a rather perverse view of reality, Dawny. Strangely enough, for those so vociferous in their support or criticism of Forest, said view doesn't appear to actually involve watching them when they play.

 How on earth can you gauge whether people are goinguness they put - i was/was not at this game? Il openly admit I wasn't around to watch the first 3 months of the season and have only began going again as of the Hudders away game.. 

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A quote form Forest Vital forum


"1 player is going to get a lengthy injury as we always get one against those cheating fouling c**ts! My worry is what that clogger ale house footballer Buxton does to Britz or Antz"


He's better that what they've got, so how does he rate his own defenders, I wonder.



He really isn't. He's just playing in a good side with an established philosophy. Not led by a poor management team with zero confidence, like ours

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He really isn't. He's just playing in a good side with an established philosophy. Not led by a poor management team with zero confidence, like ours


One of the reasons we're so good is largely due to our defence's ability to play football.


Not to mention stopping teams from scoring. 


He's a stopper, an extremely good stopper with a very good footballing brain and ability.


Apart from that, I'm sure your lot are better.  :rolleyes:

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 How on earth can you gauge whether people are goinguness they put - i was/was not at this game? Il openly admit I wasn't around to watch the first 3 months of the season and have only began going again as of the Hudders away game.. 


It's easy to determine when they were not at the game - lengthy posts timestamped between 3:00 and 5:00 on a Saturday tends to be a giveaway.


You are excused, Dawny, because you're still digging the sand out of your arsecrack.

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It's amazing with the amount we dive, we only just edge Forest on being fouled against.


Derby fouled - 300

Forest fouled - 282


18 in it. Weird that.

It's not weird referees have it in for Forest and they only get awarded one free kick for every ten times they are fouled that makes it 2820 that Forest have been fouled. There is a 100 page thread on Ltlf about how all referees have got it in for them if you want proof.

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A quote form Forest Vital forum


"1 player is going to get a lengthy injury as we always get one against those cheating fouling c**ts! My worry is what that clogger ale house footballer Buxton does to Britz or Antz"


He's better that what they've got, so how does he rate his own defenders, I wonder.



To be fair he's got a point. Surely you haven't forgotten Bucko using his awesome telekinetic powers at the City Ground to break both Reid and Cohen without even touching them?

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He really isn't. He's just playing in a good side with an established philosophy. Not led by a poor management team with zero confidence, like ours


Unbelievable. You've seen him play on tele and against your shower, one of the best centre backs int league.

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I feel sorry for how little they actually know about how we play football, or just general football...


"Derby are specialists when it comes to gamesmanship.

If they are struggling to impose themselves, then they will start to fall over very easily to win free kicks.

Often, they do it consecutively to progress, free kick by free kick up the pitch.

When he's not falling over himself, Will Hughes is on the scene of the 'foul' in seconds, as if he saw it coming, to take it.

9/10, refs fall for it.

I don't need stats to prove anything.

I've seen it live and often, with my own two eyes."


- gedlingred

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