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James McClean


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How can we possibly sign a player who doesn't show loyalty to the British armed forces? At this rate we'll be signing Argies next :o


Too late... we have one on trial.


Bet he f*cking love the Falklands.

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That the probleam today young people have no respect for anyone it is armed forces who have kepted a free country and also even today who continue to do so.

I'd like to disagree, I'm in my late teens so you could say I'm a youngster.

I've been part of the scout association since I was 6, meaning I've been part of it for over a decade, I have never missed a single Memorial Day, even though for the last many years my parents asked whether i want to go to get me their, I always say yes to show my respect.

I spent a year fundraising

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Well says rebpublic ireland international so get your fact stright mate and that bit is part of brittin.

Oh dear, B4. Normally defend you to the death but, on this occasion, there may be some who who resent your statement so much, I may actually have to defend you and suffer the consequence. Death.

I'd have said, in the ordinary usage of the word "Britain", most would mean either the UK or the Island of Great Britain (Britannia in the Asterix comics).

Not since the time of Eamon Valera and Michael Collins has the former included Ireland; suspect the latter hasn't been true since Gondwanaland.

Checked Wikipedia and it agrees. So MUST be right. Although, strangely, there's no reference to Asterix. Don't they teach classical history any more for crying out loud?

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They used to boo Mart Poom.

I never agreed with it, no matter how good a save he did, they'd boo him.

No wonder he scored that header against us.

Serves us right.


Didn't know that. Who booed Poom and why? After he left only, I hope? And, yes, that day when he scored the winner (why do I think he scored twice against us? The electro-shock therapy must be wearing off.)

To paraphrase Margaret Thatcher: "who did that? Give me their names."

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That the probleam today young people have no respect for anyone it is armed forces who have kepted a free country and also even today who continue to do so.

being a "young person" I couldn't disagree with this more
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Didn't know that. Who booed Poom and why? After he left only, I hope? And, yes, that day when he scored the winner (why do I think he scored twice against us? The electro-shock therapy must be wearing off.)

To paraphrase Margaret Thatcher: "who did that? Give me their names."


You're probably going to feel very silly in a few minutes.


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I think the situation regarding Ireland has been clarified enough now, we have a definitive answer so let's not go on about it any more than we needed to. I'm sure b4 knows it was a mistake telling people to check their facts, so I'd say leave it at that!

Just for the record, McClean was born in Derry which means he is from Northern Ireland. 

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No thanks. There's a good spirit in the team ATM, we dont want a trouble -maker. And if hes was any good , why would Wigan want to sell him to one of their main promotion rivals?  

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That the probleam today young people have no respect for anyone it is armed forces who have kepted a free country and also even today who continue to do so.

B4, that's a terrible generalisation. There are some aspects of Gen Y (are we up to the next one yet?) that I often find frustrating. The assumption from many (in a probably vain attempt to water down my own generalisation) that they know all and the way they've often been raised in a bubble of getting everything handed to them with no criticism.

But there are other aspects I find very encouraging. One is, in the UK and Australia (it has always been this way in the US except with the dirty, lefty hippies in the '60s and early '70s), the respect for armed forces and decent nationalism I observe is definitely one of them (acceptance of racial, gender and sexual differences is another; young people are far more accepting than my generation IMO).

ANZAC day observance is at record numbers in Australia. The annual ANZAC day AFL match is an awesome event in Melbourne I'd encourage all to google sometime. 90-100k at the MCG every year in silence through the Last Post, the national anthem and the minute's silence gives me goosebumps every year.

From what I understand Memorial Day in the UK has gained similarly in observation.

I'd like to disagree, I'm in my late teens so you could say I'm a youngster.

I've been part of the scout association since I was 6, meaning I've been part of it for over a decade, I have never missed a single Memorial Day, even though for the last many years my parents asked whether i want to go to get me their, I always say yes to show my respect.

I spent a year fundraising

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You're probably going to feel very silly in a few minutes.


Clairvoyance on your CV?

Should be.

Because I read your answer...paused...went red....breathed....gulped....felt very silly.

Gawd, what is happening to my IQ?

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