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Sam Rush on Radio Derby on Monday 25 th feb.


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So to summarise was there nothing of great interest, seems there is more posts trying to point score or trip posters up then debate around the content of the call.

Someone asked if he could guarantee that Clough would be here next year,and he didn't give a direct answer.The previous incumbent would have said 'Absolutely,Nigel's our man.'

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You all moan that there was nothing of interest but what the **** did you expect? The club are quite transparent about things, you know what they'll do in summer just like last few seasons.

I get the impression people were hoping he'd come out and reveal they were gonna drop £20m in the summer, keep dreaming.

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Someone asked if he could guarantee that Clough would be here next year,and he didn't give a direct answer.The previous incumbent would have said 'Absolutely,Nigel's our man.'

Thanks ramblur, it appeared to be turning into the moyston thread again.

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So if we finished a mere place above the relegation zone; despite the rather unflattering finish, aslong we played good football it's acceptable.

Good one.

Now it's that kind of posts that really frustrates me, it's everything about the modern fan.

I've seen so many times on here this year and last, mostly from those who want Clough gone, that we're rubbish under Clough and that

"I'd accept us battling elegation if it only meant we didn't have to watch this rubbish week in week out"


"I'd accept us losing games as long as it meant we were bringing through our own players"


"I could take us losing games as long as I can see the players are giving it their all and/or we're developing a style"

Stop coming out with rubbish like that when it's not meant.

You want the wins NOW, you want the million pound signings NOW and you're going to stamp your feet until you get them.

If you can't have them then fire the manager and start again.

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Thanks ramblur, it appeared to be turning into the moyston thread again.

If you want more meat on the bones,the caller was pro Clough and claimed that the silent majority were of a similar opinion.SR seemed to find this reassuring,and although he didn't answer the question outright, seemed to be praising Nigel and saying we had a good base,probably better than some thought. He said Nigel and the rest were working extremely hard,and that Nigel felt every defeat in the same way the fans did.

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We had the million pound signings last summer, it appears we still need a few more...

We don't actually know that,but if you want to take DET reported fees,we also had a million pounds outgoing and another one not far off.Defender for defender and striker for striker.

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Now it's that kind of posts that really frustrates me, it's everything about the modern fan.

I've seen so many times on here this year and last, mostly from those who want Clough gone, that we're rubbish under Clough and that

"I'd accept us battling elegation if it only meant we didn't have to watch this rubbish week in week out"


"I'd accept us losing games as long as it meant we were bringing through our own players"


"I could take us losing games as long as I can see the players are giving it their all and/or we're developing a style"

Stop coming out with rubbish like that when it's not meant.

You want the wins NOW, you want the million pound signings NOW and you're going to stamp your feet until you get them.

If you can't have them then fire the manager and start again.

Don't read it then, especially don't reply to it in great detail.


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Well at least Mostyn called the show, he had the guts.

True. I didn't listen, due to work, but I'm yet to find out what he asked, what the answers were and most importantly why he was not allowed to ask somewhere between 2 and 5 additional questions.

Of course, my suspicion is that he phoned merely so he could pretend to people that there were certain questions he was not allowed to ask, to facilitate his trolling of this forum.

I would love to be proved wrong though,

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Mostyn seems to be making this up as he goes along.

just noticed?

Actually, yes. I also read a lot of his other thread and a thread by 'Troy'.

You boys got trolololololololed.

True. I didn't listen, due to work, but I'm yet to find out what he asked, what the answers were and most importantly why he was not allowed to ask somewhere between 2 and 5 additional questions.

Of course, my suspicion is that he phoned merely so he could pretend to people that there were certain questions he was not allowed to ask, to facilitate his trolling of this forum.

I would love to be proved wrong though,

Oh my god, I have to ask how old you guys are! It's so childish that you act like internet bullies haha. I've made nothing up since I've posted on here, challenge me on one thing. It's sad that you have no opinion, you didn't even listen to the phone in, yet think it's clever to have a pop at me! I think you need to get a life pal, cos getting kicks out of having a dig at me is pretty sad. I'm no troll, I'll debate the finer points with anyone, just a shame you lack the intelligence to articulate your opinions properly.

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Ok then Mostyn, I'll play. Please prove that you were told not to ask 5 questions, as you have claimed. I said that I would love to be proved wrong. Go right ahead.

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Ok then Mostyn, I'll play. Please prove that you were told not to ask 5 questions, as you have claimed.

Get off the dudes back jeez, so he isn't a fan of Clough why almost TEN pages critising the bloke because his opinion differs and asking him to prove ridiculous things?

Someone said earlier Clough will be gone in the Summer, not one "prove it prove it" comment was said to that.

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Listen again on the Internet, I'm sure it's available now.

Sam Rush was going to be damned if he went on air, and damned if he didn't

In fact, who'd want the job?

Was it not a coincidence that it took ages to fill the post? .

It's a thankless task, but it pays the bills. Don't forget, he's not from Derby, he's an Arsenal fan.

I'm not saying I don't like the guy, but, what's he supposed to say? On paper, we are skint.

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Oh my god, I have to ask how old you guys are! It's so childish that you act like internet bullies haha. I've made nothing up since I've posted on here, challenge me on one thing. It's sad that you have no opinion, you didn't even listen to the phone in, yet think it's clever to have a pop at me! I think you need to get a life pal, cos getting kicks out of having a dig at me is pretty sad. I'm no troll, I'll debate the finer points with anyone, just a shame you lack the intelligence to articulate your opinions properly.

I can't be arsed. If you'd like me to leave you a loan i will. I don't want to feel bullied which is not what i intended.
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