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Posts posted by Ram1988

  1. 14 hours ago, TuffLuff said:

    I wouldn’t be against giving Ed the presenter role and getting a new commentator in. Ed takes a lot of criticism online, sometimes it’s fair but think he’s taken the brunt of a lot of maybe what was collective mistakes.

    It’s a bit hard to explain but I think CC wants to be a sports reporter whilst Ed wants to be a Derby County reporter? And there’s a difference in how you go about each role and both have been learning as they go? Or maybe sounds a bit more backhanded than I intended but anyway. 

    So Ed has been the one talking to sources and probably knows a lot more of what’s going on, but because he’s got a more emotional aspect then I think it sways how he come across. So criticisms of him coming across a bit ‘I know something you don’t know’ or that he can be a bit sniping are valid, but I don’t think it comes from a bad place and his info isn’t ever really wrong (or if it is he puts his hands up to it!).

    CC has kept his head down and done his work, and he’s very good at it, but as fans got desperate then Ed would be the one trying to keep everyone , informed which was an impossible task, and took a lot of criticism whilst doing it.

    It’s been a bugger of a couple of seasons reporting on Derby County, especially for local journalists, they’ve essentially had to learn as they go whilst competing with national journalists for their info. 

    If not Ed, a wild card choice would be Ryan Conway if he was still in the area. A decent journalist at The Athletic who’s got some character,  maybe just needs a few improvements with his info and things like that but wouldn’t be an awful choice if he’s trainable.


    Well said. Ed is passionate about out club and I like how that comes across on the radio. 

    I think Colin Gibson Will step up to take CC's spot personally though.

  2. 21 minutes ago, angieram said:

    That's exactly right. That's what the impasse is. Mel will insist on calling in his investment in the club in full, if we don't continue to use the ground, either by buying or renting it off him. Even if we were only to pay 25% of that, it's at least another 30 million.

    He has us over a barrel and he knows it.


    The rumours on Twitter last night was that some local third party local businesses men were trying to look to offer a deal for PP. I hope there was some truth to this as its all gone quiet around the council buying it.

  3. 1 hour ago, CBRammette said:

    Yep all of them. You mentioned 9pm and may not be alcohol but thought still seemed quite critical when we have no facts other than a few second grainy video. But we all quite rightly have our opinions of that. I just dont want to overly criticise the only person who seems willing and able to save us from liquidation based on a tatty video

    I couldn't care less what he is drinking if he saves us from being liquidated. Surley that is what everyone's concerns and attention should be right now.

  4. If we are moving out of county I don't think we need to worry about having a 25-30,000 stadium as attendances will understanding drop. Meadow lanes 19/20,000 I think would be about right for a season.

    Chesterfields 10,500 I feel is too small but as a last resort maybe Burton 7,000 is the best geographically but is just too small for me.


  5. 10 minutes ago, Jimbo Ram said:

    1 & 2 are a non starter due to capacity, 3 will be complex re fixture arrangements, they already have to avoid playing on the same day as Florist, so Stoke or maybe Fester are 2 realistic options. Parking at the Potters has always been a nightmare and the train station is a fair way from the ground. Think it is about a 15 minute walk to the Walkers from the station.....

    I think Stoke would be more keen to come to some sort of agreement than Leicester but it is just a pain for people to get to (if you live around Derby). No parking and as you say a trek to the station.

    I thought Meadow Lane would make the most sense 19/20,000 which we could fill and it is easy to get to. You are right about it being complex though to avoid home fixtures with Notts County and Forest. 

    All far from ideal...


  6. If talks between Mel and Chris Kirchner break down and no deal can be meet between them (with or without the City Council) for Pride Park and he decides to push ahead where would everyone like to see us play our home games next season?

    Chesterfield ?-  to keep us in Derbyshire

    Burton ? - Just down the road on the A38

    Notts County Ground ? - local 19/20,000 seater ground

    Stoke ? - May be keep to ground share given their financial fair play situation

  7. 39 minutes ago, Kernow said:

    Bradley Johnson has confirmed he's leaving Blackburn on a free transfer. I can't imagine it's very attainable given the fact he's almost certain to have better offers, but I'd love him back.

    Thought he did really well for us before, he was just a victim of our big spending spree and the massive expectations that came with it. It wasn't his fault we paid £6m for him, but he still did a good job. Even if we end up renewing most of our current squad, we're still going to have a very young midfield. He would add some experience and physicality back in to it. Would tear up League One.

    I think Bradley still has connections to the area so I'd like to think he may consider coming back even on vastly reduced wages. He would certainly help add some physicality and experience to our midfield.

    He would have to take a wage we can afford though, no more crazy contracts for a while. 


  8. 12 minutes ago, Ramslad1992 said:

    Sadly B4 Mel doesn’t care about anyone but himself. He’s had plenty of chances to do the right thing but still continues to be a Bamford!

    I for one look forward to the day his name is never uttered again! 

    a man we believed in and trusted has truly screwed us over and for what?! 

    I despise that man with everything 


    This is sadly true Mel doesn't care about anyone but himself he has no integrity or morals. 

  9. 1 hour ago, B4ev6is said:

    Well mel if you are reading this 30k at pp demanding to give ground back and that is what you should do now give keys to kircher and let the club to be reborn as derby county no matter if you dont like somebody in most work places you still have to work with them. And to me this the same you know Rooney is right for for this club he done his best with hands tied behind his back. This also with kircher you may not like him but he wants to do what best for this club. Just do one last thing do the right thing and see the club kircher have a brighter future.

    But I am asking you to leave with some honour and respect for the derby fans that has support this great club derby county since 1884 and none of this to end.

    By B4

    Well said B4 !!

  10. 34 minutes ago, Leeds Ram said:

    the bloke has royally screwed our club over with terrible practices and is holding us to ransom.... we should be seeking every legal measure against the parasite 

    Well said. He is screwing us and our club out of spite. He has no compassion or a moral compass. 


  11. 14 minutes ago, B4ev6is said:

    I cant help but worry now as mel still got the keys and unless someone talk sence into him I would love that to be me. Mel needs to understand the hate towards him now only way he can repair the damage he has done is by giving ground back and help pay the debts he racked up and not derby county.

    I think he will have to come to a deal for the ground, afterall what will he do with a football stadium in a city with no football club. He has to come to a deal even it's last minute. 

  12. 12 minutes ago, B4ev6is said:

    I can bare the pain I am in as long as I got derby county I can carry on.

    Please mel give our ground back I am begging you let us have a fresh start you were not nasty when you first got the club stop being nasty now it is us the fans that are suffering now.

    Well said B4. I feel that a deal is close, so hopefully something will be sorted soon.

    There will always be a Derby County as the club and community belongs to us the fans.

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