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Posts posted by Ram1988

  1. 9 hours ago, Ram@Lincoln said:

    If Chesterfield don't go up, I'd definitely be looking at getting that Tshimanga from them. Natural goalscorer, young with lots of potential. These are the types that go to Peterborough, spend a season or two then get flogged for tens of millions to teams like us! Signing a prolific goalscorer on a free will be rather difficult. If we have any transfer budget, for me, I'd put it all into this guy.

    What fee would he command do we think? As I also think he would he would be a good target.

  2. On 21/04/2022 at 22:14, Mihangel said:

    100% this. We have some fantastic creative fans, I love that. We also have loads who will sit at there keyboards and just moan without offering a positive.

    Well said. I have no idea what those fans want to achieve by always being negative and moaning. We need to rally together and behind our club.

  3. 7 hours ago, Simmo’s left foot said:

    I think a lot of fans have already forgotten the financial constraints we are going to be under. If we deviate from the approved business plan then we are in more trouble. Several years of very little cash to spend I'm afraid. I suspect this will mean mainly home grown players and perhaps a few free transfers here and there.

    No more big contracts for sure.

    I don't expect any big contracts but Allsop, Davies, Stearman and Morrison are only on 4.5k and surley would accept a similar wage next season? All would be great in League One as well.

  4. 36 minutes ago, kevinhectoring said:

    Think it’s broadly this, in no particular order...

    CK needs to agree a business plan with EFl and EFl need to approve him as Owner. He may also want confirmation from them that his proposed deal will not result in a points deduction

    dont know what his requirements are re stadium but whatever they are, that needs to be sorted before he becomes owner.

    He needs to finish his diligence and a contract needs to be signed between him and Q.

    May 7 is the date by which this needs to be done we’re told, but Q could extend that 

    (Quite possible Rooney will need to amend his terms as a condition of the deal with CK)

    Once CK has signed, Q need to get court orders approving the creditor compromises in line with their agreement with CK. once that’s done, they will seek a court order discharging themselves as administrators and the club will be transferred to CK

    Id think (if it proceeds ) the transfer will occur in June/July but who knows. I believe it’s when the transfer happens that he will pay the cash to Q and payments to creditors will be made 


    I hope it's done before then as that means we can't renew any contracts until then. I was hoping/thinking it would all be wrapped up next month.

  5. 11 minutes ago, uttoxram75 said:

    We all know we're down. No one is seriously pretending we'll stay up, people tonight were planning trips to away games they'd never of dreamt they'd be playing at, but we will build from a base of loyal fans, and if Chris Kirchner can complete the takeover and keep Rooney then we will face next season in League 1 (Division 3 to us old buggers), with good heart and optimism.

    If we can keep most of our kids, use Rooney's contacts to get a couple of loans or decent old lads like Jags in, then all Wayne needs to do is find a Bobby Davison and there's no reason why history can't repeat itself.

    I hope Chris can get the deal over the line ASAP. It is essential we keep the core of this sqaud together. It is a special group !

  6. 23 minutes ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    He’s someone I’d have liked us to re-sign this season if the EFL restrictions had allowed, can cover CB and RB, isn’t brilliant, isn’t terrible, would do a job as a squad player at league one level for sure. Plus he’s got experience in and around the club, that’s one thing I think will be vital with any potential rebuild post takeover, we definitely need fresh blood and to think about the future, but a squad also needs those players who have some connection and history to the club. 

    I agree. I think he would be an idea sqaud player for us next season, can player CB or RB, knows the club and after having a season without a club shouldn't have massive wage demands.

  7. I think surley the first job is to offer contracts to our existing first team sqaud, I hope most of then will stay.

    Then our first target surley has to be a centre forward who is a physical presence and get us some nuch neededbgoals. After that I think we need a wide man and another ball winning CM with a bit of bite. 

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