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Posts posted by Ram1988

  1. 36 minutes ago, CBRammette said:

    Sorry I must have missed in the volume. I think its probably just Mel's continued involvement due to stadium that makes it so tricky as to how to direct any money raised. Also needs a trusted partner to run it.  Surprised this isnt something Team Derby would have taken on?

    I agree 100%. I used to feel the administrators should help coordinate it but as I am losing faith I think Team Derby should take it on.

  2. 14 minutes ago, CBRammette said:

    Am I going mad or did Quantuma suggest ages ago after a Meeting with fans groups that one of the supporters groups was looking at crowdfunding? The sensible thing on paper would seem to be to crowd fund towards buying the ground or a % ownership of it but I the issue is that essentially is crowd funding for Mel!! Does anyone know whether some sort of campaign had been considered at all? It just seems weird that it hasnt been

    I mentioned the over the day and feel this needs to be considered at the moment. 

  3. 33 minutes ago, CornwallRam said:

    I do think this is crucial. I think dropping in to League 2 with a committed new owner and 18k gates could actually be preferable to a League 1 relegation struggle with fans drifting away.

    The danger is, imo, missing a season. Then it would so much harder to get into League 2 as the gap would have been filled. For many fans the habit would be broken and they wouldn't come back. Also, the new club would feel less like Derby County with a year long break.


    21 minutes ago, atherstoneram said:

    I have to agree with you, people are now taking it as guaranteed that as a phoenix club we will start in League 2, that was just a suggestion,it could be further down the pyramid. The creation of a phoenix club doesn't just happen overnight or even in the space of a few weeks.

    I also agree. It is vital we can start planning now as a fan base and footballing community whatever the situation will be, we just need to know. The administrators silence and repeated broken deadlines is worrying especially being so close to the end of the season.

  4. 19 minutes ago, Chopper said:

    I thought the same about wanting us down, but I'm even more nervous about intent. I don't know why but why let millions of pounds worth of players leave for nothing in the summer in order to save a few quid on a L1 purchase? Ebosele, Buchanan, Lawrence must surely make up the shortfall for relegation, if sold whilst under contract. Something doesn't sit right, but yeah I get the feeling that League 1, -15, and a blank slate in regards to playing and managerial team is a possible aim. 


    The depressing thing is, if it ends in pheonix in L2 (even cheaper option, so dont discount it) then those us who transfer to this new club: We've won no titles, Stimac, MacFarland, Stamps, Pereplotkins,  Bloomer, none of these played for us. The new owners would buy the ground as selling that white elephant for the owner, would be prudent at that point, but: There is a statue of two people outside the football ground who have absolutely nothing to do with us, just two randoms, might as well be Burt and Ernie. Gordon Guthrie stand? Nothing to do with this club, and why that old clock in the west stand salvaged from a club that existed back in olden times? 

    If the League choose to let us pheonix in the next available space created from a liquidated club (not including the defunct DCFC) then it may even be Conf North with Alfreton.

    I'm sorry to be so negative, and this is 24 hours after the match!


    The only crumb of consolation is it would be the most F@rest thing ever, for their fans in 2050, to be chanting about a club that hasn't existed in nearly 30 years.

    I really hope it doesn't come to this. Surley we could raise the funds needed to help finance the club next season?

  5. 21 minutes ago, BuckoBeast said:

    It really is going to be liquidation isn’t it. I don’t get it. There’s bidders. So let’s just get it done for god sake 

    If this is going to be the case we need to know so we can start working on a phoenix club in time for next season.

  6. 4 hours ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    This has been muted on here a good few times Ram1988, What concerns me is...where does the money go? would the EFL take control of those monies?, Would Quantuma use it for the day to day running of the club, Help pay off creditors?...what

    As the season is coming to a close and reading the posts from the last few weeks, I get the feeling that fans are now resigned to either relegation or liquidation, As at this moment in time...there is more noise from the "silence of the Rams" that the Lambs.

    Fans are getting more and more pi$$ed off with it all ?‍♂️ not all but a fare few i'd wager.

    I think the administrators would need to be involved and it would be used to help secure funding for the club for next season. As you can tell I am getting desperate with it all, all these deadlines being missed and now total silence...

  7. 48 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    Only £1000 per fan, Cost of living rising daily, Covid still with us, Interest rates rising, Fuel at £7.50 per gallon, Food prices up, Gas/Electric prices going into orbit, Easy to put into words, A little more difficult in practise ?‍♂️

    I very much doubt we will raise £30 Million as a fan base, I do belive however we had an official fund raiser we could raise a substantial amount of money to help the club. Surley every little helps?

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